All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 770

"Good evening, Tom, I didn\'t expect you to hide here and resist the call of death with such an ugly posture." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and stared at the Dark Lord like a deformed baby.

"Wow! It\'s unbelievable! You can find this." Voldemort was obviously surprised with a strange red light in his pupil.

"I have to admit that you are really smart, and your mind is full of all kinds of wonderful ideas. I wasted a lot of energy to find such a little clue. Resurrection from death is such an evil magic. Are you so afraid of embracing death?" Dumbledore asked softly, holding his wand.

Although the current situation was overwhelmingly unfavorable to Voldemort, he still smiled and admitted: "yes! I am afraid of death! But how many lives in the world are not afraid of death? I am not scared by fate, and I don\'t want to listen to your boring nagging. If you want to kill me, do it now."

"Kill you? No, I\'m not here to kill you. Because killing you now is meaningless." Dumbledore shook his head slightly.

As an insider, he knew that killing each other was useless before destroying all Horcruxes.

Before long, a new Voldemort will wake up from the Horcrux and hide in the dark again to plot his resurrection.

"Ha ha! You\'re afraid! The famous Albus Dumbledore should be afraid! It\'s so interesting! Tell me, since you don\'t intend to kill me, why did you appear in front of me?" Voldemort laughed fearlessly.

Death is no longer an irreparable disaster for a black wizard like him.

Dumbledore ignored the other party\'s provocation and said expressionless, "I\'m waiting for someone! I believe you should understand who I mean, don\'t you?"

"Oh? You want to use me as a bait. But the question is, are you sure he will come?" Voldemort clearly saw through the old man\'s idea, and a mocking smile appeared on his twisted face.

"Don\'t worry about it. He will come."

After that, Dumbledore raised his hand and directly stunned the servant standing behind Voldemort, then stood quietly and waited patiently.

Not for a while!

A silver lightning flashed in the sky, followed by two young people in front of the cemetery.

They are no one else, but Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, who represent Hogwarts in the top three competition.

Due to the relationship of forced transmission, the two young people have not figured out what happened. They struggle to get up from the ground and patrol around vigilantly.

When they found the former headmaster Dumbledore and the ugly and twisted Voldemort, their faces suddenly showed nervous and frightened expressions.

Harry, in particular, raised his wand directly and asked loudly, "where is this? Why were we transmitted?"

"Ah! The famous Harry Potter, we finally meet again." Voldemort said hello in his unique hoarse voice.

"Is it... Is it you?!"

Because he had met once in his first year of school, the "savior" hardly had any effort to recognize the culprit who killed his parents, and his eyes burst out with undisguised anger and hatred.

"Ha ha! Good eyes! I\'m beginning to like you a little." Voldemort smiled indifferently.

After all, he has killed too many people and seen similar eyes countless times, so he didn\'t take it seriously at all. He just felt a little funny.

"I... I\'ll kill you! Kill you!"

Harry\'s mood was obviously out of control. He pulled out his wand and rushed to the enemy\'s position.

There was only one thought in his mind, that was to break the ugly and deformed monster into pieces and sacrifice his dead mother with blood.

But unfortunately, before he fired his first attack magic, Dumbledore laid an invisible force field wall and firmly blocked it out: "calm down! Potter! You can\'t kill him yet!"

"Why? Why can\'t I kill him!" Harry roared like crazy.

Just when the old man wanted to explain, another white light fell from the sky, followed by Zhang Cheng. He came out, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed: "good evening, everyone. I\'m sorry I\'m late."

"You don\'t seem surprised at all?" Voldemort blinked with interest.

"Surprised? Why should I be surprised? In fact, I deliberately leaked out the reason why Mr. Dumbledore could find here. You should understand that it is not a good thing for a wizard like him to always hide in the dark." Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and showed a meaningful smile.

"Oh - I see! You\'re using me as bait to show him up and kill him once and for all," said Voldemort, struggling to turn around and staring at the old man with malicious eyes.

"Kill? No, no, no, I won\'t kill him." Zhang Cheng shook his head pretending to be flustered. "As a messenger of love and justice, how can I do such a cruel and evil thing as killing people? I will arrest him. It is up to the law to decide whether to put him to death or put him in Azkaban."

"Messenger of love and justice?" Voldemort burst into laughter when he heard the word. "Ha ha! God! This is so interesting! Dear Dumbledore, I finally understand why you were driven out of Hogwarts and even wanted by the Ministry of magic. Because he is more shameless and better at pretending to be himself than you."

"Shut up, Tom!" the old man was obviously very angry, and every word seemed to squeeze out of his throat.

"You should learn to accept failure and find your own defects from it, dear headmaster. You should know that the reason why mortals are mortals is that they always make mistakes. The only difference is that some people learn from failure and make sure they won\'t make it again next time. But some people are unwilling to accept failure and always look for excuses to be safe Comfort. To some extent, you are the most typical example of the latter. You always think you are right and others are wrong... "

As Zhang Cheng spoke, he pressed down Harry Potter, who was in a crazy state, and forced him to calm down slowly.

About two or three minutes later, the madness in the boy\'s eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a cold and piercing chill.

When Voldemort saw this scene, he immediately showed an expression of interest.

But in the face of a big enemy, he could only resist his curiosity and echoed loudly: "Well said! Justice? What is justice? Evil? What is evil? Can you give an explanation without any ambiguity, Dumbledore? No, you can\'t. You even know very well that you have no less desire for power, power and status than me, so you regarded me as your enemy when you were a student. The reason why I am what I am today Son, you can\'t help... "