All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 771

How much does the environment affect a person?

Just look at Voldemort now!

At first, he was just a poor orphan. Because he had some wizard talents, he was feared, hated and isolated by the people in the orphanage, so his character was a little extreme.

Normally, a child living in the shadow of childhood like this has a little problem in his heart. In fact, it\'s not a big deal. Just give him a little guidance.

But what did Dumbledore do?

He stared at the young Tom Riddle like a thief. Instead of giving even a little care, he kept exerting pressure on him, which eventually led to the birth of the strongest Dark Lord in the British magic world.

In fact, it was Dumbledore\'s arrogance that created Voldemort\'s distorted and morbid heart today.

If he had not seen Tom Riddle as a potential threat from the beginning, but devoted a little emotion and care, perhaps the result would be a different situation.

But interestingly, the stubborn old man not only never felt wrong, but also used the same method on Harry Potter.

But the "savior" is obviously not as smart as Voldemort. If it weren\'t for Zhang Cheng\'s intervention, he might have been sold and helped count the money.

"But at least I won\'t take other people\'s lives like you," Dumbledore retorted with a cold face.

"Ha ha! That\'s right! You don\'t kill easily! But you like to interfere and control other people\'s thoughts, and even force them to move forward according to your planned path. In my opinion, it\'s better to be killed than to live like this." Voldemort laughed and continued to satirize.

You know, in the past, he was always criticized morally when he had a face-to-face confrontation with the other party, but now he put on Dumbledore\'s hypocritical mask and pulled it to the same level as himself, and immediately felt a kind of happiness and happiness that can\'t be described in words.

Although this will not bring more advantages, I don\'t know why I have an inexplicable sense of superiority in my heart.

"Well, let\'s stop the boring nonsense. Anyway, we are all adults with our own understanding of life, world outlook and values. No one can be persuaded by the other, so we have to use our strength to decide who is right and who is wrong. Dear headmaster, are you ready to have a fair magic duel with me?" Zhang Cheng took the initiative to take two steps, Looking at the old man\'s sharp eyes.

Dumbledore also stepped forward, raised the powerful elder wand in his hand, and replied expressionless, "you\'re right. Witches have to speak with strength in the end. I defeated Garrett Greenwald in a duel decades ago, and I will defeat you today to restore the British magic world to its original shape."

"Hehe, it\'s not like you to show off your eloquence. Besides, don\'t treat me as any enemy you\'ve dealt with before, because I\'m essentially different from them..."

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng bent down and bowed slightly. Thousands of bullets composed of arcane energy burst out from his fingers and poured into the enemy like a tide.

"Casting magic without a staff?!" Dumbledore was obviously surprised and quickly read out the spell, forming an oval shield like an eggshell around his body.


The magic missile splashed on it like raindrops, splashing a gorgeous violet halo.

Before they were all exhausted, a dazzling light spear flew over a distance of tens of meters and broke through the eggshell shield with a bang.

Fortunately, Dumbledore\'s reaction was fast enough to escape by casting a phantom shift, otherwise 100% would be blown to pieces.

Looking at the deep pit blown out of his standing position just now, a strong fear appeared on his old face, narrowed his eyes and said tentatively, "you don\'t need a spell and a wand to release magic?"

"That\'s right! Come on, let me see for myself what Albus Dumbledore, known as the strongest white Wizard of our time, can do."

After that, Zhang Cheng began to release powerful offensive spells one after another, forcing the other party to defend and dodge all the time.

After a while, the old man\'s calm and calm image no longer exists. Instead, it is an unparalleled shock. It seems that I can\'t believe that someone in the world can master so many spells he has never heard of, and seems not to worry about the consumption of magic at all.

But for the elder\'s wand in his hand, he didn\'t know how long he could last.

On the other side, Voldemort also stared at the powerful Destructive Magic, such as fireballs, lightning and strong acid arrows, which came out of thin air. After six or seven minutes, Voldemort pursed his mouth and muttered, "no, this is not a wandless spell, but a completely different magic system. It\'s incredible, it\'s incredible..."

"What do different magic systems mean?" Harry Potter subconsciously frowned.

"Ah! The famous Harry Potter! Why, don\'t you want to kill me?" Voldemort asked meaningfully.

Harry took a deep breath, endured the boiling murderous intention in his heart, and replied with gnashing teeth: "no! If I could, I\'d rather kill you now. But the teacher told me that you are not a wizard who can be easily killed, so I will kneel in front of you and swear allegiance as he said until I get enough strength."

Voldemort nodded approvingly: "the choice of a wise man! I didn\'t expect that you, who are stupid and reckless, have learned to bear it. However, swearing allegiance is not just a matter of words. You need to show your ability and value."

"How to prove it?"

"It\'s easy! It\'s a fatal blow to Dumbledore in the back. He\'s at the end of his power now. He\'ll lose with a little extra interference."

"You mean... Let me ruin a fair duel?" Harry\'s face turned ugly.

After all, magic duel is sacred in the eyes of wizards. Once anyone dares to break this established rule, he will immediately become the public enemy of all wizards and even the object of ridicule.

"Don\'t worry, there are only a few of us here. As long as we can successfully kill Dumbledore, it won\'t come out at all." Voldemort said in a low voice.

"OK! I\'ll do it!"

After hesitation, Harry Potter finally made up his mind and raised his wand to shoot a dazzling green light at Dumbledore, who was struggling to resist with his exquisite protective magic.

"Avada is dead!"

"No!!!! damn it! Potter! Do you know what you\'re doing?"

With the furious roar, Dumbledore\'s silver magic shield was defeated by the curse of death, and the whole person was directly exposed to the continuous ball of fire