All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 762

A psychologist once said that there are no more than two ways to get support.

One is to give him enough benefits to let him know that the harder he works, the more he gets paid. In modern times, the salary dividend of senior managers of enterprises is linked to performance, which is used.

As for the other, it is to provide a platform for realizing ideals and self-worth. To put it bluntly, it is to give power and resources to resources. Even without too much material return, people can get full satisfaction from spiritual and social identity. In the initial stage of socialist countries in the early 20th century, recruiting all kinds of talents from developed capitalist countries took advantage of the special psychological needs of mankind.

Obviously, according to the current situation of Hogwarts, it is impossible to impress those hostile professors directly with money and interests.

So Zhang Cheng found another way, directly delivered an impassioned speech on "freedom" and "democracy", and then told the students that from today on, no professor can shit on the door, and you can manage yourself.

It has to be said that this move is quite vicious and immoral. It immediately shifted the students\' attention from Dumbledore\'s wanted to the construction of the student union, and those annoying school rules should be deleted, and those new rules that are beneficial to them should be added.

After all, although the former president is generally respected, it is not as important as the practical benefits he can get.

In particular, senior prefects are trying their best to win a place in the student union. They are doing publicity and voting everywhere every day to experience the feeling of power.

Argus filch, who protested strongly, was brilliantly ignored.

To be exact, he has become a victim used to win over and appease the students\' emotions. He can only hide in the room alone all day, borrow wine to relieve his worries, and even be spit and teased by some radical students.

Enjoying the lively scene he had made himself, Zhang Cheng, standing in front of the principal\'s indoor window, couldn\'t help laughing and sarcastically said: "Look, this is the naked reality. The reason why women are chaste is that they are not attracted enough, and the reason why men are loyal is that the extra weight of betrayal is too low. A little power will make the whole Hogwarts students forget Dumbledore. Can you find a more cost-effective business?"

"But... Sir, won\'t this lead to chaos in the school? If the students are busy competing for power and profit, how can they calm down to study." a school director questioned with worry on his face.

You know, these nobles tried their best to drive Dumbledore away, not to degenerate Hogwarts into a third rate magic school, but to restore the elite talent cultivation base in the past.

"Hehe, don\'t worry, chaos is just a superficial phenomenon. Think about it, what can win the hearts of a group of competitive young people? Is it a talkative eloquence? Is it a beautiful appearance? Or is it an excellent daily affairs handling ability? No, it\'s not. What can really make them admire is power, powerful power. So I\'m sure they will do it before the election There will be a wonderful duel, and the final winner will become the leader of the student union, "Zhang Cheng replied meaningfully.

"You mean..." the school director is obviously not a fool, and his eyes reveal a trace of insight.

Zhang Cheng turned around and nodded gently: "That\'s right! 90% of those who can finally enter the student union will be pure blood wizards. Because they have a natural advantage over those Wizards of mixed blood or awakened from ordinary people, that is, they will contact magic earlier and are more keen to improve their dueling skills through practice. In other words, Hogwarts will be firmly in your hands in the future."

"I see! Your wisdom is beyond our reach." Lucius quickly stood up and took the lead in flattering.

After all, he saw with his own eyes that Dumbledore, who was extremely difficult to deal with, was directly turned into a wanted criminal from the respected first-class Merlin medal winner, the founder and Secret Keeper of the order of the Phoenix, the president of the International Federation of magicians and the chief magician of wesengamo.

Although the outsider didn\'t know what had happened, he knew it must have been the seemingly gentle but actually crazy young man in front of him.

"Hahaha! My dear friends, the formation of a student union is not only the above benefits. The most important thing is that it can greatly weaken the rights of professors. You know, at present, two-thirds of Hogwarts professors are Dumbledore\'s people, even your respected senior Severus Snape." Zhang Cheng laughed and pointed out the real identity of the old bat.

"What! Snape is Dumbledore\'s man?" Lucius widened his eyes in surprise.

Not only him, but also other school directors began to talk.

In the eyes of the aristocrats, Severus Snape, who was born in Slytherin college, should be on his own side no matter what.

Zhang Cheng ignored these people\'s reactions and explained to himself: "to be exact, he is a double agent. He sells Dumbledore\'s information to Voldemort and Voldemort\'s information to Dumbledore, but he finally obeys Dumbledore\'s orders."

"Why? Why did he do that!" asked a blonde who looked about 60 years old, frowning.

"It\'s very simple! For love! I believe you don\'t know. Dear Professor Snape is actually a seed of infatuation. He has no hesitation in falling in love with Harry Potter\'s mother lily, even if she has married and had children. But our respected Dark Lord broke his promise and brutally killed lily. This move made Snape crazy and vowed to avenge her, even if she was born The price of life is no longer spared. "

"Damn it! He chose to betray all of us for a mere mud seed!" another school manager suddenly stood up and roared angrily.

From the ferocious expression on his face, it is not difficult to judge that he is 100% a missed Death Eater and a loyal follower of Voldemort.

"Calm down! As I just said, the reason why men are loyal is that the extra weight of betrayal is too low. Betrayal is always inevitable, so there is no need to be angry. Anyway, we all know what kind of person he is. The next thing to do is to clean up Dumbledore\'s influence in the school bit by bit. First, let\'s start from our dear friends Mileva McGonagall, let\'s start. Create an affair between teachers and students, destroy her reputation, and make her shameless to continue teaching in Hogwarts... "

After that, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes showed a chilling light.

Analyze human nature, master everyone\'s spiritual weakness, and then break it one by one.

With the passage of time, he became more and more skilled in the use of this means. He could easily solve most of the problems and troubles without even using force.