All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 759




Almost all Hogwarts students and professors who knew Ron couldn\'t help standing up and staring at his lonely figure and the huge fire dragon body in sharp contrast.

Even the adult wizards who were going to rush to subdue the fire dragon were stunned in situ. It seemed that they couldn\'t believe that a fierce and irritable dragon was killed so easily.

And because of the speed, no one even noticed that the dragon was killed by something, a powerful spell, or magic weapons such as sword and spear.

In fact, no one in the whole stand cared about the poor and humble Ron Weasley except Zhang Cheng. He didn\'t even think he was able to complete the thrilling challenge. Most of his attention focused on Harry Potter who had just demonstrated his powerful spell casting skills.

Interestingly, it was such a humble "ugly duckling" who staged a startling reversal of the first event of the top three competition.

In just a few seconds from the entrance to the end, he bathed in dragon blood and held high the golden egg.

"My God! This... This is really Ron? How on earth did he do it!" Hermione subconsciously put her hand over her mouth and asked incoherently.

"This is the embodiment of power! It is the explosion after long-term accumulation! Do you feel it? The strong dissatisfaction and anger hidden under his ordinary appearance! From today on, Ron Weasley will no longer be the person you know, he has been reborn..." Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

Through the power of spiritual power, he clearly felt the intense negative emotions in each other\'s heart, just as bright as a torch in the night.

Next, I\'m afraid the boy will vent his strength like many poor people who suddenly gain strength, break all the rules he hates, and become a total violent.

"No! I mean! How could he kill a fire dragon in an instant!" Hermione was obviously stimulated, and her tone was full of doubt and confusion.

You know, in her eyes, Ron is just an ignorant idiot. He has no merit at all except loyalty to his friends.

But such a big boy can suddenly show overwhelming power, which is a bit of subverting the previous impression of others.

Looking at the changing expression on the girl\'s face, Zhang Cheng came close and said in a low voice, "you know, honey, the world is not as beautiful as you thought. There are countless dark secrets hidden behind it. Tell me, are you sure you are ready to see these darkness, bid farewell to innocence and enter the world of adults?"

"I... I..."

Hermione didn\'t expect the other party to choose a showdown at this time. The whole person was a little flustered and bowed his head and fiddled with his cuffs at a loss.

As a smart girl, she had already seen some clues from those experimental notes, but subconsciously deceived herself and ignored those terrible facts.

Now, Zhang Cheng suddenly mentioned this matter directly, which suddenly broke the girl\'s psychological defense line and made her realize that she had long been trapped as an accomplice.

"Ah! It seems that you are not ready. It doesn\'t matter. I can wait slowly. But please remember, Miss Granger, you can\'t live in a perfect fairy tale forever. One day you need to face the cruel reality. The sooner you embrace the reality, the more you can have a clear understanding of the world. Most of the time, the good and evil you understand are just most stupid humans There is a naked struggle for interests behind the self righteous. "

After that, Zhang Cheng picked up Hermione\'s slightly frightened face, gently kissed her on the forehead, then stood up and left quietly.

Through the chaotic crowd, he quietly came to the rest place of the players, watched Ron soaked in dragon blood all over his body, smiled and joked for about a minute: "what\'s the taste of being a dragon slaying warrior? Is it very intoxicating?"

"Very good! Especially when those bastards shut their mouths and were silent, it was intoxicating." Ron replied with a ferocious expression.

"Yes! It seems that you have realized the value of power!" Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly satisfied with the boy\'s cynical attitude and nodded slightly. "Yes, human beings are such hypocritical creatures. When they are weak, they will laugh at you, but once you are strong enough, they will close their mouths and show fear and scared eyes. When the game is over, our dear headmaster Dumbledore will talk to you. You should know what to do, right?"

"Don\'t worry! I\'ve seen through his hypocrisy! And I won\'t accept that ridiculous story that even Harry doesn\'t want to believe."

"Great! Congratulations on passing the first test. I believe that from now on, the whole Hogwarts students will know you again, the powerful Ron Weasley, a rising star. Be prepared, and you will soon become the most respected and popular person in the school."

As the last word blurted out, a playful smile flashed on Zhang Cheng\'s face, caressing his chest with one hand and leaning slightly.

Good at grasping his heart, he knew that at this moment, what the boy most longed for was the respect from others to meet that humble and poor self-esteem.

In fact, in the process of interpersonal communication, often a casual small action can shorten the distance between each other and establish a relationship of trust or favor.

Like this kind of behavior that basically does not need much investment to obtain huge returns, Zhang Cheng doesn\'t mind doing more easily. Anyway, there is no loss for him.


Meanwhile, Albus Dumbledore\'s evil twin brother Leon is lying in ambush near a telephone booth in the heart of London, the British capital.

Of course, this is not an ordinary telephone booth, but a secret entrance to the Ministry of magic. Anyone who goes in and dials 62442 and explains his intention will start the corresponding mechanism.

However, he has been wanted for a reward. Naturally, he can\'t swagger in, so he can only hide here and wait patiently for the emergence of the target.

About half an hour or so, several wizards escorted a small old man with gray curly hair and looks a little strong out of the telephone booth.

No hesitation!

When leonton, the clone, rushed out of the dark corner, raised his wand and shot a green death spell, directly knocked the outermost unlucky egg to the ground and died on the spot.

"Damn it! There\'s an attacker!"

"Come on! Minister of protection!"

"Call for help! He\'s too strong! We can\'t stop him alone!"

For a moment, all kinds of panic and disorderly voices rose higher and higher.

Needless to ask, the little old man was no one else, but the current British Minister of magic, Cornell fudge.

He looked very nervous, especially the attacker\'s long gray beard and hair, which were exactly like his old friend Albus Dumbledore.