All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 742

Dark blue eyes like gemstones, flowing hair like water, and rich water elements around the surface of the body and skin

At present, the young girl\'s state is not like a normal human at all. On the contrary, she has many similarities with magical creatures such as tree spirits and Water Goblins.

"Incredible! I have to say, dear Miss Granger, you are so beautiful now..." Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly and made no secret of his inner surprise.

You know, in this world, there are generally two relatively reliable conjectures about the origin of wizards.

One of them is that the original birth of all human wizards comes from the hybrid offspring of ordinary humans and magical creatures.

In short, this conjecture is that at the beginning, humans did not have the ability to cast spells, but obtained the corresponding genes from magical creatures, and then obtained a special ethnic group relying on blood transmission through continuous mixing.

However, with the continuous diffusion of this transmission, some unpredictable changes have gradually appeared.

For example, even if two wizards are combined, there is a certain chance to produce "Squibs" that cannot release magic; For another example, in the process of blood transmission of wizards, the genes that determine magic are gradually transformed into recessive genes, which continue to spread among future generations until a descendant\'s recessive genes are suddenly activated to regain the casting talent.

If this inference is correct, those "mud species" despised by pure blood nobles can actually be regarded as the descendants of wizards, but they have lived in the ordinary world for too long to completely cut off their connection with the magic world.

As for another inference, it comes from ancient myths and legends.

It is said that in ancient times, mankind was still in the primitive tribal period of eating hair and blood, and there was a magic explosion on the earth.

At that time, all humans and animals near the outbreak node inevitably mutated. Animals mutated into today\'s magical creatures, while humans mutated into different forms such as goblins, Meiwa, elves, wizards and so on.

In short, no matter which kind, the mutation in girls is likely to belong to a kind of atavism, which is the expression of the complete activation of recessive genes.

Unfortunately, Hermione obviously didn\'t think so. She covered her face and cried, "Professor Mei, this is not the time to joke. You know, I\'m worried to death these days. If I can\'t return to normal, how can I go out and meet people?"

"No, no, no, Miss Granger, I\'m not kidding. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and experience the powerful magic flowing in your blood vessels. I promise that even Dumbledore and Voldemort can\'t help drooling greedily when they see you now. I promise that for every powerful wizard, you are the most beautiful goddess in their mind." Zhang Cheng put his hand on the girl\'s shoulder and whispered in each other\'s ear.

Hermione obviously didn\'t adapt to this behavior of being too close to adult men. Her heart beat rapidly, her face quickly covered with a faint blush, and stammered, "but... But I can\'t go out like this? My parents will be frightened."

"Don\'t worry, I think a deformed eardrop should be easy to handle."

Zhang Cheng took out a white pearl earring from his magic waist bag and gently pricked it on Miss "know it all"\'s earlobe.


Hermione could not help crying out because of the slight stabbing pain, but soon found that the pierced part did not bleed, and there were some strange information in her mind, as if only one thought could change her shape.

Driven by strong curiosity, she closed her eyes and recalled her previous appearance. After you open your eyes again in about two or three seconds, the self in the mirror has returned to normal, but the white and smooth skin has been perfectly preserved, making the whole person look full of girls\' unique elegance and purity.

"How does it feel? Is it no different from before? This is the power of magic! It can easily solve everything that makes you feel troubled and troublesome."

After that, Zhang Cheng kissed the girl on the cheek, took the initiative to stand up, pulled up the curtains, opened the window, filled the bedroom with fresh air, and deliberately pretended not to see the slightly obsessed eyes of the other party.

As an old hand who is good at playing tricks, it is as easy for him to create a close and ambiguous atmosphere through some small movements and psychological hints as eating and drinking water.

After all, women, regardless of their age, are far more perceptual than rational in nature. As long as they can find and break through the most vulnerable link in their hearts, they can give everything wholeheartedly, even if they know that the other party is cheating and using themselves.

Poor Hermione didn\'t know that she was a butterfly falling into a trap. She was completely immersed in an indescribable emotion. She didn\'t finally wake up until she was blown by the wind. She quickly touched her slightly hot face, raised her feet, threw a few pieces of pink close fitting clothes on the floor, stuffed them under the bed, and tried to maintain the lady\'s side.

After all this, she summoned up the courage to ask, "Professor, do you have anything important to come to me suddenly?"

Zhang Cheng looked sideways, glanced at the girl\'s slightly nervous reaction with the rest of his eyes, smiled and shook his head: "no, it\'s nothing. In fact, I just wanted to invite you to see the Quidditch World Cup this time. I don\'t know if you are interested?"

"Quidditch World Cup?" Hermione\'s eyes widened in surprise.

I can\'t help but be surprised!

Last semester, she clearly remembered that the young professor had never watched any Quidditch competition held in the school, nor showed any interest in this wizard confrontation sport.

"Ha ha! Don\'t be so surprised. In fact, I\'m not going to watch boring games, but to witness the prelude to the return of the Great Dark Lord. Of course, it\'s also a good choice to watch sports and relax occasionally." Zhang Cheng explained with a laugh.

But he had another reason not to say it, that was to let the girl see the dark side of the magic world and completely destroy the last trace of innocence in each other\'s mind.

As a philosopher once said, the reason why most people think the world is beautiful is that they are well protected and have not personally experienced the bloodiest, cruelest and darkest side of the world. Only those who have really experienced these and still can hope for human nature are qualified to hold high the banner of justice.

Unfortunately, there are so few such people that they can almost be ignored.

After experiencing terrible things, most people often despair of human nature and even throw themselves into the embrace of darkness. The sudden change of Harry Potter\'s character is the best proof.

Now, Zhang Cheng wants to do the same thing to Hermione Granger, but this time, he will add a little "love" praised by Albus Dumbledore to prove that "love" has never been the privilege of the so-called "just people", and "evil people" can also have it