All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 749

"Well done. You really didn\'t disappoint me."

After a long silence, the first thing Zhang Cheng said was to praise the girl\'s efforts.

Although strictly speaking, he is not a qualified superior and does not care much about rights, which are attached to the social system, he still knows how to win over the people, especially a naive young heterosexual who is full of unrealistic fantasies about himself.

"Thank you! What do I need to do next?" Hermione, who was affirmed, was eager to prove her value.

Because with those peers whose minds are full of so-called "romantic" love ideas, she prefers the current way of getting along, that is, using intelligence to help each other achieve their wishes.

"Next? Hehe." Zhang Cheng smiled and shook his head. "The next thing you have to do is have a good sleep and wait for Hogwarts to start school."

"Rest? But I don\'t..."

"Shh! Don\'t be brave. Now close your eyes and relax. I\'ll instill some interesting knowledge into you. All you have to do is learn in your dreams and finally master them. Only by learning these, you guess you are qualified to be my real assistant."

Before the girl finished speaking, Zhang Cheng leaned into his ear and whispered softly. The heat from his mouth made the girl suddenly fall into a feeling of confusion, and even her breathing became urgent.

About two or three minutes, her consciousness began to blur, and finally fell into a coma in each other\'s arms.

Use simple actions and words to hint at hypnotic targets!

This is the most basic application of psychic power. As long as it is operated properly, the target will not have a little resistance at all, but will completely lose himself.

Of course, what Zhang Cheng uses is not only hypnosis, but also instilled a lot of important relevant knowledge into his brain.

When he finished all this, picked up Hermione and sent him back to his room, Lucius suddenly appeared at the corner of the stairs leading to the second floor and asked in a puzzled voice: "My Lord, is it worth putting so much energy into a mere mud seed? I promise that if you need it, many pure blood noble families will be willing to send their favorite daughters."

"It seems that you don\'t understand anything, do you?" Zhang Cheng glanced at each other meaningfully. "Why do you think I look at Miss Granger differently? She\'s just beautiful and lovely? No, I\'m not so superficial. Her talents in some aspects are far more than any pure blood wizard. You know? With the development of science and technology in the world of ordinary people, magic is no longer a simple mystery, but a force that can be explained by science Quantity. "

"I don\'t understand what this Granger has to do with." Lucius subconsciously frowned.

After all, at present, the whole British magic world is actually two factions competing for power and interests. One is naturally a pure blood aristocracy, and the other is a civilian faction mixed with a large number of ordinary people.

As a representative of the aristocracy, he naturally hoped that the object of his loyalty would completely stand on the side of the aristocracy and suppress the civilians led by Dumbledore.

"It matters a lot! Because the ordinary people\'s world has discovered countless mysteries through scientific research, and some have even surpassed wizards. For the simplest example, have you heard that the ordinary people\'s world has found something called gene? Simply explain that it is a special compound existing in each human body, including life race, blood type, pregnancy In principle, all the information of growth, apoptosis and other processes can even be changed through manual intervention. Do you know what this means? "Zhang Cheng asked with a smile.

Lucius was obviously not an idiot. His face suddenly became ugly and replied with gnashing teeth: "I know! It means that the aristocracy\'s blood lineage theory will become a joke!"

Zhang Cheng gently nodded his head: "That\'s right! Remember, my friend, although blood will bring a higher starting point to the children from noble families, it does not mean that they will win the final victory. I hope you can tell all nobles that it\'s best to lose the pride that has maintained for thousands of years, open your eyes and re understand the world. A great change will take place in a short time. I promise , you will get the knowledge, power and power you dream of, but whether you can keep them in the future depends on your own efforts. "

"What on earth do you want to do?" Lucius couldn\'t help asking the question that had been pressing at the bottom of his heart.

"It\'s very simple! I want to start a war to completely eliminate the quantitative advantages of ordinary people, let wizards control the whole world again and establish a real magic civilization. In order to achieve this goal, we must unite all people who can be united, including the mud species despised by the aristocrats. Only in this way can we have enough demographic advantages to slowly enslave Digest and absorb the ordinary people who survived the war. "Zhang Cheng sneered and said the crazy plan specified in his mind.

Although he didn\'t say how many people would die in the war, Lucius couldn\'t help shaking, and his eyes showed irrecoverable shock and fear.

To know the population, it has always been the weakness of wizards. Taking the whole British magic world as an example, I don\'t know if I can gather 10000 people together.

If we want to use such a small population to digest and absorb tens of millions of ordinary people, we should at least eliminate more than 95%, that is, kill more than 57 million people, leaving only a poor fraction.

This kind of genocidal massacre, not to mention that he did not dare to think, even Voldemort and the Dark Lord of all dynasties did not dare to think.

"Ha ha! You\'re scared! My friend!

Relax, civilization is always easy to destroy and difficult to build.

If it were in the past, it might be more troublesome to kill billions of ordinary people all over the world. Even if some magic plague is used, it will take hundreds of years.

But with the development of science and technology, those ordinary people have invented countless more powerful and effective weapons to destroy themselves.

It won\'t take long. As long as a few months to a year, more than 90% of the population will die of thermonuclear war. We just need to solve the surviving high-level, and then we can regain the ownership of the whole world.

At that time, ordinary people will sacrifice their humble lives as slaves to rebuild the whole world.

When the reconstruction is completed, only wizards will be left in the whole world.

Well, is my plan perfect?

After all, it\'s easy for us to let those stupid ordinary people launch nuclear weapons to destroy each other. "

When he said these words, there was a light of madness and destruction in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes, without any hesitation, guilt or hesitation.

"The Malfoy family will be honored to contribute to your great plan." Lucius bent down and bowed deeply, shaking uncontrollably.

At this moment, he realized what a huge mistake he had made before. He naively thought that the other party was a kind and easy-going person.

Obviously, he is a madman who looks gentle on the outside, but is a hundred times more terrible than anyone in the heart!

Compared with Zhang Cheng, Voldemort, known as Voldemort who dare not even mention his name, is as harmless as a little white rabbit!