All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 766

There is no doubt that under the triple psychological attack of love, desire and great ideal, Hermione Granger, who was as pure as a white lotus, was completely occupied in just a few days.

She didn\'t even realize that, unknowingly, her subjective consciousness and moral standards had undergone earth shaking changes. She could watch a person fixed on the experimental platform and constantly scream with extreme pain without any guilt.

And there will be a wrong perception that this is a small sacrifice to realize the great ideal, which is completely worth it.

The girl didn\'t know that she had embarked on a road of no return since the first living experiment.

In addition, Zhang Cheng constantly uses skilled skills to guide her subconscious desire, so that she is all addicted to indulgent physical pleasure except experiment, and has little time to reflect on what she has done.

By the time there was the last day before the Christmas ball, Hermione Granger\'s whole body had exuded a strong dark smell. There was no innocence and kindness in her eyes. Instead, she was indifferent and had almost morbid and distorted love, worship and obedience to the men around her. The whole person was like a blooming black rose, It is full of beautiful and deadly temptations and extremely dangerous.

"My God! You\'ve changed a lot since I haven\'t seen you for a few days." Harry Potter couldn\'t help sighing when he saw this strange old friend.

You know, more than a year ago, the three were a group of reckless kids who didn\'t understand anything, but just over a year later, they all embarked on a completely different journey of life.

In particular, Ron, who has always given people a foolish impression, has now become a new rising figure in the school. He even took the champion of the duel competition with his terrible partial limb deformation. Even he and Drack Malfoy are not rivals.

After all, magic resistance is very challenging for minor wizards whose body and potential have not been fully developed. The magic spell with insufficient power can\'t even penetrate the skin covered on the surface, let alone hurt the muscle tissue and internal organs under the skin.

"Of course! You should know what kind of person he is and what great changes he will bring to the whole magic world." Hermione raised her chin slightly, revealing her undisguised pride and pride.

Harry is not a fool. He had already had a close relationship with Zhang Qiu. He understood what had happened between the girl and his teacher. He nodded with a bitter smile: "yes, the teacher is great. He is younger, stronger and more patient than Dumbledore. But are you sure you want to stay with him in this way? As far as I know, he is not the kind of person who will be single-minded."

"Why not? I love him and can contribute to that great ideal. It doesn\'t matter whether he is single-minded in emotion. The important thing is that no one can replace me." Hermione replied confidently.

Her self-confidence stems from the fact that there is only one domestic elf dobby in the whole laboratory except herself.

On the surface, her role is indeed irreplaceable. At least this close relationship will continue until a second young and beautiful female assistant appears.

But the girl didn\'t know that once Zhang Cheng got the result he wanted, she would immediately start the plan to destroy the world, let the thermonuclear war sweep through seven continents and four oceans, and she would be ruthlessly abandoned.

Whether it is to promise to build a world ruled by wizards or to eliminate the contradiction between pure blood nobles and civilians, it is all deception and lies.

In fact, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t care about the life and death of the world at all. He just wants to find out the true face of the power of creation and the rules of death, and collect enough soul fragments by the way.

After completing these two purposes, he will not hesitate to leave and let the survivors live and die.

"Well, I wish you everything you want."

From the girl\'s firm eyes, Harry knew that it was no use trying to persuade him. He took the initiative to raise his glass and send his blessing.

"Thank you!"

Hermione also raised her glass and took a sip of wine. At the same time, she looked at Zhang Cheng, who was talking and laughing with the school directors not far away. In a voice that only she could hear, she said to herself, "no one can take you away from me! You are mine and belong to me alone..."

The girl didn\'t realize that when she focused all her attention on her lover, two young people were staring at her with hot eyes.

One of them was no one else, but a talented seeker and Victor Krum, who participated in the top three competition on behalf of demstrom School of magic and Wizardry.

The other is Ron Weasley, whose expression is distorted and his heart is occupied by strong jealousy and unwillingness.

But poor Ron understood how terrible the seemingly harmless honesty was on weekdays, so he did not rashly make any provocative moves, nor did he dare to try to provoke each other.

But Victor Krum didn\'t know this. After hesitating again and again, he summoned up the courage to come over and asked in a slightly nervous tone, "Hello, beautiful lady, I don\'t know if I\'m lucky to invite you to be my partner at the Christmas ball?"

"Sorry, I already have a partner," Hermione said bluntly, not even interested in looking at each other.

"Who is he?" Krum was obviously a little angry and began to look around with threatening eyes.

But before Hermione revealed the answer, Ron, who could not bear his anger and jealousy, rushed out, grabbed his neck, held it high, smiled and mocked: "Idiot! Who do you think you are? You\'re just a little famous Quidditch athlete! What\'s the qualification to talk here! Get out! Disappear from my eyes immediately! Otherwise, in the next competition, I\'ll let you know what life is better than death."

The voice just fell!

Ron threw the strong young man out and slammed him against the wall behind him.

Because of the throwing force, Krum\'s head was in close contact with the hard marble. Before he had time to respond to the strong concussion, he turned his eyes and fainted.


As the strongest student of demstrom School of witchcraft and Wizardry, he couldn\'t even beat a fourth grader of Hogwarts, which undoubtedly shocked all those who saw this scene in the public lounge.

But just a minute or two later, Igor kakarov suddenly stood up, raised his wand and roared, "damn bastard! How dare you! I\'ll give you an impressive lesson!"

But it wasn\'t decided yet. When he took practical action, Zhang Cheng, sitting next to him, stood up and threatened with a smile: "Dear Mr. kakarov, it seems a little inappropriate for your headmaster to participate in the struggle between students. If you insist on fighting against Hogwarts students, I won\'t sit idly by. Think hard. Are you going to embarrass demstrom?"