All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 734

Late at night, a big black dog stood outside the Forbidden Forest and looked at the lights of the castle not far away. It seemed to think of delicious food, and the saliva kept flowing out along both sides.

Just as it was about to turn around and leave, a figure suddenly came out of the darkness with a picnic basket woven with trees and vines in his hand, emitting an attractive aroma.


The big dog gave a loud cry and rushed straight up to try to grab the basket and eat the food in it.

But unfortunately, before it was raised, the visitor raised the basket over his head, smiled and joked, "don\'t worry! My friend! I suggest that you\'d better reply to the original appearance before dinner. I don\'t want to see your saliva everywhere."

"Woo woo!"

The big dog seemed to understand each other\'s language. His whole body began to deform violently. After a while, he returned to the appearance of a thin man.

Obviously, this is not a dog, but Animagus, the natural shaper in the wizard world, and the famous Sirius Black, the godfather of Harry Potter.

Without saying a word, he opened the basket, grabbed a piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth. He was completely like a beast and could not see the elegance and arrogance of a pure blood aristocrat.

Due to the long-term lack of a stable food source, black was so thin that he seemed to be wrapped in a layer of skin outside his bones, and only his eyes revealed a terrible brilliance.

While eating, he did not forget to ask, "well, have you found the Wormtail?"

"Yes, he\'s right next to the Weasley\'s youngest son. I didn\'t expect that this guy could hide as a pet for more than ten years. If it weren\'t for the magic map, I couldn\'t believe he was still alive." Lu Ping, a professor of black magic defense, replied with a painful face.

Since the first invasion of Hogwarts, he contacted his former friend in front of him. At the same time, he also learned that the real murderer of betraying the dead porters was actually Peter Pettigrew, who had been considered dead by the outside world.

Of course, he didn\'t trust each other at first, but he fell into a strong sense of guilt and remorse when he saw the name on the living point map.

He hated why he had not discovered the plot earlier, and hated that another friend had suffered so much in Azkaban, but the real murderer had escaped all the blame.

"Hum! His good days are over! I\'ll catch him soon!" Blake tore off a piece of chicken leg, chewed it twice and swallowed it.


In particular, hatred precipitated for a long time can often stimulate the deepest power of one\'s subconscious mind.

As long as he can take revenge, he doesn\'t care about his life or death, let alone the consequences.

"Be careful! Hogwarts is not a place where you can come and go if you want." lupin warned seriously.

But Blake obviously didn\'t take it to heart and shrugged his shoulders carelessly: "don\'t worry! I know how to avoid Dumbledore and the annoying Snape."

"No! It\'s not just them! A powerful Oriental wizard came this semester! Although he is very young, he is extremely powerful. He has created hundreds of visions of attack in class alone. I promise, if you hit him, you won\'t even have a chance to escape..."

In order to make friends have a clear understanding, Lupin directly told the school what had happened recently

"Damn it! Where did this guy come from? Normally, such people shouldn\'t be unknown in the magic world." black frowned and muttered a curse.

You know, his original plan was to sneak into the castle, catch Peter disguised as a mouse and force the other party to admit his crime.

But now, the sudden emergence of powerful and uncertain professors will undoubtedly cause great trouble and trouble.

Lupin smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Sorry, no one knows where he came from. Snape even suspected that he had some hidden connection with the mysterious man, but Dumbledore didn\'t think so. In short, be careful. He won\'t give you the opportunity to explain like me."

"Well, I remember. Besides, how\'s Harry doing? He won\'t believe the newspaper?"

When asked, Blake\'s tone was full of tension and helplessness.

If there is anything else he cares about in this world, the Godson Harry Potter undoubtedly ranks first.

Not knowing whether it was guilt or sympathy, he hoped that his godson would live a better life instead of staying in the Muggle family that abused Harry.

"I don\'t know. I don\'t know if he believed the contents of the newspaper, but one thing can be confirmed. He is crazy practicing all kinds of destructive spells and is extremely eager to avenge his dead parents. Promise me not to meet him under any circumstances. I don\'t want to see any of you hurt or die."

"Can he threaten me with his level?" Black\'s eyes showed surprise.

"Don\'t underestimate Harry! Remember the mysterious oriental wizard I mentioned to you just now? Under his teaching, Harry\'s combat level has been infinitely close to that of an adult wizard, and has mastered many new attack and defense spells." Lu Pingfei quickly explained.

"That sounds like good news?" black blinked uncertainly.

"Maybe. But Dumbledore was worried that Harry was too power hungry and would probably follow the mysterious path."


In the forbidden forest, with the help of night cover, the two discussed how to get peter out of the mouse. Zhang Cheng was sitting on the chair in the lounge and watching a young asian girl kneeling in front of him.

you \'re right!

The girl is no one else, but Zhang Qiu, who will become the object of Harry Potter\'s secret love next year.

It has to be said that it is really incredible to see an Asian face in the British magic world.

Of course, he called the other party at this time. He didn\'t want to do anything. He just wanted to use the unforgettable palpitation of his first love to achieve his own ulterior purpose.

To be exact, he wants to design a dog blood trap to make Harry Potter fall in love with Zhang Qiu first, and then let Zhang Qiu die accidentally in Dumbledore\'s hands.

Through the hatred born in strong love, the "savior" and Dumbledore become enemies completely, and even never die.

Although the operation may be a little complicated, for Zhang Cheng, who has mastered the mind power, he only needs to slightly modify the memory of the girl in front of him.

In fact, even without psychic powers, the soul snatching mantra, known as the three unforgivable mantras, can achieve the same goal.

I don\'t know why, Voldemort\'s stupid men never thought of using this to separate the relationship between Harry Potter and Dumbledore