All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 768

Although strictly speaking, the conflict in the public lounge not long ago was more like a farce than a duel.

Because even Victor Krum, the most seriously injured, was just a slight concussion and two broken bones.

In the magical world with highly developed civil spells, it is no more difficult to treat this injury than to treat a cold and fever.

But the problem is that due to Zhang Cheng\'s almost brutal intervention, the whole demstrom has a strong sense of shame, and is also full of hatred and hatred for Hogwarts.

In less than half a month since the end of the Christmas ball, the conflict between the students of the two schools has surged from once or twice a day to several times every hour.

In particular, Gryffindor, who has always had the tradition of recklessness regardless of right or wrong, maimed the hands and feet of more than 20 demstrom students at one time under the leadership of Harry Potter and Ron.

Draco Malfoy was unwilling to be outdone, and then commanded Slytherin college to successfully board the other party\'s giant magic ship and complete an almost perfect raid.

With the increasing number of bloody conflicts, the ancient tradition of Hogwarts, which had been suppressed by Dumbledore for decades, has gradually revived, and dueling has become the first choice for students to solve personal contradictions in private.

If it had been in the past, professors could still use their power to suppress it.

But now?

Now students have obtained the power of self-management, and can even choose to delete and add school rules by voting in the student union!

most important of all!

They can vote no confidence in a professor they don\'t like. Once more than half of them, the professor will be dismissed by the school board.

In other words, the situation that the president and the college head could expel students is just reversed.

Therefore, most professors are busy to please students rather than pour cold water on them, just as European and American politicians who implement the so-called "freedom" and "democracy" system will never pour cold water on domestic voters, even if they see their own fatal problems.

The reason is very simple. From a psychological point of view, everyone only likes to listen to good words and doesn\'t like to listen to bad words.

Think about it. If a person is complacent and everyone is complimenting him, but you tell him, "man, you\'re in big trouble and you\'ll go bankrupt soon."

So how will this person react?

99.99% of the people will turn their faces on the spot, and only a small group of people who know self-examination will accept it with an open mind, and then look back to see if it is true.

Unfortunately, this small group of people is far from enough to awaken the ignorant people. Sometimes they will become the target of public siege, especially under the premise of one person, one vote election.

Politicians don\'t risk their political future and lives, so they\'d rather pretend they don\'t see anything than find themselves unhappy.

The most typical example is the terrorist financial tsunami that broke out in Japan at the end of the 20th century.

Did Japanese politicians and economists fail to see the Japanese yen losing control of the US dollar after the Plaza Accord, which led to a serious decline in their export trade. A large amount of surplus capital was invested in the real estate and stock market to produce an unimaginable virtual economic bubble?


They saw it!

At least some people must have noticed!

But why didn\'t anyone stand up and point it out?

Because if politicians stand up at this time to pour cold water on the hearty people, what is waiting for him is not heroic cheers, but widespread abuse and questioning.

Zhang Cheng saw through the essence of the seemingly fair election, so he moved this seemingly ridiculous system to the school to let Dumbledore and his supporters feel how stupid it was to stand on the side of stupid civilians.

Of course, Hogwarts is just a slightly bigger toy for him, and it\'s not worth spending too much time.

After the Christmas ball, he devoted all his energy to the research and further development of creativity.

Thanks to Hermione Granger\'s 24-hour dedication, in just a few weeks, Zhang Cheng can use these complex and changeable forces to make everything around him live temporarily and give him some wisdom.

In addition, he can also catalyze and transform any existing life at the genetic level to make it a powerful magical creature completely different from the original.

However, as a saying goes, any power needs to pay a corresponding price.

The price he needs to pay is that when his creative power is exhausted, he will be forced to transform the life form, and absorb all kinds of energy from the cracks of space for concentration, purification and transformation in a semi physical and semi illusory way.

This process lasted a long time and was extremely boring. It was basically like going to jail.

Looking at the great energy beating at her fingertips, Hermione showed her obsession in her eyes, licked her lips and exclaimed, "it\'s incredible! I\'ve never heard of any magic that can do this. To some extent, you\'re no different from the gods."

"God? Hehe, maybe." Zhang Cheng smiled indifferently.

God has never been the goal of his efforts, but an object eager to surpass.

From the beginning, his vision turned to the highest place. What he wanted to replace was the creator, the supreme life like the Pantheon Titan in Azeroth universe.

"So far, we\'ve almost finished all the experiments we can do. What\'s your plan next?" Hermione looked up and asked with interest.

"Next? What we have to do next is to wait patiently, wait for Voldemort\'s resurrection to start a magic war, kill all Dumbledore\'s supporters, and then we will kill him." Zhang Cheng gave the answer without hesitation.

As for the part that finally destroys the world, he won\'t be foolish enough to tell each other.

In terms of the depth of cooperation, girls can\'t even compare with the pure blood aristocrats led by Lucius Malfoy.

"I believe you will become the supreme ruler of the magic world in Britain and even the world, setting off an unprecedented change..." said Hermione, who took the initiative to make thousands of films and began to kiss her cheek gently with a provocative gesture.

"Yes! A change! An unprecedented change! We will change the whole world!"

After whispering this pun, a trace of imperceptible madness flashed through Zhang Cheng\'s pupils. Then he directly tore the girl\'s clothes and pressed them roughly on the experimental platform.

Before long, the whole secret room echoed with red faced groans