All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 773

"Handling? Your words are terrible! But don\'t worry, he is different from his parents and brothers and sisters, and there is a small agreement between us." Zhang Cheng glanced meaningfully at the red haired boy who lost his left arm.

Obviously, Ron still has a certain use value for him, so he saved his life for the time being.

"In that case, let him sleep for a while," said the Dark Lord, taking his wand and emitting a red light.

Next second

Poor Ron fell straight to the ground and snored loudly. At the same time, the blood from the wound stopped quickly and even began to regenerate slowly.

It has to be said that in the aspect of necromancer magic, Voldemort did have very deep attainments and easily solved the wounds that ordinary wizards need several days to heal.

A faint smile on one\'s face asked him as like as two peas. "Tell me, dear friend, who is the man who looks exactly like Dumbledore?"

"Oh? Why do you ask?" Zhang Cheng winked innocently.

"Ha ha, because I can feel that it\'s not Dumbledore himself at all. Although they look very similar and can almost be said to be a person, their temperament is quite different. How to say, the real Dumbledore will never use the death curse, because what he fears most is to cross the red line of killing and become like me." Voldemort pursed his lips and said why.

If we choose the person who knows Albus Dumbledore best in the world, excluding the previous generation of Dark Lord Garrett Greenwald, it should belong to him.

As a saying goes, the people who know you best are never relatives or friends, but your enemies.

As Voldemort, who regarded Dumbledore as his greatest enemy to realize his ideal in his life from the beginning, he secretly observed each other\'s every move when he was a student, so he easily recognized the differences between the two Dumbledore.

"Ha ha! That\'s right! You guessed right! The one behind is not Dumbledore."

Seeing that his trick was broken, Zhang Chengli couldn\'t help laughing and explained: "To be exact, he is a clone created by me using my genetic genes. How, isn\'t it interesting? With the help of this guy, I not only succeeded in destroying Dumbledore\'s reputation and prestige that took half a century to build, but also created an unexpected enemy for Dumbledore - Harry Potter. Don\'t you think it\'s up to the savior to kill Dumbledore Is duocai the most interesting and ironic? "

"Ah! I see! What a wonderful idea to stimulate hatred through the death of a loved one. I have to admit that you are a genius in playing with people." Voldemort stretched out his tongue and licked his lips like a terrible poisonous snake.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "thank you for your praise. I don\'t think you will refuse Harry Potter now. He is an ace against Dumbledore."

"No! Of course not! How could I let go of such interesting toys. Besides, I heard that you seem to have a plan to destroy the world and are already implementing it?"

After that, Voldemort held up his wand, fired a huge black devil mark into the air and began to summon his death eaters.

In less than a few seconds, mysterious people wearing masks and beautiful cloaks appeared around one after another, kneeling on one knee to pay the highest respect to him.

Looking at these familiar guys, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help smiling, nodding and answering, "yes, I do have a plan to destroy and reshape the whole world, that is, to use thermonuclear weapons invented by ordinary people to kill themselves in large quantities. But the problem is, it has encountered a little trouble now."

"Thermonuclear weapons?" Voldemort\'s eyes flashed a little puzzled.

After all, before he entered the magic world, the world was still on the eve of the Second World War, and the famous "Manhattan plan" had not been officially approved. Therefore, he did not know how fast the level of human science and technology had developed in just a few decades, especially the development of weapons used to kill each other.

As for entering the magic world, he devoted all his energy to learning all kinds of profound magic knowledge, and never paid attention to the news from the ordinary world.

It has to be said that the strongest Dark Lord in British history, in fact, is no different from other arrogant wizards. They are firmly bound in the magic world and have no understanding of the earth shaking changes in the outside world.

If we can\'t keep up with the pace of the times, the originally few wizards will be eliminated and become insignificant dust in history.

He sighed secretly about the group of frogs at the bottom of the well who closed the door and entertained themselves all day. Zhang Cheng immediately explained: "Thermonuclear weapons, also known as hydrogen bombs, are lethal weapons that release huge energy and destructive power through nuclear fusion in physical form. Usually, the destructive power generated after an explosion can destroy the whole of London. According to the data I have obtained, the hydrogen bombs produced and stored by the United States and the Soviet Union in the previous decades are enough to kill more than 90% of the world\'s population 。”

"One is enough to destroy the whole of London? Did Muggles really invent such a terrible weapon?" Voldemort\'s pupils contracted suddenly.

You know, he is a typical pure blood supporter. He believes that only pure blood noble wizards are the most noble species on earth, and ordinary people are just a group of insignificant mole ants.

But now these mole ants have obtained more powerful weapons than any kind of magic. Naturally, they will be shocked and frightened.

"Yes! In fact, it\'s no secret in the ordinary people\'s world. Look, this is what thermonuclear weapons look like after they explode..."

In order to make the other party deeply understand the explosion power of hydrogen bomb terror, Zhang Cheng reproduces the nuclear test pictures ranging from millions of tons to tens of millions of tons through the power of magic.

Feel the strong visual impact brought by the hot fireball and mushroom cloud. Both the Dark Lord and his death eaters subconsciously hold their breath and feel the destructive breath.

They have never felt so scared as they are now, and they have realized for the first time that ordinary people called Muggles are not a group of lambs slaughtered by wizards as they imagined.

After more than ten minutes, Voldemort took a deep breath and said in a very serious tone: "my dear friend, tell me your plan. We must not let this kind of weapon be in the hands of ordinary people. They must be destroyed! Complete destruction!"

"Agree! My plan is very simple! First destroy the resistance forces in the magic circles of the United States and Russia, then further control their high-level, start a thermonuclear war sweeping the world, and destroy the scientific and technological civilization established by ordinary people. Those who survive will become slaves of wizards and re-establish a new world dominated by magic..."