All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 730

Abandoning the past and embracing the dark side of human nature has never been achieved overnight. It requires a long-term accumulation and process.

Therefore, after the dark seeds took root, Anyang did not have too much contact with Harry Potter, nor did he try to influence and manipulate his behavior. Instead, he handed the job to dobby, a terrifyingly transformed domestic elf.

Late at night

All the students and professors in Hogwarts fell asleep. Harry slipped into a room full of training dummies with the help of his invisibility cloak.

This is no other place. It is the famous "responsive house".

Dobby, who had been waiting for a long time, got out of the dark corner, bent down, bowed deeply and said, "great Harry Potter, humble servant, it\'s a great honor to serve you."

"Less nonsense! I need training! More training!" Harry quickly took off his invisibility cloak, threw it aside, took out his wand, and his eyes glittered with cold light.

"As you wish!" dobby raised his hand and snapped his fingers.



One of the dummies came to life, slowly turned into Sirius Black in the newspaper, raised his wand and shot a terrible death spell.

"To pieces!"


Harry was obviously used to this high-intensity magic confrontation and put protective spells on himself without thinking.

After Zhang Cheng\'s training, he has long understood that compared with all kinds of powerful attack magic, protection magic is the most important.

Because as long as you have protective magic, you can be invincible, and then slowly consider how to defeat powerful enemies.

But without a protective spell, even if you are hit by a non fatal low-level spell, you may be defeated.

In this way, you and I fought for several minutes. Finally, with a more powerful and deadly new spell, Harry finally succeeded in defeating the dummy and restoring it to its original shape.

However, he was not much better. His whole body was soaked with sweat, his chest fluctuated violently and gasped heavily, which obviously belonged to the serious overdraft of magic.

no way out!

In any case, he is only a teenager this year. He is still a child who has not grown up. The level of magic stored in his body can not be comparable to that of an adult wizard.

Especially when casting some powerful spells, it will even produce strong discomfort such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

But I don\'t know why. Recently, this situation has become less and less. At the same time, it seems that something takes root and sprouts in the body.

There is no doubt that Harry Potter with poor knowledge does not know what happened to him, but he feels that as long as he can make himself stronger and stronger, there seems to be nothing wrong.

After resting for half an hour, he defeated the dummy again, then put on his invisibility cloak and returned to the Gryffindor lounge. He was unaware that a pair of beautiful big eyes were always staring at himself.


Early the next morning, the owner of the eyes broke into the lounge and said hesitantly, "teach... Professor! I want to talk to you, can I?"

"Of course! Please speak, Miss Granger." Zhang Cheng put down the work at hand, turned around and replied with a smile.

"It\'s Harry! I found that he always sneaked out in the middle of the night and didn\'t know what he was doing." Hermione carefully said what she had observed.

It has to be said that the performance of the "savior" recently is a little worrying. She even feels that her once familiar friend is like another person.

"Sneaking out in the middle of the night? It sounds like many rebellious boys have done similar things. I don\'t think there\'s any fuss." Zhang Cheng pretended to think for a few seconds and immediately shook his head.

As one of the key observation objects, the boy\'s transformation, both physical and psychological, is under his supervision, including some interesting reactions generated by his creative power.

In fact, since he decided to start a large-scale experiment, he has successively obtained many surprising results.

Among them, Harry Potter\'s creative power has brought the most drastic changes, and driven by hatred and extreme desire for power, his magic growth rate is very amazing. At this rate, Luo Ao of the Ministry of magic will stand aside at most one year later.

Obviously, creativity is something that is easily influenced by desire and strong feelings.

As for how to influence, Zhang Cheng has not summarized the corresponding experience and laws for the time being.

Hermione obviously didn\'t know what terrible things the young professor standing in front of her did. She explained to herself: "he didn\'t just sneak out, but looked like someone had a fight. I felt that he became more and more strange and alienated from his friends."

"No, Miss Granger, on the contrary, I think this is a mature performance. People always need to have a little privacy, and not everything can be shared with their friends. Of course, if your relationship with Potter is closer than friendship, I can help you ask what he thinks." speaking of this, Zhang Cheng cocked up his mouth and showed an ambiguous and playful smile.

"Ah?!" the girl blushed and waved her hand desperately. "No, no, no, you misunderstood. We are just ordinary friends."

"Really? Why do I think you care more about him than ordinary friends? Forget it, it\'s not what I should care about. But I still know what Potter sneaks out at night."

"You know?!"

"Yes! As far as I know, he\'s out practicing spells alone, so don\'t worry too much."

After flirting with each other a little, Zhang Cheng finally reluctantly gave the answer.

Because he knew that Harry Potter\'s abnormal behavior was not only concerned by these students, but also by Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts.

"Practice the spell?" Hermione frowned subconsciously.

"Yes! Potter hates his weakness and wants to be strong. He came to me several times and begged me to tell him the skills and methods to defeat the enemy." Zhang Cheng did not try to hide anything, but admitted the fact that he had taught boys.

"Thank you very much, professor. I think I understand." Hermione nodded vaguely, turned and ran away and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Seeing the girl go away, Zhang Cheng asked the supreme authority meaningfully, "guess how Dumbledore would react to this news?"

"Hey, hey! I promise that the old guy will stop Harry Potter\'s revenge plan at all costs. Maybe they will have irreparable estrangement and even resentment."

"That\'s right! My plan has been successful! Now Harry can never change back to his former appearance. I believe the old guy will be very angry and sad..."