All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 729

I have to say, Sirius Black is not a smart guy.

Instead of having any effect, he aroused the anger of the Ministry of magic bureaucrats and strengthened his determination to keep the Dementors.

Most importantly, having learned the so-called "truth of the cause of death" of his parents, he completely fell into the frenzy of revenge for his parents. Almost whenever he had time, he ran to Zhang Cheng\'s office to ask him for a variety of casting skills and attack spells.

After a short time, his strength began to advance by leaps and bounds, and he was almost able to draw with Draco.

You should know that the latter received training a whole semester earlier than the former, which shows the degree of talent and effort.

Of course, the price is that you will suffer terrible trauma almost every day. You won\'t go back to bed until you are exhausted, so that you don\'t have much time to maintain the relationship with two other friends. Your character has become more and more gloomy and unwilling to tell others.

This change, not to mention Hermione and Ron, is not very good for Dumbledore.

After all, the hatred of killing parents is not something that can be resolved by heart to heart talk. Even in the modern legal society, many people will choose the most direct and impulsive way to make the murderer pay for their actions.

"Professor! Can you teach me the death spell that can really kill the enemy?"

At the end of the day\'s course, Harry Potter came to the office alone, stared into Cheng\'s eyes and said tentatively.

"Why do you suddenly ask this?" Zhang Cheng touched his chin and looked at the boy with interest.

He can feel that the other party\'s mood, heart and mental state are at a very dangerous critical point. As long as he crosses the past, he will always say goodbye to the protagonist in the original and become a new Harry Potter.

"I want revenge! I want the enemy who betrayed my parents to pay the price!" Harry did not try to hide anything, nor did he intend to hide anything.

As a sensitive boy, he could sense that the professor in front of him was different from any other professor in the school.

As for the difference, he could not say for the time being. He just felt that the other party would be willing to help himself, rather than forcing himself to give up the idea of revenge like other professors.

"Revenge?" Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile. "You don\'t seem to know who your real enemy is, do you?"

"I don\'t understand! Didn\'t the newspaper say that Sirius Black betrayed my parents, so they were killed by Voldemort?" asked Harry, frowning and gnashing his teeth.

"Sorry, I didn\'t tell you the truth directly, but I can give you three small suggestions. First, don\'t make everything as simple as it looks on the surface. There may be a lot of secrets and secrets you don\'t know behind it. Second, never trust newspapers, magazines or what is said from the mouth, because you can\'t confirm what is true at all , what are exaggerations and fictions, and what are rumors that people deliberately say to deceive and induce you. Finally, the most important thing is never to be blinded by hatred. Even if you want to kill a person, you should think clearly why you want to kill him. Once he dies, who will get the most benefits? "

Although Zhang Cheng did not give a direct answer, the lines were full of hints.

He will not be foolish enough to directly interfere with the behavior of the "savior", but intend to let the other party trace it slowly, know to embrace the darkness and become the same person as himself.

As for why he did this, the answer is very simple. He prefers the activists who want to achieve their goals at all costs to those "just messengers" who criticize others from the moral commanding height.

"You mean... Sirius Black wasn\'t the murderer who killed my parents?!" Harry obviously wasn\'t a complete fool and immediately understood the meaning.

"Hehe, it\'s up to you to find the answer. I think you should find Blake first, and then talk to him face to face. Maybe there will be some unexpected gains. As for the death spell, I won\'t teach you, which means that it will violate the laws of the Ministry of magic. But I\'m a careless person. I occasionally leave some dangerous spell books on the table if I\'m caught by students That would be terrible. "

After that, Zhang Cheng took a note with a red cover on the table, then pretended to stand up and walked towards the bathroom.

When I passed the boy, I didn\'t forget to stretch out three fingers.

When harriton realized that this meant that he had thirty minutes, he immediately rushed over to read the contents of the red notebook.

I didn\'t know the result. I was startled at the sight.

There are numerous records inside. All of them are high-level magic that can kill and maim people. Even some can kill everyone in the whole street in an instant once released.




He couldn\'t imagine why a professor would master so many, so terrible, and Destructive Magic strictly prohibited by the Ministry of magic.

But after a brief panic, he quickly calmed down and realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He stared wide and recorded spells with his brain.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. When Zhang Cheng came out of the bathroom, Harry Potter quickly closed his notes, bent down and bowed deeply: "thank you very much, professor. I swear I will repay your kindness one day."

"Reward? No, Potter, I don\'t need any reward. As long as you can know yourself clearly and don\'t be used by others, I\'ll thank God." Zhang Cheng picked up the note, threw it into the fireplace and let the flame burn it up.

"No one can use me! No one can command me what to do! What not to do!" Harry Potter promised firmly.

Recently, he has had enough of the persuasion and education from his friends and elders, and he has had enough of being pointed out by others.

This time, he will prove with the blood and death of his enemies that he has grown up and has enough strength to no longer need shelter and sympathy.

Seeing the boy leave the office, Zhang Cheng raised his mouth slightly and muttered in a voice he could only hear: "The seeds of darkness have taken root. Tell me, dear headmaster Albus Dumbledore, what choice will you make? Get rid of Harry Potter who may be the next Dark Lord once and for all, or use him to get rid of Voldemort first, or let them die together?"

There is no doubt that nothing can make him happier than tearing off a mask of hypocrisy.

As for whether the whole British magic world will be turbulent and bloody, it doesn\'t matter to him.

Anyway, the fate of mankind in this world has been doomed, that is, to be completely destroyed by nuclear explosion