All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 737

"No! Harry! You\'re too young to bear such pain. Leave it to me and I\'ll make him pay for his actions."

Lupin is obviously not a fool. He knows what killing a living fellow means to a boy whose mind is not yet fully developed. He stands up and wants to stop the next move of his friend\'s son.

"Let me do it! As early as more than ten years ago, I wanted to get rid of this bastard!" Black took the initiative to take two steps, and the green light unique to the death spell appeared at the top of the wand.

Unfortunately, Harry Potter didn\'t appreciate it very much. He just glanced at them with the rest of his eyes and refused without hesitation: "no! I know what I\'m doing! And I know the cost of doing so!"

The voice just fell!

He directly aimed at Peter, who was dying, and shouted, "deep hell fire!"


A purplish red flame erupted from the dwarf, emitting unbearable intense heat, and even the surrounding soil and rocks showed signs of melting.

As for the unlucky Peter, his whole body seemed to be pulled by some invisible force, floating straight in the air, burned up bit by bit, and didn\'t stop until his soul disappeared completely.

No bodies!

No residue!

The terrible flame was almost like a terrible hell from the legend, so that lupin and black subconsciously stared at the facts they saw.

"Oh - my God!" Hermione muttered to herself, even more at a loss.

Just as the atmosphere in the tree cave became more and more dull, Albus Dumbledore finally came late and roared angrily: "asshole! Look what you have done! Tell me! Potter! Is this the revenge you want? Kill a living human instead of sending him to trial?"

"That\'s right! That\'s what I want! Why, are you angry because I didn\'t follow the path you arranged? You\'re no more noble than Voldemort, headmaster Dumbledore, in arranging life for others." Harry Potter mercilessly broke the mask of hypocrisy.

As he said, how can a guy who can even design his own death as a trap to calculate the enemy be classified as a good man.

In fact, Albus Dumbledore has always been a man who does anything to achieve his goal, but in his daily life, he adheres to the bottom line set for himself, so on the surface, he gives people around him a feeling of abiding by the law.

But actually?

He is not the kind of person who will honestly accept the trial. Once the judgment is unfavorable to himself, he will choose to stun the law enforcement officers and hide.

"Is that what you think? I\'m so disappointed, Harry." the old man sighed slightly, his face full of fatigue.

It has to be said that this sudden change almost made him prepare for the bankruptcy of his plan for more than ten years. The only thing he can do next is to face the return of the Dark Lord directly.

"Disappointed? No, it should be said that it was Harry who was disappointed. Mr. President, what you did really doesn\'t deserve the flawless reputation in the external rumors." Zhang Cheng, who has been silent for a long time, took the initiative to step forward and expressed his views with a smile.

Obviously, this move means that from now on, he will stand clearly against Dumbledore.

"Oh? What do you want to express!" the old man\'s muddy eyes burst out a terrible light.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders casually and explained: "What I want to express is that you always put yourself in the position of justice and make everyone believe that what you do is for justice. But what actually? Like Voldemort, you are pursuing powerful power and power, but he is a little crazier than you and has found a way to make yourself immortal, so you feel fear and fear, just as you are afraid of GATT Le glindwald will surpass himself. To put it bluntly, you are just a coward afraid of failure. I sincerely suggest you put away the elder\'s wand and fight with me. You will get nothing except the taste of failure. "

"Who the hell are you?" Dumbledore frowned subconsciously.

From just a few words, he found that the young man standing in front of him seemed to know a lot of privacy and little secrets he didn\'t want to recall.

"It doesn\'t matter who I am! What matters is that good and evil is only a value that will change with the times, not a constant concept. Just like the ancient Romans thought it was natural for the master to kill the slave, but now people think it was an evil crime. You don\'t represent justice, Voldemort doesn\'t mean evil, and everything is just a struggle for rights and interests Just seize it. If he succeeds in seizing power, it won\'t be long before the whole British magic world won\'t praise his greatness, just as the British praise the bourgeois revolution for overthrowing the feudal system. Since Potter doesn\'t want to be your chess piece, you have no right to force him to do anything. "

After that, Zhang Cheng stepped forward again, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


After a crisp sound, every wizard at the scene immediately noticed that the magic energy in the surrounding air began to suddenly become chaotic, forming whirlpools that could not be distinguished by the naked eye.

If you want to cast a spell in this environment, you must first be aware of breaking into pieces.

Dumbledore felt this and narrowed his eyes as if he were weighing the gains and losses.

About two or three minutes later, he finally said, "well, you won this time, but I promise you won\'t laugh until the end."

"Hehe, the unknown future is the most anticipated, isn\'t it? Don\'t worry, Mr. President, this game is still a long game. We have plenty of time to play slowly." Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and responded meaningfully.

"Oh, by the way, I now announce to expel you as the headmaster, and you will no longer be the professor of Hogwarts magic practice class at the beginning of next semester." the old man is no doubt not a fuel-saving lamp, and he doesn\'t forget to disgust the enemy before leaving.

But Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly ready, laughing and sarcastically: "Excuse me, Mr. President, I\'m afraid you don\'t have this right now. Just a few minutes ago, Lucius signed an agreement with the school board and officials of the Ministry of magic to limit your reckless principal\'s right. From now on, if the principal wants to recruit or dismiss a professor, he must get the consent of two-thirds of the school board and the consent of the devil The approval of the Ministry of justice. How about it? Isn\'t it a surprise? "

"Are you instructing Lucius?! no! No! You deliberately let the wind out so that I can\'t stop it from happening."

As an old fox, Dumbledore was so smart that he immediately realized that the whole thing was a conspiracy from the beginning, but he still thought that everything was still under his control