All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 764

Although Albus Dumbledore\'s expulsion from the position of principal brought a series of chaos, it also brought many opportunities.

In particular, the construction of the student union made many senior students taste the taste of power for the first time.

Besides, just voting to amend the school rules has plunged them into unprecedented enthusiasm, and even overshadowed the ongoing top three competition.

But as Christmas approached, the ball was finally put on the agenda, which also stimulated boys and girls to secrete strong hormones.

For a while, both the lounge and the corridor were full of the so-called "sour smell of love". Several bolder ones openly showed their love in pairs, causing tons of critical blows to single dogs who had not found a partner.

However, none of these had much to do with Zhang Cheng. After declaring his ownership of Hermione Granger, he returned to the laboratory under the castle alone.

At the moment, the clone is lying in a huge glass container filled with light green liquid, with eyes closed and falling into deep sleep.

It has to be said that the genes of Dumbledore family are really powerful. Coupled with the stimulation of creativity, it has produced an incredible strong response in just a few days.

His blood, internal organs and brain, somehow, have gradually deviated from the definition of ordinary human beings and evolved towards another more powerful species.

Among the observations of hundreds of experimental bodies, only Ron can compare with it.

But the difference is that Ron\'s evolutionary direction is to burst out twice as much power as usual in a short time, but the clone is a sustainable and permanent change.

When Zhang Cheng tested these mutant genes with the help of various magic and modern scientific research instruments, dobby, the domestic elf, suddenly jumped out of the corner and bowed respectfully: "great evil master! Miss Granger is coming! She is waiting for you at the door now."

"Oh? Do you know why she came at this time?" Zhang Chengtou asked without answering.

Since the end of the first project of the top three competition, Hermione has maintained a state of indifference, neither opposing him to make some intimate moves, but no longer questioning the blood and cruelty hidden behind the laboratory.

Obviously, in the face of the cruel reality, the girl temporarily chose to escape to protect her fragile heart.

For such a result, Zhang Cheng had expected, so he didn\'t force it too hard, but let the other party take charge of the original work as always.

Today, however, this delicate state seems to have finally shown signs of breaking.

"Miss Granger didn\'t say, but I think she should have made some decisions," dobby replied in a low voice.

Because of his cruel transformation, he has a special ability to read the strongest emotions of the corresponding target.

"Yeah, that sounds good news." Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself. Then he put down his work and walked to the open space at the door of the laboratory.

He didn\'t take the initiative to speak, just stood in place and appreciated each other\'s beautiful body.

Hermione didn\'t wear the broad robes of witches today, but wore a very feminine black corset skirt. Her slender legs were wrapped in the same black silk stockings, and she stepped on a pair of high-heeled shoes. She put on a light makeup on her face, giving people a sense of maturity.

They looked at each other for a full minute before she smiled and asked in a half joking tone, "how do you like my dress today?"

"Yes! You are so beautiful today! However, I prefer to see your real appearance rather than wearing a disguise." Zhang Cheng pulled the girl into his arms and gently stroked the white magic Pearl Earring on his earlobe.

"Real me?" Hermione was obviously stunned, and immediately realized what the so-called "real appearance" meant, with a complex light in her eyes.

As an English girl who grew up in an ordinary middle-class family, she never thought anyone would accept her strange appearance. She never took it off since she put on pearl earrings, and even forgot that she was just deformed.

Noting the fleeting fear, Zhang Cheng smiled and comforted: "relax, don\'t be afraid. Although you are beautiful now, the real you are more beautiful. Try to accept yourself instead of rejecting, which is good for you and me."

Hearing this, Hermione seemed to be touched. Subconsciously, she closed her eyes and pulled out the Pearl Ring on her earlobe.


Sapphire eyes that have been hidden for a long time and long hair flowing like water are finally revealed.

Feeling the changes in her body, she soon opened her eyes again, smiled bitterly and said to herself, "do you really think it\'s beautiful, rather than being a monster?"

"Ha ha! Honey, you are too attached to your appearance and your human identity. Think about it carefully. Are these really important? No, they are all important. What matters is how you think of yourself..."

With unbridled laughter, Zhang Cheng lowered his head and took the initiative to kiss the girl\'s slightly strange blue lips, which took a long time to separate.

"God! You\'re such a freak!" Hermione licked her lips with a strong beating heart.

She couldn\'t believe that the other party could really accept her appearance and gave herself a sweet kiss.

"Strange? I\'ll take it as a compliment." Zhang Cheng shook his head indifferently. "You know, genius is always outstanding, because stupid ordinary people can\'t understand the advanced ideas and knowledge in their minds. Come on, now that you\'re ready, let me show you the real face of the laboratory."

"Of course, that\'s what I want. I\'m ready to give everything to prove my loyalty." Hermione raised her chin slightly and looked at Zhang Cheng with great calm.

"Ah, I\'ve noticed this. You know, girls don\'t dress so sexy casually on a date unless they plan to make their relationship closer. Honey, tell me, will you stay for the night?" Zhang Cheng raised his mouth meaningfully.

Hermione\'s face turned red and turned her eyes: "don\'t you already know! Ask?"

"No, I just want to hear it from your mouth..."

After that, Zhang Cheng winked playfully, showing the expression of the success of the prank.

Because he knows that after tonight, Hermione Granger will completely fall into his control and there is no possibility of betrayal.

Nothing is more easily controlled than young men and women trapped in love traps. In a few weeks, the girl in front of her will unknowingly become another person, a real "love slave".