All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 769

Some people say that the future is like throwing a stone into the bottomless lake. You can never guess whether it will splash layers of ripples or lead to terrible monsters hidden at the bottom of the lake.

There is no doubt that the emergence of Zhang Cheng has completely changed the original track of the world, but even he is not sure how Voldemort will announce his return.

The only certainty is that the blood flowing in Harry Potter\'s body is indispensable in the whole resurrection process.

Of course, this does not mean that just get a little blood, but enough fresh blood, fresh enough to leave the body for no more than 30 seconds, otherwise the powerful magic energy contained in it will be lost.

So if there is no accident, little buddy crouch will try his best to send the "savior" to the Dark Lord.

Only in this way can we ensure that nothing goes wrong with the resurrection.


As the three strong competition is coming to an end, and the huge maze required for the last competition project is also completed, students begin to look forward to winning trophies representing victory and honor on behalf of Hogwarts.

Because after a semester of observation and testing, they did not think that the other two schools could pose any threat to the famous Harry Potter and the rising Ron Weasley.

In fact, after the conflict on Christmas Eve, Victor Krum had long given up the idea of competing for the championship and just wanted to finish the game without humiliating his school.

Furong Drakul had the same idea. She didn\'t think that her poor spell could pose any threat to those who defeated or even killed the fire dragon.

Standing high in the stands, staring at the four "Warriors" who are making final preparations below, Lucius Malfoy suddenly asked, "who do you think will win?"

"No, none of them can win. Because there will only be one winner today, that is our beloved Dark Lord." Zhang Cheng smiled contemptuously and directly said the cruel reality.

you \'re right!

This year\'s top three competition has been a stage for Voldemort from the beginning. As the last and climax part, his resurrection is the top priority.

Neither loyal servants like buddy crouch Jr. nor death eaters who heard the news would allow anyone to destroy it.

Perhaps it was aware of this that Albus Dumbledore had been lurking in the dark for months.

Even Mileva McGonagall left school in a despicable plot. He didn\'t take any action.

"You mean... The Dark Lord will move in the maze?" Lucius said strongly.

"Yes! Although I don\'t know what his plan is for the moment, I can guarantee that he will stand in front of everyone as a living person before the end of the top three competition." Zhang Cheng nodded without thinking.

There is no doubt that Voldemort is a very arrogant and conceited man.

Therefore, he absolutely cannot accept to return in an almost mediocre way, but to use the curtain call of the top three competition as the background to announce to the whole magic world.

If he had not been afraid of Dumbledore\'s power, he might have chosen to attack Hogwarts directly.

Lucius heard this answer, his face obviously became a little nervous, and quickly bowed: "sorry, please allow me to excuse me for a moment."

"Go, don\'t forget to say hello to the Dark Lord for me." after saying that, Zhang Cheng gave the other party a meaningful look.

No doubt he knew very well what Lucius, a Death Eater, was going to do.

Once Voldemort is resurrected, the first thing must be to send a signal to summon his men. At that time, every unlucky egg with the black devil mark on his body will appear out of control.

If one doesn\'t want to be seen by outsiders, it will be great fun.

Moreover, few Death Eaters dare to resist the master\'s call, even for the sake of the family, Lucius will go anyway.

Seeing the man running away for the continuation and interests of the family, Zhang Cheng flashed a strange light in his eyes and asked without looking back: "how, is the plan going smoothly?"

"On the British mainland, we have carried out quite smoothly. At present, we have mastered most of the nuclear weapon launch permissions, but it is not very smooth in the United States and Russia. In particular, the U.S. Ministry of magic has been interfering and undermining our penetration." a 60-year-old man with a gloomy face whispered.

"Don\'t worry! Be patient! First concentrate on eradicating the trouble in Russia. As for the U.S. Ministry of magic, I\'ll go back and solve it myself later." Zhang Cheng quietly gave a new order.

As early as six months ago, he privately began to prepare for the destruction of the world, specifically to control the thermonuclear weapon launch mechanism of various nuclear powers.

But this kind of thing is easier said than done, especially on the premise that the high-level governments of all countries are very clear about the existence of the magical world and the terrorist power of nuclear weapons.

In short, the other party has long expected that some wizards will make their ideas on nuclear weapons, so they have taken corresponding precautions.

Zhang Cheng was not surprised at this result. It would be incredible if he could easily send a few people without any precautions.

"I see!" the old man nodded his head gently, and the whole man quickly disappeared in place.


At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away, Voldemort and his men were ready for the resurrection and waited patiently for the arrival of Harry Potter.

Looking at the desolate and cold cemetery in front of him, the man in black robe bent down and asked in a low voice, "great master! Are you sure little buddy Crouch\'s plan can succeed?"

"Of course! He is a loyal and capable servant, and even Dumbledore, the biggest obstacle, was driven out of Hogwarts. Who else can stop me from returning?" Voldemort responded confidently.

I don\'t know whether it is the relationship of being reborn or the desire for a stronger magical body that makes his mental state look a little excited.

"But master, I always think Dumbledore has been too quiet recently. I suspect he is tracking down our whereabouts." the man narrowed his eyes, glanced around and warned carefully.

"Ignore Dumbledore! As long as the resurrection ceremony is completed! What can happen even if he comes? Remember! As long as he has absolutely powerful power, no matter what strategy the enemy adopts, there is essentially nothing..."

Before Voldemort finished speaking, an old figure suddenly came out slowly from the darkness.

He has a gray beard and long hair, and his eyes are shining with wisdom. It is Albus Dumbledore who has disappeared from public sight for a long time.