All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 736

In the forbidden forest, in the secret tree cave under the beating willow, three former best friends are holding magic wands and staring at each other nervously.

Two of them are Sirius Black and lupin, and the other is Peter who has become a mouse and hid for more than ten years.

Obviously, after a year\'s chase, black finally got what he wanted, caught the real murderer who betrayed the porters, and planned to end it completely with each other. He ignored Hermione Granger, who curled up in the corner with his pet crook mountain, and Ron Weasley, who was in a coma.

It has to be said that although Harry Potter has got rid of his original fate, the two unlucky people are inadvertently involved in a terrible plot because of the pet problem.

"Ah! Dear Wormtail, tell me why you didn\'t hide? Do you think you can beat us alone? Or do you feel so guilty about killing your best friend that you decided to die?" black raised his wand and sneered sarcastically.

Although the enemy was right in front of him, he was not in a hurry to start, but wanted to make the other party feel as much pain, despair and fear as possible.

"I think... I can explain!" Peter was obviously frightened and kept retreating carefully.

Especially when he became a mouse for a long time, he looked very timid and obscene, as if he could turn around and run away at any time.

But it\'s a pity that he can\'t even be distracted now, let alone turn and run away.

You know, in a wizard duel, giving your back to your opponent is basically no different from suicide. An aggressive spell is enough to decide the outcome, even life and death.

"Haha, haha! Explain? He said he could explain?" Blake turned around and laughed recklessly at lupin, wiping tears while laughing. "What a despicable little man! I think how nice the Potters were? They almost treated him as their own brothers. But what about this guy? He betrayed his best friend without blinking."

"Calm down! There are still two children watching," lupin reminded with a cold expression.

If the students were not present, he wondered whether he would turn into a werewolf and rush up to tear dwarf Peter to pieces.

After all, actively betraying and betraying friends is one of the most despised behaviors in the traditional concept of the whole western magic world.

"Teach... Professor! Can you tell me what\'s going on?" Hermione asked in a low voice with wide eyes.

"Very simple! Remember Sirius Black reported in the newspaper? In fact, he didn\'t betray Harry\'s parents. What really betrayed Potter\'s parents was another guy, an asshole who faked his death and lived as a pet mouse for more than ten years." lupin narrowed his eyes and stared at Peter standing not far away.

If eyes could kill people, the latter would have died 10000 times.

As the smartest student in the grade, the girl immediately realized what the defense against the dark arts professor wanted to express and couldn\'t help exclaiming, "what?! he... He\'s Harry\'s real enemy?"

Lupin nodded gently: "yes! He disguised himself as a pet mouse and hid in Weasley\'s house for more than ten years. If black hadn\'t seen a finger missing after his deformation in the newspaper, I\'m afraid he would never find the truth. Well, this matter has nothing to do with you. Stay honest. When everything is over, I\'ll send you back to the castle."

Just when Hermione wanted to say something, a strong magic wave suddenly appeared.

Next second


With the air explosion after the compression and expansion of the gas, Zhang Cheng happened to appear in the center of the confrontation between the two sides. Together with him, there was the "savior" himself.

"Harry?!" lupin was surprised.

Next to black, he was even more excited when he saw his godson. He was trembling slightly all over, and his mood was obviously a little out of control.

"Sorry, Professor, I have something urgent to deal with. I don\'t have time to talk to you now." Harry Potter bowed slightly with a gloomy face, followed by turning towards dwarf Peter.

"Hi, Potter! Please listen to me. This is actually a misunderstanding. I never wanted to..."

"Shut up! Dig your heart and gouge out your bones!"

Harry obviously didn\'t want to listen to the nonsense of the enemy who betrayed his parents. Raising his hand was the "heart drilling curse" of the three Unforgivable Curses.

"Ah!!!!! No! No! Please stop! I am willing to admit my crime and accept trial to spend the rest of my life in Azkaban!"


The severe pain swept through every nerve in Peter. It felt like being stabbed into his body by a thousand knives. It was almost painful.

"Trial? You seem to have misunderstood something. I\'m not going to hand you over to others. In addition, what we\'re doing now is trial, and I\'m the judge, prosecutor, defense lawyer, jury and executioner of the court."

When Harry said these words, he exuded an unspeakable strong aura.

From his pupils, Peter seemed to find a palpitation that could only be felt around Voldemort, and tried to get rid of this terrible illusion by banging his head against the ground.

"Tell me, what good did Voldemort give you to choose to betray my parents?" Harry asked in a cold tone, stopping just a step away from each other.

But Peter didn\'t want to answer any questions. He just twisted his body desperately to change into a mouse and run away.

But before it reached half, the flame from the top of the wand interrupted the whole process, forcing him to roll around screaming.

Enjoying the pain of the enemy, Harry showed a faint pleasure on his face, and continued to torture each other with magic for the next few minutes, but made sure it wouldn\'t be fatal too soon.

After a while, Peter was like a mouse crawling out of an oil pan. His body surface was covered with large and unknown wounds, including burns, scalds, electric injuries, stabs, scratches, frostbite and bruises. His tragedy could not be described in words, and even one eye was dug out alive.

Finally, Hermione, who had never seen such a terrible scene, couldn\'t help shouting, "enough! Stop! Harry! You shouldn\'t be like this!"

"Oh? Why? Must I follow the path designed by Dumbledore?" Harry stopped his spell and turned around with a mocking smile. "No, Granger, you don\'t understand anything at all. In fact, I didn\'t understand before, so I was led by others, but I won\'t do it again from now on. Because I already know what power is, and only when I\'m strong enough can I control my destiny. I don\'t want to be anyone\'s chess piece or puppet, let alone be used foolishly."

"You... You have changed..."

"Yes! To be exact, I have grown up. As the price of growing up, I must abandon the naive past. Don\'t stop me, Hermione. Even if we are destined not to be friends in the future, I don\'t want to be enemies one day."