All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 751

The first week of the new semester has passed unconsciously. Whether freshmen who have just entered the school and are interested in everything, or old students who have studied in Hogwarts for at least one year, they have gradually integrated into their intense study and life.

Except that the professor of defense against the dark arts this semester changed from the highly praised lupin to the little buddy crouch disguised as alasto moody, nothing has changed much.

Of course, as the most mediocre and insignificant boy in the fourth grade, Ron is sitting alone in the public lounge, staring at his once best friend Harry Potter and his beautiful girlfriend Zhang Qiu in the distance with complex eyes. His heart is full of envy and jealousy.

As the youngest son of the Weasley family, a boy who grew up under great pressure since childhood, he was a standard ugly duckling. He not only had to listen to his parents\' praise of his brothers every day, but also never got what he wanted. His clothes, daily necessities, textbooks and appliances were all old.

Although he understood that to support so many children, parents simply could not have so much money to provide the best for each child, but under this day-to-day unequal treatment, the inner squeeze of discontent has long hovered on the edge of outbreak.

Especially after school and meeting the famous Harry Potter, he felt more and more like an insignificant star next to the sun.

Almost every time something happens, what others want for the first time is always the "savior", while they are the attendant of the hero in the adventure story, a small role that can\'t remember the name even after reading the whole story.

Let\'s look at the great Harry Potter. Not only did he get a great reputation that most wizards can\'t get in their lifetime, but also his dead parents left a large amount of property to spend freely. Even the headmaster Albus Dumbledore looked at him differently.

Since what happened in the last few months of last semester, Ron quickly realized that he was in two worlds with Harry Potter from the beginning, and there was no so-called friendship at all. He just wanted to get more extra attention with the help of the halo of the Savior.

But now it\'s all over.

Harry Potter personally killed the enemy who betrayed his parents, turned against Dumbledore and embarked on another road, which will become more and more powerful almost every once in a while.

Even many professors believe that with his current strength, even if he is attacked by one or two death eaters, there will be no great danger.

In contrast, the worship and conviction from students seem to be less important.

"Damn it! Why didn\'t I become the Savior!"

Ron Weasley clenched his fist, roared loudly in his heart, and his brain was full of intense jealousy and bitterness.

Just as he was about to get up and go to the toilet and wash his face with cold water to calm down, he suddenly heard a burst of exclamation in the common room. He looked up and saw that Hermione Granger came in from the outside with a pile of thick books.

Many boys in the state of excess secretion of elmon tried to be courteous and win favor, but they were ruthlessly rejected without exception.

Because of her potential blood, she looks like she has transformed from an ugly duckling into a white swan. She will cause a commotion wherever she goes.

"Good morning!" the girl sat down next to her and greeted her casually.

"Er - Good morning! You are so beautiful today!" Ron quickly stammered back to hide his inferiority and panic.

"Thank you! But I\'d rather hear it from another person." Hermione held her chin and the corners of her mouth tilted slightly, showing a happy look that girls can have in love.

"Who do you mean?" Ron tried cautiously, holding back the burning fire of jealousy in his heart.

Hermione rolled her eyes angrily: "sorry, keep it a secret, I won\'t tell you."

After that, the girl opened a book full of experimental notes, lowered her head and began to work.

On the third day of school, she had been to the temporary laboratory built by Zhang Cheng in the castle, and finally understood what the essence and change of magical energy was, rather than just a simple user without understanding like an ordinary wizard.

For her, those profound knowledge and complex changes almost opened the door to a new world, and the whole person was full of energy.

"Well, good luck!"

Ron shrugged his shoulders casually, stood up, quickly walked into the men\'s room at the end of the corridor, turned on the tap, poured cold water on his face, and then gasped and stared at himself in the mirror.

Somehow, he seemed to feel a force emerging from his body, and his eyes lit up with pale yellow light from time to time.

Just when he thought he was too angry to hallucinate, his heart beat violently, and then all his jealousy, unwillingness and anger were transformed into power and vented like a flood.

Hair! Skin! both hands! Feet

Almost every part of the body is changing violently, and finally becomes a posture dressed in red scales, just like the devil in fairy tales. Even breathing will spray flame and strong sulfur smell.

"I... what\'s the matter with me?!" the boy looked at his changed appearance with surprise and fell into a strong panic.

There\'s no way not to panic!

You know, the Weasley family has no history of Animagus, not to mention that Animagus usually changes in form rather than this demonic posture.

But as a saying goes, accidents are always accompanied by misfortune.

Before Ron could figure out what was going on with his changes, a junior boy who accidentally broke in found him and screamed.

"Ah!!!!!!! Monster... Monster! There is a monster here!"

"Damn it! Shut up! Keep quiet!"

In a hurry, Ron subconsciously stretched out his strong arm and pushed each other.

But who knows, the power of this push is far beyond his imagination. The boy directly soared into the air, slammed into the rear wall, ejected a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and then fainted.

"Oh - no! No! No! I didn\'t mean it! I have to get out of here! I can\'t let anyone see!"

In a panic, regardless of anything else, he smashed the toilet glass and rushed towards the forbidden forest. After a while, he disappeared without a trace.

As it happened, Zhang Cheng standing in front of the window saw the fleeting red figure. He couldn\'t help raising the corners of his mouth and saying to himself, "Aha! Another mutant! I hope this won\'t die too soon..."