All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 740

Late at night, in the most secret room under Malfoy Manor, a cold body was placed on the anatomical table.

Dobby, the reformed domestic elf, is busy injecting some potions with strange energy.

Whenever a potion is injected into the muscle tissue, the body will change in varying degrees, or the skin will become hard rock, or grow strange scales and hair, and some will be directly transformed into elemental forms such as water and flame, which is like a treasure house with infinite possibilities.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary corpse, but a Hogwarts student with creative power in his body. To be exact, he has officially graduated this summer and is planning to find a job and start a new life.

But it\'s incredible that he didn\'t know what he was suddenly in contact with, which led to a sudden change in the creative power in the body, triggered a violent energy shock, and died in a single field.

The changes produced by the creative power did not disappear because of death, but remained perfectly.

You should know that before the accident, this is the slowest and most insignificant of all the experimental subjects, so Zhang Cheng wants to find out what causes the change of creative hormone and even killed his own host.

Just as he stared at the changing body and thought hard, the house elf suddenly stopped his hand and carefully said, "great evil master, dobby has checked every inch of skin and muscle according to your instructions."

"What\'s the result? Tell me what you found?" Zhang Cheng narrowed his eyes and asked in a casual tone.

"Yes, master. Dobby found something very interesting! Although he died, his cells did not die, but entered another state, a state that can almost be called eternal life." the house elf raised his hands and shouted excitedly.

"Eternal life?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, master, eternal life." dobby stretched out a finger, gently scratched on the left arm of the body, opened his mouth and exposed his yellow teeth. "Look! Even if the man is dead and the blood is no longer flowing, the single cell still maintains a strong self-healing ability, and can actively draw magic energy from the air to maintain its own survival."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng sneered and shook his head: "no, it\'s not immortality. At most, it can only be an enhanced version of troll\'s constitution. The real immortality of cells should be indestructible. No matter what kind of attack, they can survive successfully."

"Your request is too high, great master. To some extent, this corpse has reached the immortality standard in the concept of most wizards. Maybe you can consider using it to make a body for the Dark Lord. I believe he will be very satisfied." dobby said with a sinister face.

It has to be said that after transformation, he has completely abandoned the previous naive and kind side, completely integrated with the sinister and cunning character in the subconscious, and belongs to an out and out dangerous element.

"To make a new body for Voldemort? That\'s a good idea." Zhang Cheng raised his right hand and forcibly extracted a large amount of black ink like material from the body, and then put it into a glass container with the thickness of his forearm.

Feeling the chaotic magic energy inside, he pursed his mouth and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "then let me give my dear Dark Lord a little surprise. I hope he will like this gift..."

"Hei hei! I\'m afraid he will never know that he has unknowingly become one of your experiments. Please allow me to offer my highest praise. You are the greatest and most evil wizard in history." dobby bent down and bowed deeply, and his eyes burst out of fanaticism and worship.

"Extract all useful things, and then clean the body. I don\'t want to leave a trace, okay?" Zhang Cheng ignored these boring boasting and directly issued the order to destroy the body.

You know, at present, there are nearly 180 students carrying creativity in Hogwarts. In order to ensure that the experimental process is carried out step by step, he must ensure that the information is strictly blocked to prevent unnecessary panic and riots.

"I see! But are you sure you don\'t have to send one to Miss Granger? She\'s the assistant you\'ve chosen. Maybe it\'s good for her to get in touch early." dobby looked up and gave a suggestion.

Zhang Cheng touched his chin, hesitated for a moment, and immediately nodded his head: "yes! But don\'t tell her how it came from. Hermione is still too young to be a qualified assistant."

"Don\'t worry, master. Dobby knows what to do." the house elf saluted again, then turned to draw a small bottle of black material, cast a phantom and disappeared in place.

Next second

It pops directly into Hermione\'s bedroom.

The girl is lying on the bed in her pajamas. While reading the experimental notes left by Zhang Cheng before leaving, she writes and draws in her notebook. Her two eyebrows are almost entangled together.

She almost screamed when she saw a strange looking domestic elf appear in front of her.


Dobby had expected this, quickly put his index finger on his lips and made a silent movement: "Shh! Don\'t be afraid, Miss Granger, I\'m not here to hurt you. On the contrary, I\'m here to send you something interesting."

"Send something?" Hermione unconsciously leaned against the head of the bed.

"Yes! Here, the master asked me to give this to you. Trust me, it will open your eyes."

After saying these meaningful words, dobby put the test tube filled with black matter on the nearby desk, followed by his owe, leaned down and moved away again.

After confirming that the house elf really left, the girl carefully jumped out of bed and grabbed the test tube to see what was in it.

But at the moment when the finger just came into contact with the glass, the mysterious black matter suddenly began to boil, emitting colorful brilliant light!

At the same time, there seemed to be a certain force awakening in her body. With the rapid flow of blood vessels, her whole body, and the dark blue light burst out from her pupils.

The whole process lasted about three or five minutes until Hermione couldn\'t help playing a clever game.

"Oh God! I... what\'s the matter with me? What happened?"

Through the dressing mirror placed in the corner, she can clearly see that her long brown hair now presents a strange dark blue, which changes like running water, and is as beautiful as a fairy tale goblin.

In addition, the pores and folds all over the body disappear, and the skin is so smooth that there are no wrinkles at all