All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 752


Run like hell!

Ron felt as if he would never feel tired and had almost unlimited physical strength.

However, this state did not last long. When he ran to a stream, he suddenly felt that all the forces that had just emerged disappeared, and the whole man returned to his original state. He fell on his knees with a plop and gasped heavily.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on?"

Looking at his normal face in the water, the boy felt like he had a dream, a terrible nightmare.

Just after he drank a few salivas and struggled to get up and return to school, he suddenly found a dark figure standing behind him.

Before he could respond, a strong feeling of vertigo swept through, followed by a black eye and a direct loss of consciousness.

Obviously, the shadow is no one else, but Zhang Cheng who follows.

I saw him standing in place like a puppet with his pupils enlarged. After Ron turned twice, he said to himself in a thoughtful tone: "interesting little white mouse, let me see what happened to you..."

Next second

He put his left hand on his opponent\'s shoulder and directly cast the teleport spell to return to the secret room under the castle.

Since the soul in Voldemort\'s diary was not completely resurrected in Harry Potter\'s second grade, the Slytherin secret room where the Basilisk was imprisoned was not exposed, but was transformed into a fully equipped laboratory.

The Basilisk guarding the door itself is the most perfect guard.

"Great master, dobby, your most loyal servant, is at your command." the house elf in charge of daily cleaning and maintenance hurried over, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

"Hasn\'t Hermione been here today?" Zhang Cheng glanced around cautiously and asked directly.

"Yes! Miss Granger\'s schedule is a little full today. She won\'t have free time until lunch break." dobby gave the answer without thinking.

He was no fool. He recognized Ron at a glance and knew what his master was worried about.

Zhang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "very good! Now send the boy to the experimental platform and close the whole laboratory. Next, I need some time to find out the variation on him."

"I see!" dobby raised his hand and snapped his fingers, controlled the unconscious boy to lie down, and then sealed the only entrance to the outside world.

After all this, he stood beside the test-bed and waited patiently for the master to give new orders.

It has to be said that after years of domestication, wizards have deeply imprinted servility on the souls of the whole family of domestic elves. Even after painful and distorted transformation, they still maintain perfect obedience, which can make the Lord feel more comfortable than any kind of slave.

Of course, it is not without shortcomings. The biggest disadvantage is the ugly appearance of these dwarf creatures.

After simple preparation, Zhang Cheng quickly stood in front of the test-bed and began the inhuman living test. After a while, the whole secret room echoed Ron\'s screams and wails of extreme pain.


"Ah ah!!!!!!!!!!!"


Without any sympathy, compassion, guilt and other emotions, he is like a cold machine, constantly carrying out various experiments, and even cutting off each other\'s organs and limbs from the inside to the outside to check them one by one. The bloody picture will produce a lifelong psychological shadow even if ordinary people look at it.

But with the power of magic, no matter how painful Ron is, he won\'t die easily, and he can\'t even collapse into a coma. He keeps a clear sense of pain from beginning to end.


Unbearable pain!

If he could commit suicide, he would definitely end his life without hesitation.

But it is a pity that his little life has long not belonged to himself, but to another cold man who has long ignored human life.

I don\'t know how long it took, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours, maybe several days

Just when Ron thought that he would spend his whole life in this tragic state, he suddenly felt that the torture didn\'t know when to stop. Instead, he was wrapped in a warm and peaceful energy.

At the same time, the dark eyes began to shake with fuzzy shadows. About three or four minutes, they finally saw who was standing in front of them.

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley. First of all, please forgive me for what I did before. Believe me, it was all to find out what happened to you." Zhang Cheng bowed politely, with a faint smile on his face, as if he just accidentally stepped on each other\'s foot instead of breaking it up, and almost collapsed.

"It\'s... It\'s you?!" Ron suddenly picked it up from the experimental platform, with helplessness and panic in his eyes.

Although he fainted when there was an unexpected conflict at the end of last semester, he later learned about what happened at that time through some methods and understood that the young professor standing in front of him was actually a powerful wizard that could make President Dumbledore feel extremely frightened.

"Relax, I mean no harm to you." Zhang Cheng comforted the boy softly. "Maybe you don\'t quite understand what that powerful force suddenly appears out of thin air and how amazing its potential is, but I can tell you that it can change your destiny and give you the status, money and everything you dream of."

"Power? You mean the ability to turn into a devil?" Ron was obviously frightened and couldn\'t help shaking.

"Devil? Is that how you describe it? No, no, no, it\'s not a devil at all, but a power hidden in the Weasley family\'s blood. Think about it, why do your brothers and sisters have strange red hair? It\'s not just a family legacy, I prefer a kind of atavism." Zhang Cheng explained with a smile.

"Return to the ancestors?" Ron was stunned and then asked in an uncertain tone, "do you mean that one of my ancestors has the same ability?"

"Sorry, I\'m not sure whether this power comes from an extinct magical creature or a variation of one of your ancestors, but it\'s sure that it\'s very powerful enough to be beyond the reach of most adult wizards." after that, Zhang Cheng handed over the cleaned black robe.

In order to facilitate the dissection, he took off each other\'s clothes at the beginning, and now it\'s time to return them.

After Ron, who was naked, found this, he quickly put on his clothes as soon as possible, endured his anger and asked, "what do you want to do to me?"

"What do I do to you? No, I won\'t do anything to you. On the contrary, I want to teach you to use this power..."