All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 748


The unique necromancer magic technique of splitting his soul by killing in a special way is also the root of Voldemort\'s bold claim that he conquered death.

However, in the original story, this magic has been simply described as cruel and evil. Therefore, Voldemort was labeled as not knowing "love", as if he was not a person at all and had no human thoughts and feelings at all.

But actually?

In fact, Horcrux is a kind of extremely superb and profound magic, which has nothing to do with good and evil. It is only a purpose of avoiding death by deceiving the rules of death.

The theory is also very simple, that is, at the moment of killing the opponent, it is the caster who makes the wrong judgment of the death rule die.

In this way, the caster can be temporarily excluded from the death rule and be in a state between the living and the dead until someone directly destroys the Horcrux. Otherwise, even if it is killed, it can be resurrected again and again.

It has to be said that the wizard of the inventor\'s magic is a genius, who really sees through the great power hidden under the appearance of death that ordinary people can hardly understand.

But the problem is that it is not easy to cheat the death rules again and again.

At least apart from the Dark Lord, no one else can make more than two Horcruxes.

But he found a new way to deceive the death rule, that is to put the target in a state of extreme pain, fear and despair before killing the target.

These powerful negative feelings erupted before death can please the death rules, specifically attract the attention of the death rules, so as to complete the manufacture of Horcruxes.


When he withdrew from the meditation basin, Zhang Cheng silently recalled everything he had just seen with his eyes closed. Finally, he smiled and muttered to himself, "I see. It turns out that this is the Horcrux. This is the ubiquitous rule of death."

"Great master, Miss Granger has been waiting for you in the living room for a long time." dobby hurried forward two steps and whispered.

"It doesn\'t matter. Let her wait a little longer. You know, for young girls at this age, there\'s nothing more exciting and exciting than having strong expectations." Zhang Cheng waved his hand in disapproval, followed by picking it up and aiming at a mouse in a cage to release the deadly instant death magic.


The poor mouse\'s soul was stripped alive, but unfortunately he did not succeed in making the corresponding Horcrux.

Obviously, in this game of deceiving the rules of death, killing must be equal.

In other words, if the caster is human, he must kill human to create soul fragments. Killing other animals does not attract the attention of the death rule.

"Interesting, it\'s really interesting. Is this the power of the death rule?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and his eyes emitted a strange light.

Although it was only less than one hundredth of a second just now, he really felt the ubiquitous death, a supreme criterion above all known forces. Even the whole universe could not escape the ultimate destruction and death.

Of course, he is not stupid enough to follow Voldemort\'s example and split his soul to create the so-called Horcrux. It makes no difference to castrate himself.

You should know that although on the surface, splitting the soul will not affect a wizard\'s spell casting ability, in fact, it has gone astray since the moment of splitting its own soul.

In fact, the composition of a person\'s soul is very complex. According to the understanding of Phelan continent, every soul has two opposite energy components: otherness and transcendence.

As the name suggests, mortality is the characteristics of mortals, such as emotions, such as greed, desire and impulse. All these combine to form the complex and changeable soul of mortals.

In contrast, the part called extraordinary refers to the fearlessness and courage shown by heroes in the face of dangers and difficulties. They will erupt into a powerful force praised by even gods in order to defend what they think is right.

But the extraordinary power is usually hidden very deeply. Only a few people can find it and use it to create miracles one after another.

It is said that somewhere in the distant universe, a crazy mage once tried to separate the mortal nature from himself, only retain the extraordinary part, and make himself a greater existence than the gods.

But the result is that his stripped ordinary nature constitutes one separation after another, and finally disappears forever in the fight with each other.

So far, Zhang Cheng has never seen anyone dare to say that he knows the soul, even the most powerful Creator dare not say so.

Thinking of this, he couldn\'t help sighing with regret: "Hey, it seems that I\'m still too ignorant in front of the vast knowledge."

The voice just fell!

He directly emitted a dissociation ray, which decomposed all the memories including the meditation basin and inside into green residues, followed by raising his hand, snapping his fingers and disappearing in situ.

Dobby, the house elf, saw his master leave and quickly began to clean up the garbage and experimental damage left in the whole basement.

At the same time, Hermione, who had been waiting for a long time on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, immediately stood up, raised her notes and shouted happily, "Professor, I found it!"

"Oh? What did you find?" Zhang Cheng, who had just sent it, asked back with interest.

"Rule! I found two common rules in these seemingly disordered experiments," Hermione responded with her dry eyes.

In order to do this well, she has been trying to stay up late recently, so that she has serious dark circles under her eyes, and the whole person looks quite haggard.

"Come on, I\'m listening." Zhang Cheng took the teapot to the measuring cup of hot tea and pushed one of the cups in front of the girl.

Hermione picked it up and took a sip, then opened the note and explained at a fast speed: "You see, first of all, almost 70% of the subjects have benign variation. Although it is very slight, the blood sample test shows that with the increase of time, this variation will continue to a certain critical point, and the degree of increase seems to be related to the individual\'s subjective will. Secondly, I found that a small number of men have more drastic changes and shorter duration than others It\'s like a sudden explosion. "

There was no doubt that she did not know that the name replaced by a symbol on the test record was actually a student of Hogwarts.

"Sudden outbreak?" Zhang Cheng subconsciously took it over and turned it over, and soon matched the names of several people in his mind, one of whom was the unlucky guy who died unexpectedly in the mutation.

And they all have a very obvious common feature, that is, they are often bullied by their classmates in school.

If Hermione\'s inference is correct, the root cause of the mutation in these subjects should be from external stimuli, or the result of the outbreak of accumulated dissatisfaction and resentment in the heart.

This means that the power of creation is actually a power to make the host change under the dual influence of subjective will and environment, or to strengthen its own ability