All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 738

"Ha ha! That\'s right! It\'s a pity that you understand too late! Look, this is the price you have to pay for putting yourself on the side of justice. You are like a beast trapped in a cage. You can never resist the laws and rules formulated by the bureaucracy. Because once you break the cage, those civilians who support you will find that you are essentially the same as Voldemort People. "Zhang Cheng grinned with the most unbridled laughter.

There is no doubt that he is trying to annoy the old man with a hypocritical mask in front of him, trying to see the other person\'s mood out of control.

Unfortunately, the plan didn\'t work.

Although Dumbledore was trembling with anger, he still didn\'t lose his mind and asked with a gloomy face, "what on earth do you want to do?"

"Me? I don\'t want anything. I just hate your righteous and noble face. Sorry, Mr. President, from now on, I will be your enemy, more terrible and deadly than Voldemort. Because I won\'t try to change everything with simple violence like him. You know? I\'m better at using public opinion and existing rank than you Order system to achieve the goal. Next, you will be gradually driven into the evil side, and I am the representative of justice. "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng made no secret of his malice, and the smiling expression on his face made people shudder.

"You won\'t succeed!" Dumbledore didn\'t know whether he was retorting or cheering himself up.

In short, after saying this, he immediately took RON in a coma and Hermione out of the tree hole and disappeared at the end of the path leading to the castle.

Shortly after he left the front foot, Sirius Black couldn\'t wait to say, "Harry, please remember, no matter what happened, no matter what choice you made, I will always stand behind you."

"Thank you! If one day I need help, I will come to you." Harry Potter responded seriously.

Through the whole thing, he already knew that his godfather was not the despicable traitor mentioned in the original newspaper, but a hero who sacrificed everything to avenge his parents.

"You\'re welcome, that\'s what I should do. Also, I\'m glad to see you get rid of Dumbledore\'s old guy, but I never liked him." black came close and patted the boy on the shoulder, smiled and encouraged.

As a man full of rebellious thoughts in his bones, if he didn\'t have to, how could he choose to come together with a sinister and rigid old guy.

In fact, there are only three categories of people who join Dumbledore\'s camp.

One is afraid of Voldemort\'s crazy killing before choosing to cooperate with him. Bureaucrats and most wizards in the British magic world belong to this category;

The other is standard idealists. The most typical example is the Weasley family, who are extremely obsessed with the ordinary people\'s world. They believe that the magic world should follow the ordinary people to establish a modern social system and completely bid farewell to the bloody and darkness of the past. They simply don\'t understand that magic power and technology are two different things, It has never been the accumulation of knowledge caused by qualitative change, but the standard mutation mode. The total contribution of a million wizards can not be compared with that of a genius.

As for the last kind, they are young people who are particularly vulnerable to being fooled and lame. Before they were adults, they unknowingly received a large number of tendentious and guiding education in Hogwarts. In addition, they could not feel the cruel nature of the world. If they spoke a little truth, they would risk their lives to defend the so-called "beautiful world" with Dumbledore.

In fact, human\'s desire for a better world has nothing to do with the system. The main thing that determines happiness is always material, better food, clothing, housing and transportation, better welfare and medical system, more advanced science and technology and entertainment facilities, which are what people chase after.

If the master and slave can enjoy these in a slavery society, and work no more than eight hours a day and rest two days a week, I believe most ordinary people will not mind their status as slaves.

Conversely, does modern society really achieve the so-called "equality"?

Friedrich Auguste von Hayek, the famous advocate of free economy in the western world, once said: "money is one of the greatest free tools invented by mankind. Only money will be open to the poor, and power will never."

In a way, he is right. In Europe under the feudal system, all rights are controlled by the aristocracy. It is almost impossible for civilians to get a rising channel to change their own class.

However, the second half of this sentence has not been said, that is: "Although money will be open to the poor, with the continuous accumulation of capital, it will inevitably flow more and more to large capital, which will make the rich richer and the poor poorer, and gradually give birth to a new and solid power monopoly class.

Therefore, to some extent, equality can only stay in the stage of theory and fantasy, and there is absolutely no possibility of realization.

After all, from the moment of birth, people decide that some people are smarter and others are relatively mediocre.

If a group of mediocre or even stupid people become rulers, it will be a disaster for the whole society. Therefore, the world will always be dominated by smart people and ruled by mediocre people. No matter what system, this class exists naturally and can not be eliminated at all.

Dumbledore\'s biggest mistake is that he wants mediocre people to replace smart people and become the ruling class of the magic world.

Voldemort saw through the essence of the magic world and resolutely set up a flag to support the pure blood aristocrats to regain their rights.

Because it is not difficult to find in the history of magic that wizards who have left a name or made major inventions in history are usually from pure blood noble families. Even Dumbledore himself is an ancient pure blood noble.

When everyone was gone, Harry Potter immediately couldn\'t help but probe carefully: "teacher, do you support Voldemort?"

"Support? No, I just have a little cooperation with him. I can\'t talk about support. Don\'t worry, I won\'t stop you from taking revenge on him, but before you start, I suggest you first pretend to surrender, observe his every move closely, and then take a fatal blow from behind when the time is ripe. After all, if you want to defeat a powerful enemy, you must first understand his weakness, Isn\'t it? "Zhang Cheng took the opportunity to instill his ideas into the" savior ".

"I see! I\'ll do as you ask." Harry bit his teeth and nodded.

Seeing the strong hatred inadvertently shown in the boy\'s eyes, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help but slightly tilt up the corners of his mouth and softly comforted: "Relax, I promise you don\'t need to endure too long. Believe me, compared with killing the enemy directly, let the other party think he has won the victory, and then be knocked down in the abyss when he is immersed in the joy of victory. At that time, the expression is most worthy of expectation and will give people an unparalleled sense of satisfaction..."