All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 772

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

No accidents!

More than a dozen super large fireballs with a diameter of one meter exploded continuously less than a few centimeters away from Dumbledore, and the heat wave can be clearly felt even tens of meters away.

When the orange flame dispersed completely, there was only a large pool of black on the ground. I don\'t know what was the trace left after burning.

"He... He\'s dead?" asked Harry, somewhat unsure.

"No! He didn\'t die, but ran away." Zhang Cheng shook his head and gave a negative answer.

As a butcher with blood on his hands, he could see at a glance that those black things were only burnt clothes, with no bones and muscle tissue.

"Ran away? How!"

Just when Harry Potter was in a state of shock, a figure suddenly appeared behind him out of thin air, raised his magic wand and recited loudly: "Avada is dead!"


The deadly green light hit the boy directly!

But before the death spell came into effect, Harry\'s ruby ring suddenly released a bright light, followed by a young girl who suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air and blocked the deadly death spell for him.

In less than a second, the terrible death energy took away all the vitality of the body and turned it into a cold body.

When he saw the familiar face clearly, the "savior" suddenly collapsed and shouted, "no!!!!!!!!!!!! why! Why!"

Obviously, it was no one else who was killed by the curse of death. It was his girlfriend in love, and the ring was a birthday gift given to him by Zhang Qiu on his birthday this year.

With a lot of negative emotions such as pain, sadness, anger and hatred, Harry slowly turned his head and saw the true face of the murderer - Albus Dumbledore.

The old man is not as steady and wise as before. On the contrary, his whole body exudes a strong smell of danger. He doesn\'t have any regret even if he killed the wrong person.

"I swear! You\'ll pay for it! Albus Dumbledore! I\'ll make you regret it! What\'s unforgettable pain!" Harry stood up and walked towards each other step by step.

He is like an evil ghost climbing out of hell. He not only has extremely distorted facial expression, but also completely ignores his own life and death.

As a saying goes, nothing is more impulsive and irrational than men and women in love.

But before the boy attacked, the somewhat strange Albus Dumbledore gave a sneer of disdain, and then disappeared in place.

"Coward! Why run away? Come back! Come back and duel with me! Are you afraid?"

Seeing the enemy running away, Harry Potter\'s mood suddenly got out of control. He rushed forward madly, raised his wand and constantly fired powerful attack magic into the surrounding air. Until his magic overdrawn, he fell to the ground and fell into a deep coma.

For him, the stimulation today is too great.

First I saw the enemy who killed my biological parents, and then I saw my girlfriend stop the fatal blow and die for me. If I have to use a color to describe his experience, it must be the darkest gray.

In contrast, Ron, who has always kept an aloof attitude, has no interest in participating from beginning to end. He just stands in place and looks on coldly.

Just when he felt that the danger had passed, Voldemort suddenly smiled and said, "my dear friend, can you take the liberty to ask, who is this child? Don\'t tell me he is also your disciple."

"No, he\'s just an interesting experiment, and it\'s also a little surprise for you. If you don\'t mind, how about I preside over your resurrection ceremony?" Zhang Cheng glanced at Ron with a slightly pondering look and offered.

"Of course! It\'s my pleasure!" Voldemort nodded without hesitation.

Since the servant had prepared most of the things needed for the magic ceremony, Zhang Cheng directly lit the huge clamp pot and whispered, "your father\'s bone, unintentionally donated, can regenerate your son!"

A tombstone in the rear cemetery suddenly cracked, and a rotten skull flew out and automatically fell into the hot pot.

"The flesh of your servant, if you donate it voluntarily, can bring your master back to life."

The unlucky man lying on the ground suddenly stood up, clenched a dagger, bit his teeth and cut off his left hand.

"The enemy\'s blood, forced to donate, can revive your opponent."

With a few drops of blood falling from Harry Potter\'s fingers, the liquid in the pot suddenly turned white.

Normally, the magic ceremony is over here. Voldemort can be put into the pot to reshape the body and soul.

However, Zhang Cheng was obviously not satisfied with the standard practice. He poured in the black solution in the glass container and waved to Ron: "come here!"

"What do you need me to do?" the boy asked with a puzzled face.

"No, I don\'t need you to do anything. I want the power contained in your flesh and blood."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng didn\'t give Ron any time to react. He directly raised his supreme power, shot a hot high-energy ray and cut off the other party\'s left arm.

"Ah!!!!! FAK! My arm!" the fierce pain made the boy scream like a pig, and the blood couldn\'t stop.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng ignored his meaning, threw Voldemort into the pot, smiled and said to himself, "the next moment is to witness miracles! Come on! Resurrect! The greatest black wizard in the history of British magic!"

I saw thick black smoke rising out of the pot, and red liquid boiling like magma.

For about two or three minutes, all the violent activities seemed to disappear at once, and even the black smoke gradually faded. Before long, a thin figure finally came out of it.

Dark red skin, flashing red eyes, a pair of sharp short horns on the forehead, golden sparks from time to time in the flat nose, thin and long hands and feet

Everything proves that the Dark Lord, who once made countless people tremble, is back.

"Ah! This feeling! This new body! It\'s full of power! Please allow me to express my gratitude, dear friend, I will remember everything you have done." Voldemort opened his arms and took a deep breath.

"You\'re welcome. We are allies. We have the same goal, that is, to destroy ordinary people and see a world completely controlled by wizards." Zhang Cheng handed a black robe with a smile.

Voldemort took it, quickly put it on his body and nodded gently: "yes! I\'m glad you have the same ambition as me! But before that, should we deal with this little mouse? If I remember correctly, he should be a Weasley child, and his parents are loyal supporters of Dumbledore."