All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 765

Although there was no sunshine in the secret room all year round because of the complete closure, the biological clock woke Hermione, who liked to stay in bed, on time around seven o\'clock in the morning.

Naked with her upper body, she first subconsciously opened her eyes and glanced at the empty bed, and then lowered her head to look at the black tight skirts that had been torn to pieces on the ground, as well as the large kiss marks on her chest that proved the intensity of the "war" last night. A light blush soon appeared on her face.

However, before she began to relish the invasion and conquest that made her tremble and intoxicated like a storm, dobby, the domestic elf, suddenly opened the door and burst in, bowed respectfully and said, "good morning, Miss Granger, you finally wake up. I have prepared the bath water for you. Do you need to get up and take a bath now?"

"Sure! By the way, where\'s Zhang? Where has he gone?" Hermione said with a trace of shyness.

"The master is conducting some important experiments in the laboratory. In addition, he ordered that from today on, you have obtained all the permissions of the laboratory and can enter and leave freely at any time." dobby raised his head and stared at two cold and crazy eyes.

Obviously, he is very jealous of the young and beautiful girl in front of him. He can get the recognition and favor of the great evil master by sacrificing his body.

You know, the previous magic reform seriously damaged the brain nerve, so his mind is full of the idea of becoming the master\'s "first loyal dog", and no one can take his own position.

Hermione was undoubtedly aware of the hostility of the house elf to herself, but she didn\'t care too much. She just smiled and nodded: "I see. Thank you. Bring the bath water to the room for me."

"As you wish..."

Dobby always showed the perfect obedience of domestic elves. No matter how jealous and dissatisfied he was, he would do well what his master ordered, and there would be no mistake.

In the blink of an eye, a large bucket of steaming bath water appeared by the bed out of thin air.

The girl took off the black silk stockings with holes on her legs, stood on tiptoe and slowly soaked her whole body in a little hot water, opened her mouth and groaned comfortably.

Nothing makes people feel more comfortable than taking a hot bath, especially after a fierce bed exercise not long ago.

More than half an hour later, when she appeared in the laboratory in her light pajamas after taking a bath, Zhang Cheng had completed the comprehensive test of the cloned blood sample and was touching his chin and muttering: "Interesting! This guy has 25 pairs of chromosomes! In addition to the 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes, one X chromosome and one Y chromosome that normal humans have, there are two pairs of mysterious chromosomes, one of which is related to magic, and the other pair is still changing and has not stabilized yet..."

"This is... Headmaster Dumbledore?!"

When she noticed the clone lying in the closed jar, Hermione immediately couldn\'t help shouting. At the same time, she realized that all the recent events were caused by the mysterious young man in front of her.

"Dumbledore? No, no, no, he\'s just a clone created from Dumbledore\'s hair, dandruff and blood. It\'s a very interesting research object." Zhang Cheng turned around and observed the girl\'s reaction meaningfully.

"Why did you do this? Just to get him out of Hogwarts?" Hermione showed no disgust or other negative emotions, just curiosity.

Zhang Cheng shook his head noncommittally, walked to the huge glass container, pointed to the clone lying inside and asked, "I believe as a girl who grew up among ordinary people, I must have heard of the terms gene and cloning?"

"Yes, I have." Hermione nodded her head gently.

In fact, as early as 1938, German scientists first proposed the concept of cloning mammals.

By 1963, Haldane, a biochemist and group geneticist, used a special term "cloning" to explain the concept of human "asexual reproduction" in his speech on "the biological possibility of human race in the next 20000 years".

Next, countless scientific fantasy novels, film and television works frequently appear the new human race of human cloning, so even for ordinary people, cloning is not a too strange word.

However, until dolly, the cloned sheep, was born in 1996, people did not realize how close the technology of human cloning was to the full realization.

Of course, at present, the earth where Harry Potter is located is still in 1994, so the cloned sheep that shocked the world is still in intensive research.

"Then do you know the significance of gene and cloning technology to the magical world?" Zhang Cheng asked again with a smile.

"I don\'t know." Hermione hesitated obviously, but finally gave a negative answer.

Because in her impression, the mainstream media and public opinion hold strong opposition to the cloning of human beings, especially the trouble at the ethical level, which is doomed to be unacceptable to the whole western society.

After all, under the repeated brainwashing of Christianity for more than 2000 years, most stupid Westerners are stubborn. Creating people should belong to the power of God and the forbidden area that human beings should never touch. Once they cross the boundary, it will inevitably lead to unimaginable disasters.

There is no doubt that this answer did not exceed Zhang Cheng\'s expectations.

I saw him meditate for a moment and explain in a passionate voice: "I believe you should know that at present, the biggest contradiction in the magic world is that pure blood aristocrats discriminate against civilian wizards who were originally ordinary people but suddenly awakened their magic talent. Even some radical guys call you with words with strong contempt such as mud. These generations are wizard families. They always have an inexplicable sense of superiority and think that their blood is born But if we invent a way to make ordinary people become wizards and pass on from generation to generation like pure blood aristocrats, how long will their sense of superiority remain? Or how long will the pure blood aristocracy, a class that still exists? "

"I see! You want to completely solve the contradiction through gene and cloning!" Hermione\'s eyes burst with enthusiasm and worship.

Obviously, this plan sounds more operational than the one advocated by Dumbledore to support civilians and suppress the pure blood aristocrats who occupy half of the magic world, and once successful, it can definitely solve the contradiction from the root.

But she did not know that according to the selfish and greedy nature of human beings, even if the boundary between pure blood aristocrats and civilians completely disappears, a new ruling class and contradiction will be born again.

"Yes! Although this process may have a little pain and even a small amount of sacrifice, I need your help in order to bring permanent peace to the magic world."

As he spoke, Zhang Cheng tightened the girl in his arms and looked at each other\'s beautiful big eyes.

"It\'s my honor! For you and your great ideal, I\'m willing to devote everything, even my life..."