All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 758

Within a few days, the prophet daily published on the front page that four Ministry of magic officials were attacked, one of them was killed and three were injured. The house elf saw the explosive news that the murderer looked like Dumbledore.

This news not only overshadowed the limelight of the "savior" participating in the top three competition, but also made the president feel the bitter chill.

In particular, as like as two peas in a newspaper, the old man with a mask is almost the same as he is in height, body shape, pace, or hair and long beard.

To this end, he also specially checked his father who was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, confirmed that he did not escape halfway, married again and gave birth to new brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, the Luo Ao people have not yet mastered conclusive evidence, and Albus Dumbledore has a high prestige in the British magic world, so the Ministry of magic did not rashly take the arrest action.

But the problem is that the overwhelming negative public opinion has drowned it like a tide. Almost every once in a while, someone will disclose some of his early black history.

For a moment, denouncing Dumbledore became almost a routine in the British magic world.

Although at the beginning, many people didn\'t care too much, Zhang Cheng, who hid behind the scenes and controlled everything, knew that a lie repeated a thousand times was the truth.

As long as we can firmly control the media voice, it is easy to reverse whitening.

Maybe an occasional negative news can\'t shake the position of a powerful wizard like Dumbledore in people\'s mind, but what if there are 100, 1000, 10000?

For the coming of this day, Lucius Malfoy has already acquired almost most of the news media in the magic world, including the prophet daily. Therefore, it is as easy for journalists like Rita Skeeter to make up and distort the facts a little as eating and drinking water.

With Albus Dumbledore deeply trapped in negative news, the first project of the top three competition finally began under the expectation of everyone.

Sitting high in the built stand, Zhang Cheng enjoyed the picture of Harry Potter fighting with the fire dragon below with great interest and commented with a smile: "it seems that he is still too young to achieve his goal."

"Teacher, I don\'t understand what you mean. In my opinion, Porter has done very well, at least a hundred times better than the two guys in front. I can guarantee that Victor Krum and Furong delakul have absolutely no courage to fight a dragon." Draco took the initiative to defend his friends.

"OK? No, my dear student, you shouldn\'t set the standard so low. What are Victor Krum and Furong Dracula? Do they have more strict training? Do you have more knowledge and spells? Obviously, no, they are no different from most students, and their heads are still full of naive and stupid ideas. For example If you are always compared with such a guy, you will never be able to climb the real peak of magic. "Zhang Cheng sneered and shook his head.

Hearing this, Draco quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "I\'m sorry to disappoint you. But I still don\'t understand why you think Potter can quickly subdue a fire dragon with strong magic resistance in the frontal battle?"

"Remember, being good at using wisdom is the sign of a powerful wizard. The so-called powerful fire dragon in your eyes is still just an irrational beast. If Harry used frozen magic to lock the dragon\'s wings and feet, and then stabbed the dragon\'s eyes, would he still be so difficult as now?" Zhang Cheng explained with a smile.

Just as Malfoy was thinking and stunned in place, there was a sudden explosion of thunderous cheers in the venue.

It turned out that after a hard struggle, the boy who survived the disaster finally hit a heavy blow, which made the dragon\'s strong heart fall into a short sudden stop, fell to the ground with a bang, and raised the golden egg in his hand.

There is no doubt that this way of extreme blood violence is far more ornamental than the previous two players, and it is easier to stimulate and arouse the excitement of the audience.

It is human nature to worship the strong, especially someone who has a loud reputation and mysterious aura.

"Excuse me, professor. I have to congratulate Harry for a while." Zhang Qiu couldn\'t help standing up and ran quickly towards the fence exit.

She didn\'t realize that her strong admiration for the boy was completely understood by someone in her mind.

And as a disposable tool, her life will reach the end before the end of this semester and become the seed to ignite the "savior"\'s towering anger and hatred.

Draco and many students followed. In the blink of an eye, more than half of the people on the stand rushed to the exit to offer compliments and blessings to Harry Potter. Several people ignored Ron, the last player who stepped into the field alone.

Feeling the intense jealousy contained in the other party\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help showing a trace of imperceptible playfulness, lowered his voice and muttered, "Aha! The good play is finally going to be staged. Come on, show your strength and let me see what you can do..."

"What are you muttering about?" Hermione obviously heard something and looked up curiously.

"No, nothing, I\'m just looking forward to his performance." Zhang Cheng deliberately stopped the girl\'s waist from behind and put it in his ear in a very intimate and ambiguous posture.

"Don\'t! It\'s a public place!" Hermione reminded, blushing and biting her lower lip.

"Don\'t worry, now everyone\'s attention is attracted by Harry, and no one will notice us at all." Zhang Cheng comforted softly and made some small movements that are not obvious but can be seen in private.

Because he had noticed that Ron\'s eyes, which had begun to turn yellow, were constantly glancing at the audience and the position of himself and the girl.

Under the control of strong negative feelings, the boy finally reached the critical state in just a few seconds. His right hand under the black robe began to change and rushed to the roaring fire dragon like a madman.

"Go to hell, bastard!"

With an angry roar, he crossed the Dragon at a speed almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

Next second


The fire dragon sent out a scream that made everyone present feel palpitation, followed by a plop and fell to the ground. Precious dragon blood gushed out of the wound marked by something on his chest, which could not be stopped.

Before the staff knew what had happened, the poor dragon was dying and swallowed his last breath.

Standing next to the body, Ron raised his head slightly and let the bright red blood sprinkle on his body and face, as if announcing his rebirth to the world.

From now on, no one can despise him, and no one will regard him as the clown and servant around the "savior"