All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 761

Anyone who knows Rufus slinger knows that he is a tough guy. If he makes an important decision tonight, he will never wait until the next day.

After being authorized by the elder cornelli fudge, the hardliners, who are known for their fearless courage like a lion, broke into the Hogwarts auditorium in less than an hour and a half. In front of the teachers and students of the three magic schools, they shouted to the old people who were eating: "Albus Dumbledore! I now announce that you are arrested in the name of attacking and killing the officials of the Ministry of magic."


"Are you kidding!"

"People in the Ministry of magic are crazy?"


Before the Lord responded, the surrounding students and professors quit first.

In particular, Mileva McGonagall, who was in charge of teaching deformation classes, even drew out her magic wand and prepared for battle.

Unfortunately, before she could take action, Dumbledore raised his hand and motioned everyone to be calm. He took the initiative to stand up and ask, "Scrimgeour, do you have any evidence that I attacked and killed officials of the Ministry of magic just now?"

"Hum! Don\'t pretend to be silly! Just a few hours ago, you attacked in front of the magic department and killed three of us. Now you still want to pretend to be innocent?" Rufus sneered, took out his wand and performed a scene reproduction spell.


A wisp of white fog spread rapidly in the air, followed by the fierce battle that took place not long ago.

As a director of Luo Ao\'s office whose functions are similar to the mixture of magic army and police, he can not be as reckless as he usually appears.

On the contrary, this is a tough looking but delicate person. He knows that arresting a wizard with great influence must not only rely on tough means, but also produce evidence that makes everyone convinced.

At the beginning, there were a few people defending Dumbledore in the auditorium, but the later the voice became smaller and smaller, and finally fell into a dead silence.

Not to mention most of the students watching, even Mileva McGonagall showed an extremely ugly expression on her face.

The reason is simple!

Although the attacker wore a mask, his height, voice, eyes, look, and powerful spell casting ability were almost the same as Dumbledore. Even the closest people could hardly tell the true from the false.

What\'s more, when the attack occurred, Dumbledore was not in public, but hid in the principal\'s room, during which he only met Ron Weasley.

That means

At present, the burden of getting rid of the crime temporarily falls on a big boy.

For a moment, every wise man who wanted to understand this turned his eyes to Ron, as if waiting for him to testify for Dumbledore.

After all, there are thousands of people in the British magic world. Everyone looks up and looks down. Everyone knows that the Weasleys are a staunch supporter of Dumbledore.

Surprisingly, the Weasley\'s youngest son just glanced at his headmaster indifferently, and then said expressionless, "sorry, I only stayed in the headmaster\'s office for less than five minutes, and I can\'t prove that Dumbledore is not the murderer."

"Ron! You?!" Mileva McGonagall was completely stunned and never dreamed of such a result.

"Professor McGonagall, the school has not always taught us not to lie. Do you want me to lie and deceive the Ministry of magic?" Ron winked innocently.

"Very good! Young man! You made the right choice!" Rufus pursed his mouth and smiled triumphantly. "Albus Dumbledore, tell me, are you going to go back to trial with me, or are you going to resist?"

"Skilinger, although you may not believe it, I still want to say that I am innocent and this is a conspiracy." the old man sighed helplessly.

He knew that this matter was aimed at himself from the beginning, but the problem was that there was no way to explain it. Even if it was explained, others would not believe it.

"Sorry, I only believe in the evidence. Go! Arrest him!" Rufus obviously didn\'t want to say too much nonsense and gave orders to Luo Ao behind him.

"Sorry, I don\'t want to be captured until I find out the truth." after that, Dumbledore pulled out the powerful elder wand, raised his hand and put it on the two unlucky people who rushed in front.

However, he didn\'t kill anyone. The most he could do was to stun him, and then directly cast the phantom to move and disappear in place.

Since Zhang Cheng publicly named the loophole of Hogwarts magic protection, wizards with a little strength can use transmission magic in the school, but few can be accurate. Dumbledore happens to be one of them.

"Damn it! He escaped? Issue an arrest warrant for Albus Dumbledore immediately! Publish it on the front page of the next issue of the prophet daily!" Rufus roared angrily.

In fact, anyone who is not a fool knows how difficult it is to catch a powerful wizard like Dumbledore.

He brought people openly this time. The real purpose was not to catch them, but to break the shell of light and justice on each other\'s body and turn them into rats shouted by everyone, just like Voldemort.

There is no doubt that the arrival of the Ministry of magic Luo AO and the headmaster Dumbledore have become wanted criminals, which undoubtedly cast a shadow on the ongoing top three competition.

Just when the professors wanted to elect an interim president to preside over the overall situation in order to maintain stability, Lucius Malfoy appeared in the auditorium with a group of school directors.

He first glanced at all the students with a light full of pride and contempt, then spread out a piece of parchment and read out loudly: "Order of the Ministry of magic! Between the vicious of Albus Dumbledore for many years! From now on, the management of Hogwarts will be taken over by the school board. Every professor must undergo strict examination again, and those who fail will be eliminated. Now I appoint Mr. Zhang from the Far East as the interim principal on behalf of the board of directors!"

Voice down!

Mileva McGonagall and Severus Snape immediately exchanged eyes, filled with horror.

Because they know that the conflict between Zhang Cheng and Dumbledore broke out not long ago. At that time, the former threatened to drive the latter out of school this semester. Who thought they did it so soon.

Zhang Cheng noticed the two men\'s private moves, stood up, bowed gracefully, smiled and said, "thank the Ministry of magic and the school board for their trust. As a guest from afar, I\'m really flattered. However, it\'s not necessary to take over the principal. I think it\'s time to delegate power and let the students form a student union to manage themselves."

"Establish student union self-management?" a school manager of noble origin subconsciously frowned, obviously not very interested in this scheme.

"Yes! Ladies and gentlemen, we are no longer living in the ancient Middle Ages, but in the modern era that advocates freedom and democracy. It\'s time to make some changes..."