All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 767

"Are you threatening me?" Igor kakarov asked in a very unfriendly manner, narrowing his eyes.

As a former Death Eater, he had a bad temper, and he didn\'t understand what happened at Hogwarts from beginning to end. Why Dumbledore suddenly became a wanted criminal by the British Ministry of magic.

"Threat? No! No! No!" Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head. "It\'s not a threat, it\'s just a kind reminder. I don\'t want the students of demstrom to see their headmaster as a fool and moron in public."

"Arrogance! Do you think you can beat me in the duel?" kakarov obviously noticed the undisguised contempt in his tone, and finally couldn\'t help bursting out of towering anger.

You know, this is a public lounge, surrounded by students and teachers from the three major European magic schools. As long as he shows a little weakness, he will immediately become a laughing stock in the magic world, and even become the most humiliating principal of demstrom by the outside world.

Can\'t flinch!

Can\'t be weak!

Most importantly, he did not feel that the young Oriental in front of him could pose a threat to himself who was good at all kinds of black magic.

"Duel? Ha ha!" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise and laughed recklessly.

Not only was he laughing, but all Hogwarts students also laughed. Little buddy crouch, disguised as crazy eyed moody, hid in the corner and stared at kakarov with vicious eyes, considering whether to take the opportunity to make a fire.

After all, after the fall of the Dark Lord, this guy sold his fellow death eaters who fought side by side for the first time in exchange for his escape from punishment.

It can be said that no Death Eater who is still loyal to Voldemort hates kakarov and is eager to kill him himself.

From the perspective of human nature, traitors are always more hateful than enemies

Obviously, at this moment, the laughter echoing in the hall was regarded as a kind of naked humiliation by kakarov. He immediately clenched his teeth and shouted, "I! Igor kakarov, the president of demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry, officially issued an invitation to duel."

"No problem, I accept it." with a playful smile on his face, Zhang Cheng raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


The tables and chairs in the center of the auditorium moved around automatically, leaving a large circular space.

He stepped to the middle of the field, pulled out the supreme authority disguised as a magic wand, raised his arm and made an invitation gracefully.

Although Mileva McGonagall tried several times to stand up and stop the conflict, she was finally stopped by Snape nearby.

In this way, Igor kakarov also followed him to the center of the venue, just like a poisonous snake, emitting a cold breath.

To some extent, this is his most true side.

As for the usual image that looks serious and harsh, it is all disguised.





With the students counting down in unison, the "Duel" that had no suspense from the beginning finally began.

To be exact, before raising his wand to release his first magic, kakarov found himself unable to move, or even blink.

"Ah! It seems that the headmaster of the demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry wants to show his demeanor. Let\'s bow to each other first." Zhang Cheng made fun of him in a malicious tone and bowed slightly.

At the same time, kakarov bent down uncontrollably and made a big gift of more than 90 degrees.

This strange situation, not to mention those who know his character very well, even the onlookers noticed that something was wrong.

Because kakarov is not a polite person, not to mention this bow of more than 90 degrees like a servant.

But before the people around him knew what had happened, Zhang Cheng gently waved his wand and shot colorful lights.


Kakarov\'s Beige coat disappeared and was replaced by white tights and small white skirts only worn by female ballet dancers.

Next second

With the Swan Lake music coming from nowhere, he began to dance and make difficult ballet moves one after another.

At this time, even a fool knows that Igor kakarov has lost, and the loss is very thorough. It is not so much a duel as a public humiliation.

Students from the demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry turned their heads one after another and could not bear to see their headmaster teased by their opponents as dolls.

Half an hour!

Until poor kakarov finished the first scene, he found that the powerful force controlling himself suddenly disappeared and regained control of his body.

As a black wizard, he clearly knows what this means.

This means that if the other party wants to kill, he won\'t even have a chance to escape.

So he didn\'t even have a word of nonsense. He turned around and rushed out. He didn\'t even have time to change his ridiculous tights for a ballerina.

Appreciating the other party\'s embarrassed back, Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and joked in a half joking tone: "Wow! I didn\'t expect that my dear President kakarov had such amazing attainments in art. I bet even the most professional ballet dancer can\'t dance as well as him."

"Poof! Hahaha!"

"That\'s right! It\'s great!"

"This is the most wonderful duel I\'ve ever seen in my life!"

"Long live Swan Lake!"


Just as the so-called spectators are not afraid of trouble, Hogwarts students don\'t care about the feelings of guests from afar and laugh at each other loudly in various ways.

Some of the more radical Slytherin raised their chin and stared at the students of demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry around wickdor Krum with provocative eyes.

Feeling the increasing smell of gunpowder in the hall, Snape finally couldn\'t help coming up and asked in a low voice, "what do you want to do?"

"What? Of course, it\'s to make Hogwarts the best magic school in Europe and even the world. Don\'t you think Dumbledore castrated too many excellent traditions here, especially blood and fighting consciousness? And now I want to awaken them..." Zhang Cheng replied meaningfully.

Anyway, the top three competition is a powerful binding magic contract. Therefore, no matter how he humiliates kakarov, demstrom School of Wizardry must stay to complete the competition, and can also take the opportunity to win the favor of Hogwarts students. Why not.