All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 735

Time flies, and the whole semester comes to an end in the blink of an eye.

Because Draco Malfoy is no longer the childish and ridiculous little boy in the original work, the half giant Hagrid\'s magic animal class did not encounter much trouble and spent his first year of teaching smoothly.

In addition, Harry Potter also missed most of the Quidditch training time because he put too much energy into the study and training of magic spells. Gryffindor failed to win the final, let alone learn the patron saint curse for Dementors.

However, as a saying goes, everything has a loss, there must be a gain.

He learned several elemental magic with great lethality, and his combat effectiveness was not lower than that of himself in the same period, but increased countless times.

As for Hermione and Ron, due to his deliberate alienation, the relationship between the three gradually cooled down and became no different from ordinary students. Even if they met, they just nodded and greeted each other, full of unspeakable embarrassment.

For this change, Zhang Cheng was obviously happy to see its success, and even pretended to comfort the other two, and privately taught Miss "know it all" some profound theoretical knowledge of magic.

It can be said that because of his intervention and interference, Dumbledore has lost control of the situation. The future is like a runaway wild horse. No one knows where he will run.

Of course, the most important thing is that since that night, the two young men and girls who are in love seem to have struck a spark of first love and began to approach each other intentionally or unintentionally. Although they are still in the stage of ignorance, they will soon turn into a raging fire and devour everything.

Standing in front of the window on the second floor of the castle, Zhang Cheng looked at the students studying on the lawn below to prepare for the final exam. In a voice that only he could hear, he murmured, "love is as deep as it is cruel. Fierce feelings are always the weakness that can be easily manipulated and utilized. Let me see how much potential you have to tap, dear Harry Potter..."

The voice just fell!

He heard a familiar voice behind him: "what are you looking at?"

Turning around, it turned out that the headmaster Albus Dumbledore came from a distance.

"No, it\'s nothing. I just sigh that it\'s good to be young and can do what you want without fear." Zhang Cheng leaned slightly and replied with a smile.

Dumbledore undoubtedly noticed Harry Potter on the lawn and the girl next to him with a sweet smile. His eyes revealed a gratifying look: "yes, it\'s nice to be young. You can pursue love and all good things. But you seem to be in your early twenties and far from old?"

"Mr. President, this root has nothing to do with age, but is a manifestation of mentality. In the East, we always believe that people\'s psychological age is separated from their actual age. If a person has experienced too much, even if he is very young, he will behave more like an old city. On the contrary, if a person is well protected, his psychological age will be far lower than his actual age, even if he is young At the age of 70 or 80, some childlike innocence will be preserved, "Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

"Very philosophical, I fully agree. But I\'m curious, what have you experienced that can make yourself under the control of calmness and reason from beginning to end, without strong emotional fluctuations?" Dumbledore said quietly.

In fact, this is his eighth attempt to find out the origin of each other this semester.

However, Zhang Cheng did not give the old man a chance at all. He responded bluntly: "my performance has nothing to do with my age, but just out of a professional ethics. In oriental culture, teachers are a sacred word, which means that anyone who is called this name must be strict with himself and set a perfect example and learning object for students."

"So that\'s why you secretly disposed of several Valentine\'s Day cards?" Dumbledore winked playfully.

"What else can I do? Don\'t tell me, you encourage me to have something with those underage female students." Zhang Cheng pretended to be angry and rolled his eyes.

"Ha ha! Why not? You know, this is the British magic world! Although I am the headmaster, I should not encourage this behavior, but I will not stop it. Everyone has the right to pursue beautiful love. As long as it is voluntary, I will be very happy to send a blessing." Dumbledore couldn\'t help laughing more.

There is no doubt that, as he said, the British magic world is indeed very open in this regard.

Last year, gidrow Lockhart held a Valentine\'s Day activity and was proud to receive a large number of confession cards from girls.

If we change to the more conservative East, even if it does not involve violating the law, it will be sprayed alive by public opinion.

As for men and women in love in senior grades, it often happens that they don\'t go home at night.

Zhang Cheng has met several hungry couples hiding under trees in the middle of the night, kissing enthusiastically, and even performing restricted blockbuster scenes.

In this regard, he did not want to express any views, but spread his hands with an innocent face.

Seeing this, Dumbledore could not help sighing: "well, it seems that you are a conservative and shy Oriental. But what do you think of Harry Potter?"

"View? I think he is very self-motivated and knows the value of knowledge and power better than his peers."

"Don\'t you think his desire for power is too persistent and ignores many valuable things around him?"

Feeling the aura emanating from the old man\'s unconsciousness, Zhang Cheng could not help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly and retort: "No, I don\'t think so. The pursuit of great power is the instinct of every wizard. The sooner we realize this, it often means higher achievements. In the East, we call these children geniuses and give them more resources instead of trying to suppress them. You\'re too nervous. Look, Harry doesn\'t start falling in love like a normal boy now Are you ready? "

"Maybe I\'m a little nervous." Dumbledore glanced at the young men and women on the lawn below. His eyes showed a deep light and didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Just when Zhang Cheng wanted to say something, he suddenly received a magic signal sent by dobby, a domestic elf, and immediately bowed with an embarrassed smile: "I\'m very sorry, headmaster, I just remembered that there was an urgent matter to deal with."

"It doesn\'t matter. Go and help you."

"Thank you!"

After saying that, Zhang Cheng immediately turned and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

As soon as his front foot left, Snape, the rear foot, hurried over and whispered a few words in Dumbledore\'s ear.

"What? What you said is true!!" Dumbledore\'s face changed sharply.

"It\'s true! Lucius is definitely not kind this time. You\'d better pay attention."