All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 753

Before poor Ron could figure out what was going on, he was controlled again by the house elf and stuffed into a huge wooden cabinet next to him.

But this time, he didn\'t lose consciousness. Instead, he could clearly see what was happening outside through the gap.

"Mr. Weasley, please keep quiet and stare at what happens next," dobby whispered in the boy\'s ear.

After cleaning up all the experimental traces outside, Zhang Cheng directly opened the closed entrance and said to the familiar figure at the door, "sorry to keep you waiting."

"No, it\'s nothing. In fact, it\'s not long."

With the familiar voice, the figure of a beautiful girl appeared in Ron\'s sight. The other party was no one else. It was Hermione Granger, one of his best friends in the past. At the same time, it was also the object of his secret love this year.


He felt a flame of jealousy burning slowly at the bottom of his heart, and it became stronger and stronger, as if it could burst out at any time.

But unfortunately, under the control of Dobby\'s powerful magic power, he couldn\'t even move his lips. He could only watch the scene that made him unbearable.

Zhang Cheng obviously knew Ron was watching, so holding Hermione\'s sharp chin, he bent down and kissed her.

In the first few seconds, the girl had a little symbolic resistance, but she soon closed her eyes and was immersed in unspeakable tension and stimulation. She was unable to extricate herself. She even took the initiative to open her arms and put her arms around each other\'s neck, from the passive side to the active side.

Needless to ask, although the sudden kiss was a little unexpected, she did not reject it at all, but was full of expectation and surprise.

When the two young men and women greedily asked for each other, Ron, who was locked in the cabinet, felt unprecedented jealousy, pain and anger, and uncontrolled variation all over his body. He struggled desperately to break free from the shackles and rushed out to tear the guy he hated most into pieces.

But after cruel transformation, how can dobby break away from a boy who can\'t even control his own strength and constantly inject magic energy, so that he has to stay in place, even if blood red tears are left in his eyes.

A few minutes later, Zhang Cheng opened the girl\'s soft lips and joked in a relaxed and pleasant tone: "Dear Miss Granger, how are you feeling now?"

"Not bad! At least much better than I thought." Hermione licked her swollen lips and took several deep breaths to calm her excitement.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn\'t control the slight trembling all over her body, and her brain couldn\'t help recalling what had just happened.

"Oh? So you\'ve imagined it many times in your mind?" Zhang Cheng tilted his mouth slightly and showed a meaningful expression.

"Damn it! Your current tone is really annoying!" Hermione obviously knew what the other party was implying. She turned her eyes angrily and blushed. She followed her into the laboratory and asked without looking back: "what experiment were you doing just now and closed the entrance of the secret room?"

"Nothing, an interesting mutant. I took some blood samples. If you are interested, you can try it yourself." Zhang Cheng glanced at the cabinet and held the girl in his arms from the back.

Obviously, everything he did was arousing Ron\'s subconscious jealousy.

Because through his research, he has found that the variation in Ron is very interesting. It comes entirely from the stimulation of external factors, and there is no so-called subjective will.

Whenever he has strong jealousy, the creative power will quickly urge the cells to absorb as much magic energy as possible, causing them to produce strong biological changes, and even the genes behind the changes are out of the human category and completely become another creature.

However, this power is not the atavism mentioned before cheating boys, but a simple individual mutation.

For Zhang Cheng, if he can figure out the cause of the mutation, he can directly use ordinary humans who are too fragile to be regarded as cannon fodder as a source of troops in an extremely cheap way.

"Oh my God! Orange blood? Are you sure it\'s not a joke?" Hermione took one of the test tubes full of blood and asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

She was so shocked that she even forgot to stop the two big hands swimming on her body.

"Are you kidding? No, honey, after your research, you will find how much energy is contained in these blood. Well, hurry up and go back to the dormitory. I don\'t want to be found by that old Dumbledore. Of course, it doesn\'t matter if you\'re ready to stay overnight..."

After that, Zhang Cheng made no secret of his aggressive eyes and kept looking up and down at the girl\'s concave and convex figure.

"No! I\'m not ready yet!" Hermione was undoubtedly startled. She quickly picked up today\'s experimental notes and trotted out all the way.

Seeing her slim figure gradually disappear at the end of the darkness, Zhang Cheng turned around and opened the cabinet door. With great interest, he said to Ron, who maintained his transformed form: "Hehe, dear Mr. Weasley, it seems that you already know how to control that power, don\'t you? Yes! It\'s jealousy! Naked jealousy! It\'s known as the lowest and most despicable of all human feelings. Admit it, you are essentially a despicable villain, a villain eager to be noticed and eager to obtain power, status and wealth."

"No!!!!! I... I\'m not!" roared Ron, gnashing his teeth.

Dobby has let go of the shackles since Hermione left, and now he has completely regained control of his body.

"No? Really?

Remember how you felt when I kissed Hermione Granger just now?




No, it\'s not. It\'s just intense jealousy.

Recall, what did you see when you first changed?

Is it the intimate picture of Harry Potter and his lovely girlfriend Zhang Qiu?

Don\'t be so nervous, Weasley. I\'m not Albus Dumbledore who likes to blame others from the moral vantage point, but someone who can really help you.

Come on, open your heart and help me finish the research. As long as you show enough cooperation, I can even return the beautiful girl to you, so that you can have a chance to pursue her again... "

At the moment, Zhang Cheng is like a devil from hell, constantly stimulating poor Ron with words and guiding him slowly into the abyss of eternal doom.

You know the Weasleys, but Dumbledore\'s die hard loyalty can incite one or two Weasleys\' children to betray their parents and family. It can not only greatly hurt the morale of the enemy, but also create an atmosphere of panic and distrust.

As he continued to explore the potential of spiritual powers, he began to realize the strong pleasure brought by playing with the people, which is a sense of satisfaction that nothing can give.