All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 750

Time flies, the blink of an eye happy summer vacation has passed, and Hogwarts students usher in a new semester.

Although the sudden attack of Death Eaters cast a shadow over the whole British magic world at the Quidditch World Cup, and many people began to worry about the return of the Dark Lord, it failed to cause a wide range of panic under the strong suppression of the Minister of magic Cornell fudge.

Ordinary wizards only know through newspapers that there are a group of evil death eaters who are still unwilling to accept failure and try to vent their resentment and anger through attacks.

No one knows that with the help of the chaotic situation, a black hand has quietly reached into the British Ministry of magic and firmly controlled several important departments.

Before long, it will stimulate the dark side of the human subconscious and turn the originally stupid ordinary wizard into a tyrannical extremist.

Of course, all this is to prepare for the crazy plan to destroy the world.

After knowing what kind of person he was loyal to, Lucius completely abandoned his fantasy and carried out his master\'s orders meticulously.

Because he knows very well that only if this plan succeeds, the Malfoy family can survive. If he dares to obey the public and disobey the public, he will definitely die worse than the porters.

As a saying goes, fear is always the best driving force to urge mankind to move forward quickly.

Looking at Lucius, who wanted to cover up his enlarged fear with the help of his hard work, Zhang Cheng just smiled meaningfully, then left Malfoy Manor and returned to Hogwarts to play his role as a professor.

Because in the next year, the two most important parts of the whole plan will be completed. One is to drive Dumbledore out of Hogwarts, and the other is to wait for Voldemort to resurrect and finish all the dirty and tiring work for him.

In addition, the most important thing is to continue to deeply study the power of creativity and master and control it to a certain extent.

With a series of ulterior motives, Zhang Cheng finally boarded the Hogwarts Express train, looked at the busy scene of students and parents outside the window with great interest, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "unknowingly, I have spent two years in this world, and I hope this year is the last year."

"What are you muttering about?" Hermione looked up and asked curiously.

"No, nothing. I\'m just lamenting how time flies." Zhang Cheng replied without thinking.

With the continuous digestion of the knowledge instilled into her mind, the girl can barely be called a qualified assistant. She began to be responsible for processing some relatively secret experimental data, which greatly accelerated the research speed of creativity, and her character seems to become more mature. She scattered a faint intellectual breath that her peers can never have.

Almost every student passing by the carriage, both men and women, would involuntarily stop and stare at her with amazing eyes.

You know, in the impression of most students, Hermione Granger has always been a strong and self righteous girl.

But after a holiday, she suddenly became a mature and quiet beauty, with self-confidence and wisdom in her eyes.

"Sigh? You seem not to be old enough to make complaints about the passing of time," the girl looked at the handsome young face and couldn\'t help laughing.

"No, you don\'t understand. This root has nothing to do with age, but a special state of mind." Zhang Cheng didn\'t explain too much, just smiled and shook his head.

Although time will not leave too many traces on his body when shuttling between different worlds, spiritual changes are inevitable.

But Hermione obviously didn\'t know this. She closed her dense English notes and said seriously, "well, no matter what you\'re feeling, you\'d better give me more information quickly, otherwise I won\'t have anything to do in a week at most."

"Don\'t worry, when I get back to school, I\'ll show you the truth behind these experimental data, a power above magic." after that, Zhang Cheng leaned back in his chair and pretended to close his eyes.

Just when Hermione wanted to ask questions, she suddenly found that two freshmen came in and looked around with curious eyes. She resolutely chose to close her mouth and remain silent.

With the roar of sirens, the ancient train full of students and professors finally reached the periphery of the castle at night.

After seeing the girl into the auditorium with the senior students, Zhang Cheng came to his own room alone. Before he put down his box, he found an old guy in strange clothes standing in the corner.

"Good evening! Wizard from the East!" the other party greeted with a sneer.

"Are you... Alasto moody?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and showed a smiling expression.

"Ha ha! That\'s right! It\'s me! Remember, I\'ll keep staring at you this year. Don\'t want to make any more small moves." the old man who called himself crazy eyed moody grinned and pointed to the magic eye that kept turning.

"Stare at me? Are you sure you\'re not kidding, dear little Mr. Barty crouch? Or does your master, the Dark Lord, have never taught you to provoke me?" Zhang Cheng directly exposed the other party\'s tricks and mocked mercilessly.

Although the compound decoction claims to be able to perfectly change a person\'s external form, it can\'t change the thoughts in his mind.

Brain blocking may be enough to resist spells such as mind taking, but it can\'t resist the invasion of spiritual powers.

By simply reading shallow thinking, he can immediately recognize a person\'s true identity.

"Can you see through my disguise?!" little buddy crouch was obviously surprised.

"That\'s right! For me, most of the deception and camouflage in the world can\'t have any effect, so you\'d better be honest and don\'t try to provoke my bottom line, okay?"

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng rushed forward with lightning speed, grabbed each other\'s neck, and a piercing chill burst out of his pupils.

"Let go... Let go of me!" feeling suffocated, little buddy crouch desperately tried to break off the card owner\'s own trachea.

But unfortunately, his poor strength was not comparable to his divinely transformed body. The more he struggled, the tighter he got, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Go away!"

Seeing that this guy began to roll his eyes, Zhang Cheng released his hands and threw it like a doll into the corridor outside the door.

With a bang, little buddy crouch made a close contact with the hard marble wall, then threw it on the ground, retched and coughed continuously, returned to normal for several minutes, and quickly disappeared at the end of the dark corridor.