All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 763

As we all know, the three British islands have a typical temperate marine climate, which is controlled by the westerly activity zone all year round. In addition, the warm sea water sent by the North Atlantic warm current in the West provides a stable source of water vapor. Therefore, it is cloudy for more than half of the time all year round, and it will rain a little from time to time, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

In particular, London, located on the Bank of the Thames, is a world-famous "fog city", especially when winter comes, which makes the city extremely cold. Many pedestrians come and go in a hurry, eager to enter a warm place as soon as possible.

No one noticed that an old man with white beard in a coat was sitting alone on a park bench, staring at the front with bright eyes.

About a few minutes later, another man in a black windbreaker suddenly appeared, subconsciously shrunk his neck and complained angrily: "damn! It\'s cold! Why did you choose to meet in this damn place?"

"No way! Now I\'m a wanted man and haven\'t found a safe place to stay. Tell me, how\'s the school now?" the old man sighed helplessly.

Obviously, he was no one else. It was Albus Dumbledore who recently became the most wanted man in the Ministry of magic.

Because Lucius Malfoy used a large number of media to render the whole thing, the whole British magic world was full of fear of the old man known as the greatest wizard of the times. Even those who did not believe Dumbledore would do such a thing closed their mouths and remained silent.

"School? Hogwarts is over! The Oriental actually delegated power to the students, let those little bastards form student unions to manage themselves, and greatly weaken the rights of professors. I promise you, even if you go back now, you can\'t recover all this. He is a real devil, a more terrible enemy than Voldemort." The middle-aged man took off his hat and revealed Snape\'s iconic gloomy face.

As the head of Slytherin\'s college, no one knows better than him how tempting Zhang Cheng\'s things are to students, especially those in his own college.

In less than a week, the little snakes\' inner desire and ambition for power were completely stimulated, and some even began to try to seize power from him.

"Delegate power to students? Is he crazy!" Dumbledore\'s face suddenly changed, his sharp eyes and strong anger.

"No! He\'s not crazy! On the contrary, he\'s much smarter than we thought. Guess what those rebellious little bastards did to win more support? They held a duel contest to show their strength to win the qualification to enter the student union. You should know best that the pure blood faction is much stronger than the civilian faction in this respect, so in the end, the school It will completely fall into the hands of the nobility. Coupled with the intervention of the school board, rules and systems will be formed in a short time, and no one will want to change easily at that time. "Snape sneered and said the worst result.

But anyone who is not a fool knows that rights and benefits can never be reduced.

In particular, the former, every change in the redistribution of rights will lead to serious bloody conflict, just as Voldemort tried to overthrow the existing system by violence, which Dumbledore least wanted to see.

The old man frowned as if thinking about countermeasures. After several minutes, he rubbed his swollen forehead and said, "we can\'t let him continue to act recklessly! We must fight back!"

"Counterattack? It\'s easy for you to say! All the officials of the Ministry of Magic have been bought by Lucius! Lucius fully supports his every decision! At present, even the professors are in danger of being dismissed for failing to pass the examination. How many people will be willing to have something to do with you as a wanted criminal." snape sneered and rolled his eyes.

"According to you, it seems that I can only admit defeat?" dumbley asked expressionless.

"What else? What else do you think you can do now?" snape asked mercilessly.

He is not the Weasleys who like to kneel and lick each other, let alone say something against their hearts.

In fact, the reason why he is willing to follow Dumbledore is not for lofty ideals, but only for revenge for Harry Potter\'s mother lily.

"It seems that I need to go back to school!" the old man suddenly burst out his overwhelming magic, clutching the elder\'s wand hidden in his sleeve.

As a powerful wizard, he also has a final solution to the problem, that is, to defeat each other in a one-on-one duel, just as he defeated his best friend Garrett greendevo.

The magic world has always been the winner!

As long as you can guarantee your strongest name, it doesn\'t matter whether it\'s wanted by the British Ministry of magic or any other crime.

"Hum! Then you\'d better hurry up! Otherwise, maybe next time I come back, there may be some outsiders behind me."

After saying this, I don\'t know whether it was a threat or a hint, Snape quickly turned and disappeared at the end of the cold and quiet park path.

Dumbledore did it alone on the bench for several hours. He didn\'t get up slowly until the clock struck midnight. He performed shape shifting and shadow transfer to an unknown destination.

As soon as he left the front foot, Snape appeared out of thin air with a bunch of Ministry of magic bureaucrats, including cornelli fudge and Rufus schlinger.

A Luo Ao carefully touched the bench and immediately shouted, "the chair is still hot! He hasn\'t been away long!"

"Damn it! We\'re late!" Cornell fudge clenched his teeth, raised his fist and hit the tree trunk next to him.

If anyone in the whole British Ministry of magic wants to arrest Dumbledore most, it is undoubtedly him.

"Don\'t worry, Mr. Minister, he is over a hundred years old. He doesn\'t have enough spirit and strength to play hide and seek with us for a long time. One day, we will catch him," Rufus skinger promised.

"That\'s right! Dumbledore is a lost dog. He can\'t even find a place to stay. He won\'t last long," snape echoed.

He has long been used to the life of double-sided spies, so he made no effort to successfully break into each other and steal some important news and intelligence.

"Lost dog?" old fudge obviously liked the word very much and nodded with a smile. "Yes! Dumbledore is already a lost dog. We don\'t need to be afraid of him. He should be afraid of us. Well done, dear Severus, if Dumbledore\'s whereabouts in the future, please inform us at the first time. The Ministry of magic never stingy rewards those who safeguard justice and legal dignity."

"Of course, it\'s my pleasure." snape stroked his chest with one hand and bowed gracefully.

But no one noticed that the moment he lowered his head, there was an undisguised contempt and irony on his face