All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 731

"Damn it! I knew this guy must be unkind! Look what he did? He instigated stupid Potter to learn so many dangerous spells!" snape shouted madly standing at the desk in the headmaster\'s office.

Since Zhang Cheng played a trick on the potion master at the school opening ceremony, the relationship between the two has not been very good.

To be exact, he has been looking for trouble in various ways to kick Zhang Cheng out of the teaching team in Hogwarts.

However, it is a pity that this proposition has not been approved by the headmaster.

Dumbledore ignored Snape\'s fierce reaction, raised his eyes and asked Mileva McGonagall, who had never said a word: "tell me what Potter is doing recently? Is he going to avenge his parents?"

"Yes! His mind can be seen even if he is blind. Albus, I think he has a psychological problem and is becoming more and more like someone. You\'d better find a way quickly." Mileva McGonagall warned with a serious expression.

As an old man who witnessed Voldemort\'s rise, she knows more than anyone how similar Harry Potter is to Tom in his youth. In particular, her extreme desire for power is almost morbid. If she goes further, she will fall into the abyss.

"Have you talked to him?" Dumbledore\'s expression grew dignified.

"Yes! But it didn\'t work. Sirius Black\'s escape from prison was like a fuse, allowing him to release all the grievances accumulated in his heart for many years. I believe you should know how much he has suffered these years, which can\'t be solved by conversation." Mileva McGonagall shook her head with a tired face.

"I see, you all go back to rest." Dumbledore waved his hand gently, without revealing his thoughts from beginning to end.

Although some dissatisfied, Snape wanted to argue a few words, he finally held back and left the headmaster\'s room angrily.

When everyone was gone, the old man stood up and said to himself in a voice that only he could hear: "Potter shouldn\'t be like this! Who is playing tricks in the dark? Zhang, or Tom\'s men?"

The voice just fell!

He immediately asked the magic portraits of past presidents hanging on the wall: "who knows, the magic practice professor I invited back this semester, what suspicious actions have taken recently?"

"No! Apart from occasionally teaching the students who come to the door for advice, he basically stays in his room all day and does some strange research," replied a character in the portrait without thinking.

"Research? What research?" Dumbledore seemed to notice something wrong and subconsciously frowned.

"I don\'t know! His understanding and Research on magic are far above us. Even the principle behind the new spell taught to students is beyond the understanding of ordinary wizards. It is said that Lucius is going to put pressure on the Ministry of magic and grant him corresponding honors for this matter."

The portrait is undoubtedly very clear about what the current headmaster wants to know, and he said everything he knows.

Many people mistakenly believe that the wandering ghosts of Hogwarts and the moving magic portraits hanging on the wall are only optional decorations.

But in fact, they are not only a means to monitor and control the school, but also a set of early warning system.

In particular, the portraits without rest are almost everywhere in the castle. Even if someone successfully broke into Hogwarts, it is difficult to avoid their eyes.

It can be said that every secret move that Harry Potter and his friends think has not been discovered since they entered school is actually under the close monitoring of the headmaster, even if they encounter danger several times.

Dumbledore touched his gray beard and pondered for a long time. Finally, he continued to ask in an uncertain tone: "then I asked you to find out his identity. Has there been any result?"

"Sorry, No. no matter the world of ordinary people or the magic world in the East, there is no trace of his existence." the portrait gave a direct negative answer.

"Incredible! Without identity and signs of existence, could it be that he came out of thin air?"

"I don\'t know if he came out of thin air, but I know that he is more dangerous than his appearance. You\'d better not take it lightly."

"Keep staring at him for me! If there is anything unusual, please inform me at the first time."

"I see!"


Just when the headmaster\'s room fell into silence, Lucius in Malfoy Manor had just received an anonymous letter from unknown who, and his whole body trembled slightly involuntarily.

Because there is nothing in this letter, only a skeleton pattern that emits green and constantly shakes.

you \'re right!

This is not a scary prank, but the famous black devil mark!

Once a member of death eaters, he naturally did not know this pattern that frightened countless people.

"He... He came back after all..."

It took more than ten minutes for Lucius to spit this sentence out of his mouth.

Needless to ask, this letter is just a notice that he is ready to work for the Dark Lord at any time.

But he is planning to control the Ministry of magic and make the Malfoy family the master of the British magic world. At this moment, he doesn\'t want the Dark Lord to return at all.

After all, compared with the domineering style of "those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me die", he began to gradually like the Huairou strategy given by Zhang Cheng, quietly hide behind his back and control everything, rather than rush to the front desk and become the target of public criticism.

Unfortunately, Lucius didn\'t think he had enough strength to resist the call of his former master, so after hesitating for a moment, he decided to show the illusion and move to a dense forest.

Just as he looked around at his surroundings, a very gloomy suddenly echoed in his ear: "ah! My loyal servant finally obeyed the call!"

"Lord... Master?!" Lucius shivered and quickly knelt on one knee to express his respect, although he didn\'t know where the Dark Lord was hiding and whether he really recovered his strength.

"My servant! Tell me, why haven\'t you come to me and help me all these years?" Voldemort\'s voice revealed a trace of hatred.

"I\'m sorry, master! Dumbledore and his minions have been tracking down and suppressing the death eaters, so that we all lurk down and dare not act rashly," Lucius explained in a trembling voice.

"Dumbledore!" when Voldemort heard the name, he immediately released a strong killing intention, but he didn\'t know why. After a while, he recovered his peace. "Forget it, I can not investigate your actions, but you must do something for me. Invite the mysterious wizard from the east to meet me. I need his strength now..."