All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 732

There is no doubt that Lucius Malfoy did not dare to disobey Voldemort\'s orders, but the Dark Lord is now so weak that he may be killed by his tracked enemies at any time.

No hesitation!

After returning to the manor, he immediately wrote a letter, mailed it to his son Draco through the owl, and then Draco handed it over to Zhang Cheng.

The reason why we should do this is mainly because we are afraid that the letter will be intercepted by some people with ulterior motives.

After all, a father\'s letter to his son won\'t attract much attention. If it is written to a professor working in Hogwarts, many people, including Dumbledore, will be very vigilant.

About a day later, Zhang Cheng received the letter written in invisible ink, slightly raised his mouth and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "what is this? An invitation? Or does some self righteous guy think he can control me like other fools?"

"Master! I think it\'s more like asking for help! You should know that his current situation is not very good, and he can\'t even be regarded as living in a strict sense." the supreme authority sneered and expressed his views.

For an artifact that really integrates countless powerful forces, it does not pay attention to the Wizards of the world.

Whether Dumbledore or Voldemort, who makes ordinary wizards dare not mention his name, are essentially far from being beyond the boundaries of mortals.

Although the latter understood some death rules and created the evil gadget of Horcrux, mortals are still mortals after all. Not to mention facing powerful gods, even many extraordinary people can easily kill them.

"Help! It sounds interesting. But I doubt if he has the courage to come out and meet me in his current state." Zhang Cheng joked with a playful look on his face.

"Hahaha! As long as he is not a madman or a fool, he will never be stupid enough to appear directly in front of you. It makes no difference to die. If I were him, I would choose to hide in a safe place for this conversation through a spell and medium." the supreme authority no doubt knows the character of his creator very well and emits a harsh laugh.

"Yes! If he dares to appear directly in front of me, I will not hesitate to peel off his soul and read everything I want from it."

After that, a cold light flashed in Zhang Cheng\'s eyes. According to the coordinates provided on the stationery, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Next second

He appeared directly in the deepest part of the dense forest. Except for the tall trees around him, there was only a huge floor mirror, which seemed out of tune with the environment.

Obviously, this mirror is the medium that the other party deliberately stays for communication.

As a powerful caster who can turn the whole British magic world upside down, Voldemort\'s IQ is not too bad. He knows that he can\'t take any risks in his current state.

Looking at the waves emerging in the mirror, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help smiling and leaned over. He took the initiative to say hello: "good afternoon, sir."

"Hello, mysterious wizard from the East." Voldemort\'s half dead appearance gradually revealed through the mirror.

It has to be said that he is really a little miserable at the moment. The whole person survives in a semi soul state by occupying the body of creatures. Not only his strength is weakened to the extreme, but also his body has to be changed almost every other period of time.

Without saying a word, they looked into each other\'s eyes through the media. After five minutes, Zhang Cheng smiled and broke the silence: "excuse me, what can I do for you to summon me? Or in another way, what can I do for you?"

"Don\'t worry, dear friends, before we talk about cooperation, I think we should know a little about each other. According to the information I got, you seem to be doing some interesting experiments on life, aren\'t you?" Voldemort asked meaningfully.

You don\'t have to ask. When he met Lucius before, he probably used magic such as taking God and reading.

"Yes, I\'m trying to reach into the realm of gods and create a new intelligent life from scratch. Of course, it\'s too difficult to do this at this stage, so I\'m going to start with transformation. Why, are you interested in this subject?" Zhang Cheng didn\'t try to deny it and admitted it.

"Create life! What a great initiative! How could I not be interested! I invited you to help me make a stronger and more perfect body." Voldemort responded with an impassioned voice.

As a master of black magic, he knows more than anyone how difficult it is to transform the human body, especially the wizard\'s body transformation technology, which was completely lost hundreds of years ago.

If you can have a strong body transformed, it is not too difficult to defeat Dumbledore.

"Oh? I\'m afraid you\'ll have to wait for a while. With my current technology, I can\'t meet your requirements for the time being." Zhang Cheng pretended to be helpless and put on a show of helplessness.

"It doesn\'t matter. My patience is always good. You can slowly carry out your own research. In addition, I heard that you accepted Dumbledore\'s invitation to teach at Hogwarts. Tell me, what do you think of his idea?"

When asked this question, Voldemort opened his mouth and smiled ironically.

"It\'s boring and boring. I wonder if you\'re satisfied with this answer?" Zhang Cheng replied meaningfully.

"Ah! As like as two peas do I imagine, you are not a stranger to him. Do you know if I have the honour to invite you to join me in creating the future of the magic world?" Voldemort offered to extend his right hand.

After pretending to hesitate for a few seconds, Zhang Cheng nodded happily and agreed: "it\'s no problem to join, but I have a small additional condition."

"Please say!"

"I want you to know all about making Horcruxes!"

"Horcrux?" Voldemort\'s eyes flashed a trace of surprise and vigilance, but he soon laughed happily. "Hehe, I can agree to your conditions, but you have to make me a perfect body in return."

"Deal! I wish us a happy cooperation!"

When he got the promise he wanted, Zhang Cheng immediately put his right hand into the mirror and held it with the cold and pale hand like a dead man.

"Happy cooperation! I believe that you and I will become the most perfect partner." Voldemort\'s pupil flashed a terrible red light.

According to his inherent cognition, those who want to obtain the manufacturing method of Horcruxes are essentially the same as themselves. They are all pursuing strong power and almost eternal life. Naturally, they are the enemies of Albus Dumbledore.

But the Dark Lord didn\'t know that what Zhang Cheng wanted was not to make the Horcrux itself, but the secret of integrating his soul into the rules of death.

Once you get this secret, you will make a 180 degree turn and stab a fatal knife directly into your back.

Betraying his allies was as easy for him as eating and drinking water. There was no psychological burden at all.

You know, allies have been used to sell from the beginning, just depending on whether the price and timing are appropriate