All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 760

"Avada is dead!"



"The fire is burning!"


In the blink of an eye, the originally bustling streets of London became a dangerous battlefield in the mutual attack of wizards. Several ordinary people who didn\'t have time to run away died directly in the terrible magic shot by the wand, and even their bodies were blown to pieces.

Fortunately, it is only a few steps away from the British Ministry of magic.

When Luo Ao found that the Minister of magic was assassinated at their own door, they immediately rushed out without hesitation and forcibly suppressed their opponents by relying on the advantage of number of people.

Looking at the figure he was very familiar with, Cornell fudge finally couldn\'t help shouting angrily and asked, "albus! Is that you? Tell me, why do you do this?"

"Hum! Ignorant fool! You don\'t know anything at all." the clone sneered, directly cast the phantom and disappeared in place.

Although the fierce battle lasted only a short time, three unlucky people have died and countless have been injured.

It can be said that he hanged and beat most of the Ministry of magic with the power of one person, and left whenever he wanted. No one could stop him, which is completely in line with the understanding of most wizards about Albus Dumbledore.

Apart from the headmaster Hogwarts, who defeated the famous black wizard Gellert Greenwald in the duel and made Voldemort feel extremely frightened, people really can\'t think of anyone who can do this.

When Cornell fudge dragged his tired body back to the office, the first thing he did was to hold an emergency meeting, stared at his bloodshot eyes and roared loudly: "eighth time! This is the eighth attack in just a month! Everyone killed is the staff of the Department! Who can tell me what we should do next? Directly announce the dissolution?"

"Please calm down, sir. Things are not as bad as you think," Arthur Weasley tried to calm old Fudge\'s anger.

As a staunch supporter of Dumbledore, he never thought that the kind old man would risk universal condemnation to assassinate the staff of the Ministry of magic.

"Shut up! Arthur! I know what you\'re trying to say, but the problem is that the evidence is in front of you. Do you want to defend him?" cornelli fudge asked with gnashing teeth.

If it were normal, he might use the relationship between the Weasleys and Dumbledore to ease the contradiction between them, but now he just wants to win more support and try to kill his enemies at one go.

Especially in recent years, he always felt that Dumbledore was spying on his rights as the Minister of magic. The assassination just now made this accumulated dissatisfaction reach a critical point.

Few people can remain calm in the face of power, and old cornelli fudge is no exception.

"Dear minister! I think we should sign the wanted warrant immediately! Send all Luo Ao to arrest Albus Dumbledore! The more at this time, the Ministry of magic should take the strongest attitude, otherwise once we are weak, we will lose the trust of the people, and he can use his great prestige to force us to make concessions, or even overthrow the Ministry of magic for reorganization." Rufus schlinger, director of Auror\'s office, did not hesitate to put forward his own views.

Unlike Arthur, he is an out and out hardliner and never catches a cold for people like Dumbledore.

"Well said! I also agree with slinger\'s suggestion. It is true that Dumbledore has defeated the black wizard many times before and saved the magic world, but this can not be an excuse for him to escape legal sanctions." an old woman of about 50 quickly nodded.

Different from the previous two speakers, behind her is the aristocracy headed by Lucius Malfoy. Recently, she has been waiting for the right opportunity. Now, of course, the opportunity will not be missed easily.

Another man nearby exchanged a look with the former and echoed: "I agree! Look what Dumbledore has done in Hogwarts over the years. He not only wantonly squandered the school\'s assets, but also ignored the protest of the school board many times and regarded the best magic school in Britain as his own private property. Now he is so swollen that he dares to assassinate the Minister of magic in public. He should be sentenced to death."

"Everybody! I need to remind you! We don\'t have any concrete evidence to prove that guy is Dumbledore." seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Arthur Weasley immediately stood up and tried to change the subject.

He couldn\'t believe what a terrible disaster it would be for Dumbledore and even the whole Hogwarts once the Ministry of magic signed the wanted notice.

"No! Arthur, we have enough evidence. Don\'t you forget that when I called albus, he didn\'t deny it directly. Besides, besides Dumbledore, can you find the second wizard who can easily leave under the siege of more than a dozen Luo Ao?" cornelli fudge asked with a sneer.

"Yes! Have you forgotten the mysterious death of more than a dozen Luo Ao a few years ago? Maybe... This is the conspiracy of the behind the scenes to frame Dumbledore."

"That\'s enough! Arthur Weasley! I now announce as Minister of magic that you\'re fired. Get out! Get out! From now on, the Ministry of magic doesn\'t need Dumbledore\'s dog. Rufus, I authorize you to arrest Albus Dumbledore immediately and kill him if he dares to resist. The British magic world has tolerated his misdeeds for too long. It\'s time for everyone to understand, Dumbledore is just a mortal and has no right to be above the law. "

As he said this, cornelli fudge clenched his fist, and his eyes burst into a chilling madness.

"Yes! Please rest assured, Mr. Minister, I promise to arrest Dumbledore." Auror\'s office director stood up, bowed slightly, and then disappeared at the end of the corridor outside the door.





As long as human beings exist, they will never be able to get rid of their innate nature.

No matter how they hide it, they will inevitably hate those minorities who are smarter and better than themselves.

With a little guidance, this emotion can evolve into a massive and targeted movement of isolation and exclusion.

As far back as 2000 years ago in ancient Greece, the citizens of Athens had exiled their best leaders in the name of opposing dictatorship.

Now the British magic world can naturally attack Dumbledore for the same reason, and even convict him and put him in Azkaban.

In fact, this incident just exposed the public\'s dark psychology described in the mob, and the behind the scenes planner Zhang Cheng only played a guiding and promoting role.

I\'m afraid he didn\'t expect that Dumbledore had become a thorn in the eye and flesh of most bureaucrats of the Ministry of magic shortly after the whole plan was launched