All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 733

"How was it? How was your conversation?"

As soon as Zhang Chenggang returned to Malfoy Manor, Lucius quickly stood up and asked nervously.

You should know that this meeting is equivalent to deciding the life and death of the Malfoy family. No matter whether either side is dissatisfied, he may suffer from disaster.

"Don\'t worry, I have reached a cooperation agreement with Voldemort\'s pavilion, and I will be his close ally from now on. As for you, I don\'t think he would mind letting the Malfoy family change a loyal object." Zhang Cheng comforted with a smile.

"Great! This is one of the best news I\'ve heard in recent years. Lucius breathed a sigh of relief and gradually let go of his nervous tension.

People who have never been in the vortex of the storm can never imagine how vulnerable and helpless ordinary people are in front of extremely powerful forces, even if they are only affected to a little.

Although Malfoy is a aristocrat with a long history and considerable influence, and his own spell casting level is not poor, he can still not compete with the top wizards. The most typical example is that when Voldemort rose, he slaughtered the wizard families who did not want to submit to his feet. No family can be spared, except the "boy who survived the disaster".

Zhang Cheng obviously knew what was in each other\'s mind. He picked up the teapot, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and then took a sip of it. Without looking back, he said, "do you know what will happen next?"

"Yes! That adult will return from death and set off a bloody storm in the magic world." Lucius gave the answer without hesitation.

To be exact, any wizard who knows a little about Voldemort knows that he will never give up his crazy ambition and desire, but will announce his return with killing and death.

"That\'s right! Do you know what the Malfoy family should do next?" Zhang Cheng asked again with a smile.

This time, Lucius obviously hesitated and quickly shook his head with a bitter smile: "no, I don\'t know. Please tell me. In addition, do I need to continue the penetration plan of the Ministry of magic?"

"Of course, continue! Although chaos and disorder are the final form of all things in the universe, human society is an orderly collection. Even the most evil guys will establish a set of rules to maintain system governance. Therefore, the Ministry of magic represents the order of the wizard world to some extent. Mastering it is equivalent to mastering order, no matter how the world changes in the future, As long as I choose my position carefully, I can maintain a high position. What\'s more, I have many plans that need the assistance of the Ministry of magic, very, very interesting plans... "

With the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes showed undisguised malice.

He doesn\'t intend to let the future plot be like the original, let Dumbledore and his followers stay in Hogwarts, and plan to clean up all these guys next year and turn the school into a place to cultivate real wizards, rather than a group of waste who will tremble in danger.

you \'re right!

In his eyes, three-quarters of the graduates trained by Hogwarts are unqualified.

Even the relatively mild Azeroth will be mercilessly eliminated, not to mention the philon continent, where the apprentice mortality rate is more than 70%.

Why is the status of the caster much higher than that of other classes in most magic worlds?

The answer is simple!

Usually, if you want to be a qualified caster, you can\'t do without talent, perseverance and perseverance. They are the elites in the real sense.

But what about Hogwarts?

Instead of calling it a magic school, it\'s better to call it a vocational and technical training center. Most of the trained people are not worthy of being spell casters, but just technicians who know some magic.

Even if he is ready to destroy the whole world, Zhang Cheng should first put the school back on track, rather than watch it continue to degenerate.

"I see! Thank you for your advice. I swear the Malfoy family will always be loyal to you." Lucius touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

"Well, go ahead and hurry back. Dumbledore, the old guy, has been staring at me a little hard recently. I don\'t want to be found out by him."

After that, Zhang Cheng waved his hand, directly launched the transmission magic and disappeared in situ.


At the same time, Harry Potter is waving his magic wand and fighting back and forth with Draco Malfoy, his once most hated enemy, in the "responsive room" in Hogwarts castle.

Because their level is similar, they have no hands left between each other and are eager to win over each other.

Unfortunately, Harry was still a little poor in experience after all. He was finally hit by Draco, and the whole man hit the wall hard. Wow, he spewed out a big mouth of black congestion and his face was full of pain.

"Cure as before!" dobby, the domestic elf hiding aside, rushed out and cast a healing magic on him.

Soon, Harry struggled to his feet, stared at his sharp eyes and said, "I\'ll win next time."

"Hum! I\'m always ready for your challenge!" Draco replied with his chin raised proudly.

"It\'s still as annoying as before! But you\'re a good opponent! At least on the road of pursuing power, why do we go together, do you think?" Harry Potter put away his wand and took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

"Agree! Anyway, we are all teachers\' students. I\'m sure you know what you mean." Draco hesitated for a moment and also held out his hand to each other.

"Yes, I understand that only teachers can make us stronger and make those who despise us pay the price. But promise me that this matter must be kept secret or there will be big trouble," Harry reminded quietly.

"I\'m not a fool. I know what to do. But you, how to deal with those two annoying followers? Granger and Weasley still stubbornly think that you are still their best friend. What a naive idea." Draco opened his mouth and showed a mocking expression.

In fact, he didn\'t really hate the "savior", just couldn\'t stand that the other party gave up himself and chose to have a friendship with a guy like Ron.

"Don\'t worry! I\'ll end it with them, but not now."

When Harry Potter said this, his hands clenched their fists, his nails even inserted into his skin and muscles, and the dark red blood trickled out along his fingers.

Abandoning the past, especially the first friendship from birth to the present, is undoubtedly very painful for teenage boys.

But he knows that the road he will take in the future will be extremely difficult. Such pure friendship will only become a drag and must be cut off as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad for both sides.