All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 747

"Ah! You\'re here at last, my dear friend."

With the highly recognizable voice, Voldemort finally revealed his twisted and ugly temporary body.

It has to be said that his talent in magic is really amazing. Even in the miserable state between life and death, he can still use limited resources to ensure that he will not really die.

Besides, just this baby like body contains a lot of advanced necromancer magic technology, which can ensure that the incomplete and cursed soul will not be swallowed up by the ubiquitous death rules.

You know what happened to Voldemort, if anyone else, even Albus Dumbledore, would never survive.

But he not only survived successfully, but also actively planned to focus on shaping his body and appear in front of the world as a living person.

There is no doubt that this alone is enough to prove that he is qualified to claim that he conquered death.

Realizing this, Zhang Cheng put aside his previous contempt and sincerely praised: "good evening, dear Dark Lord. I have to admit that your attainments in some magic are far more powerful than Dumbledore, and even far beyond my expectation."

"Ha ha! I accept your praise. You know, I took a great risk to arrange this meeting, but it seems very worth it now, isn\'t it?" Voldemort burst into a harsh laugh.

In order to quickly cut through the confusion and solve the contradiction between them, he broke his always cautious style, just to find out whether the mysterious oriental wizard in front of him is an enemy or an ally.

If it is an enemy, the other party will not let go of the weak killer. If it is an ally, it will be a good opportunity to be frank and close the distance between them.

It has been said that success in any field is essentially a dangerous gamble. Successful people can naturally be praised by countless people, while failure will only be mercilessly ridiculed.

Obviously, the Dark Lord won this bet.

Because Zhang Cheng doesn\'t want to kill each other at this time, he will lose a valuable piece and make many follow-up plans full of uncertainty, so he just nodded slightly: "yes, it\'s very worth it. At least we have reason to establish a trust relationship rather than continue to use each other."

"Yes! Trust! It\'s important!" Voldemort grinned with an expression that was enough to make most people have nightmares at night. "I want to know why you want to protect Harry Potter. Don\'t you know he is my enemy?"

"Enemy? Are you making me laugh? A boy whose parents died at birth and who is only 15 years old is qualified to be your enemy? No, he is not your enemy at all. He just inadvertently made you lose face." Zhang Cheng retorted bluntly.

In fact, this so-called enemy relationship is a strategy deliberately created and exaggerated by Albus Dumbledore to confuse and divert the opponent\'s attention.

As a saying goes, a lie repeated a thousand times is the truth.

No matter how absurd the rumor is, as long as a large group of people think it is right, Voldemort must stand up and prove it wrong with practical actions.

Although it sounds stupid, it will be a fatal weakness for an ambitious who is determined to subvert the existing order, especially those who use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals.

After all, as long as Harry Potter is alive, people will have hope that the brave will one day defeat the devil again, so that the resistance will never really stop.

In this way, the wily Dumbledore can continue to hide in the dark to search for and destroy Horcruxes, so as to ensure that when the final decisive battle comes, his opponent can no longer come back from the dead.

It can be said that according to what Dumbledore did, he was more like the ultimate BOSS hidden behind the scenes than Voldemort with more publicized personality.

"You\'re right. Harry Potter is just a boy, which is not enough to pose any threat to me. But it\'s undeniable that I killed his parents myself, and even nearly killed him together. Do you think the hatred between us can be resolved?" the Dark Lord did not insist on his previous attitude, but put forward a meaningful question that people can\'t avoid.

"Defuse? Who told you I wanted to defuse your grievances?"

Zhang Cheng spread his hand with a playful face.

"No, what I want to say is, let Harry Potter keep his hatred and surrender at your feet, which is the ideal state.

First of all, his presence can always remind you to be cautious and pay attention to the betrayal from behind at any time;

Secondly, don\'t you think it\'s interesting for a boy full of hatred to have to work for the enemy who killed his parents in order to survive?

Finally, and most importantly, the submission of Harry Potter can greatly combat the resistance of the whole British magic world.

You should understand that Dumbledore has been sparing no effort to promote the greatness of Harry Potter in order to set a trap.

So when the Savior in people\'s mind kneels down to the demon king, countless vulnerable ordinary wizards will feel unparalleled shock and despair, because their spirit and faith have been broken. "

Voldemort narrowed his red eyes and seemed to be thinking about the feasibility of the plan. After about three or five minutes, he asked seriously, "how do you guarantee that Harry Potter will kneel before me and swear allegiance?"

"Oh, don\'t worry, you\'d better finish the resurrection ceremony first. In addition, I promise that when you resurrect, Harry Potter and Dumbledore will become immortal enemies, and the reason is the love he always preaches." Zhang Cheng\'s mouth rose and showed a sinister and evil smile.

"Sounds like it\'s worth looking forward to! I suddenly found that we are natural allies. We have a lot in common, whether we dislike Dumbledore\'s dignified appearance or the ideas in our minds."

"Maybe! Oh, I almost forgot. I have a small gift for you." then Zhang Cheng took out the glass container filled with black mysterious substances from his magic pocket.

Seeing this, the Death Eater in charge of the cart quickly picked it up and sent it to the master.

Voldemort raised his deformed arm and touched it gently. His eyes glowed strangely: "energy! I feel the powerful magic energy! What is this?"

"An unexpected product from the experiment. If you use it in the resurrection ceremony, the total amount of magic stored in the body will be greatly increased." Zhang Cheng explained without panic.

"Good! Very good! I\'m very satisfied with your little gift. In return, I\'ll give you the theory of making Horcruxes before I decide." Voldemort grabbed his wand, pointed it at his head and pulled out a silver thread.

You don\'t have to ask. As long as this silk thread storing memory is put into the meditation basin, you can personally experience his process of learning to make Horcruxes