All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 741

"Excellent activity, excellent adaptability and general fusion. It seems that it will take some time before this thing can enter the stage of in vivo experiment..."

Zhang Cheng obviously doesn\'t know how much trouble Hermione Granger has brought with his little gift. He is busy testing various properties of black matter.

For him, this kind of thing generated by the mutation of creative power is full of incredible characteristics. It can not only give cells strong adaptability, but also observe the interaction between each nucleus and other nuclei through the microscope, just like these cells have obtained relatively independent consciousness, Will judge according to the action from external stimuli.

Of course, this is not the most interesting.

The most interesting thing is that although black matter strengthens more than 90% of the cells in the body, it does not strengthen brain cells.

This means that no matter how strong the body is, the brain is extremely fragile, just like ordinary people.

The deceased was in the process of mutation. The brain could not bear the sudden increase of blood pressure. The whole skull exploded directly and turned into a pool of rotten bean curd.

However, as an enhancer, it is undoubtedly qualified. At least after strengthening, the total amount of magic that the wizard\'s body can carry has increased, and it will obtain a certain degree of resistance to various magic attacks.

The only thing that Zhang Cheng always doesn\'t understand is, what are the conditions for this mutation?

The strong will of the experimental problem itself?

Or from the outside?

Or a chain reaction caused by a specific magic item?

Since he did not observe the situation at that time, he could not speculate anything at all, and even the recurring spells often used by some wizards failed.

Just when he thought he had entered the dead end again, Lucius Malfoy suddenly opened the door and burst in, shouting excitedly: "Great news! Next semester, Hogwarts will hold the top three competition, which has stopped for more than 700 years. I believe Dumbledore will break his head. As long as he makes a mistake, we can use it as an excuse to make trouble. Even if we can\'t drive him away, we can issue more laws to restrict the president\'s rights."

"Oh? It sounds interesting, but I\'m more concerned about the Dark Lord\'s plan. Tell me how he plans to announce his return?" Zhang Cheng slowly turned around with a playful expression on his face.

You know, Peter Pettigrew is dead and burned to ashes by Harry Potter.

He now wondered how Voldemort would complete his resurrection plan without his own help, especially the release of one of his most loyal servants, Barty crouch, Jr.

"Sorry, he didn\'t mention it. He just asked me to prepare some extra Quidditch World Cup tickets. I heard that he received two new servants some time ago. I think he should take this opportunity to summon the death eaters." Lucius guessed in an uncertain tone.

"New servant?" Zhang Cheng\'s eyes showed surprise.

Lucius nodded solemnly: "yes! One is called madier and the other is Cindy. I only know that they are crazy duel lovers. They participate in duels at least five times a year and kill their opponents cruelly each time, so they are wanted by the whole European magic world."

"I see... It seems that our dark lord is really charming. You can meet your fanatical admirers wherever you go, can\'t you?" Zhang Cheng joked meaningfully.

This time, Lucius wisely closed his mouth and did not participate in the discussion.

As an aristocrat, he didn\'t want to be watched by Voldemort who killed without blinking his eyes because he was quick to talk.

Zhang Cheng turned around the basement twice and suddenly said, "get me two Quidditch World Cup tickets, too. I want to see what he wants to do with my own eyes."

"It\'s a piece of cake!" Lucius agreed without hesitation.

Perhaps for ordinary wizard families, it takes months of savings to buy a pricey ticket, but for him who has bought countless industries, he is hardly a drizzle.


Time flies. More than a week passed in the blink of an eye.

With the approach of the Quidditch World Cup final day, the whole British magic world has entered a carnival state, even the mature Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are no exception.


In particular, the intense antagonistic movement can always arouse the primitive instinct hidden in the human subconscious.

To some extent, it belongs to the continuation of hunting and killing impulse, which can make people\'s spirit fall into an extremely excited state.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng had not felt this for a long time. He just came to Hermione\'s house alone with two VIP seats, but as soon as he met, he saw Mrs. Granger with a sad face.

Out of politeness, he asked, "madam, are you in any trouble?"

"It\'s Hermione! She\'s locked herself in her room for more than a week and won\'t let us in. I\'m worried if something\'s wrong with her. You know, magic..." the latter obviously hesitated, but finally told the truth.

After all, it is difficult for ordinary families to accept a daughter as a wizard, not to mention accidental injuries from time to time in the process of learning magic.

"Don\'t worry, if you don\'t mind, I can go up and have a look." Zhang Cheng took the easy task with a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much! I really don\'t know what to say. Hermione is upstairs. Go up and find her yourself." Mrs. Granger quickly pointed to the room on the second floor near the right side of the stairs.

Without any hesitation, Zhang Cheng went directly to the door and knocked on the door.

Soon, the girl\'s agitated voice came out of the door: "damn! Mom! I said, don\'t disturb me."

"It\'s me, Miss Granger. No matter what happens, you\'d better open the door first. Don\'t you think a mere door can stop me from entering?" Zhang Cheng joked in a half joking tone.

"Teach... Professor?!"

Hermione was no doubt startled. There was a loud crash in the room, and she didn\'t know what she had knocked down.

A minute later, the closed door opened a gap.

The girl was wrapped in blankets all over her body. She carefully inspected her surroundings. After confirming that her parents were not there, she fully opened the door and urged in a low voice, "come on! Come in!"

"What are you doing?"

When Zhang Cheng walked into the room, he saw books and notes piled up on the bed, on the ground and on the table, and even a clamp pot used to boil magic drugs.

"I... I don\'t know. You\'d better see for yourself."

After locking the door, Hermione took off her blanket and revealed her amazing hair and face