All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 728

Amid the screams and wails of the students, the first magic practice class finally came to an end.

Although the rest of the people except Draco, let alone overcome the illusion, even those who can last for more than a minute are very special cases, they still did not dispel their enthusiasm for learning combat skills.

In particular, the new mantra recorded in the booklet gives everyone a strong sense of freshness and excitement, so that they ignore the fact that they are being abused by their opponents throughout the class.

When Zhang Cheng announced the end of class, the "iron triangle" immediately got together and discussed what had just happened.

"Damn it! I think principal Dumbledore is crazy! He invited Malfoy\'s private tutor to teach us," Ron murmured, rubbing his still sore shoulder.

Although magic heals most wounds, the psychological effect can\'t be eliminated in a while.

"I also think this course is a little dangerous, but it is undeniable that as long as we stick to it, we will gain a lot. Look at Draco, he is probably more powerful than the three of us together." Hermione expressed her view seriously.

"That\'s right! As long as you can become stronger, it\'s nothing to be hurt. Whether you are willing to continue, but I won\'t give up." Harry Potter\'s eyes twinkled with expectation.

If there is anyone in the British magic world who is most eager to prove himself, it must be him.

As soon as he stepped into the wizard circle, he found that he had inexplicably become a "celebrity". More than anyone, he wanted to obtain the strength matching his reputation, rather than the president. Someone ridiculed himself with his life experience.

In fact, Harry Potter, who grew up in oppression and discrimination, has much more dark side in his heart than most of his peers, and has much stronger ambition and desire.

What Zhang Cheng did was to stimulate all the dark sides of his character through some guiding hints to see if the final result would be different.

After all, the pursuit of power is the subconscious desire of every wizard. Even the greatest White wizard can\'t stop a young man from trying to obtain his own power.

But so far, no one has noticed his sinister intentions.


Back in the room, Zhang Cheng was not in a hurry to influence Harry\'s thinking. He just opened a palm sized crystal bottle placed on the table and injected a small part of the creative power into it for storage.

After all this, he pursed his lips and asked, "dobby, tell me what the Savior did after class?"

"Great master! Harry Potter seems to like your class very much and says to his two friends that he is not willing to give up anyway." the cruelly transformed house elf came out of the dark corner and reported in a low voice.

"Hehe, just as I expected. Continue to monitor and give him some temptation when necessary. I believe you understand what I mean." Zhang Cheng hinted meaningfully.

"Dobby knows! Dobby will indulge Harry Potter in power!" the house elf touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

"Very good! Remember, be careful not to be discovered by other students and professors. Thirteen or fourteen year old boys always like fantasy and stubbornly think that they are the most special one in the world. You\'d better make use of this." after saying that, Zhang Cheng gently waved his hand and signaled that the other party could leave.

"Master, please don\'t worry, I won\'t be found by anyone." Dobby\'s eyes twinkled with a vicious light, raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and disappeared in an instant.

I\'m afraid Dumbledore, as the headmaster, will never know that Hogwarts, which he thinks has strong magic protection, has long been infiltrated into a sieve.

Shortly after the demon reformed house elf left, the supreme authority suddenly asked, "master, you seem to be very interested in the boy with glasses?"

"Interested? No, I just feel a little bored and want to have some fun." Zhang Cheng sat down and tapped the table gently. "You know, the most interesting thing in the world is to kill the last hope of others and look at their faces of pain and despair. I don\'t like Albus Dumbledore, and I don\'t like the ideas he advocates. Whether wizards or ordinary people, they should be in a state of fierce competition, not comfortable enough to do nothing Live comfortably for a lifetime. "

"I think so too! But I really don\'t see anything special about that boy, except the soul fragments in the lightning scar on his head." the supreme authority obviously doesn\'t recognize the identity of the "savior", and even has a little contempt and disdain.

"Special? He\'s not special at all. He\'s just a piece pushed to the front desk and manipulated." Zhang Cheng explained with a sneer.

As the protagonist throughout the story, Harry Potter in his eyes is actually just a bait deliberately created by Dumbledore to attract Voldemort\'s attention. He didn\'t get rid of the control until the end.

I have to say that such a life is a little sad, so he wants to do a little damage.

"What about next? Don\'t tell me you\'re going to waste your time on a boy."

"No, of course not. Don\'t you see that I\'ve been storing my creativity. Next, I\'ll use my students to do a large experiment to see how many changes this thing has made to..."

While saying these words, Zhang Cheng\'s eyes glittered with chilling madness.


This is the real purpose of his coming to Hogwarts as a professor!

What is easier for the whole British magic world to find hundreds of wizards as experimental subjects than Hogwarts?

With the advent of dinner time, Zhang Cheng quietly sneaked into the kitchen and integrated his creative power into all kinds of fruit juice and pumpkin juice while many domestic elves didn\'t pay attention.

Finally, when these flavored things were brought to the table, no one noticed anything wrong, even the famous Dumbledore.

At present, the whole Hogwarts has become a huge testing ground. No one knows what will happen and whether it will lead to terrible disasters.

The only thing he knows is that anyone who has drunk fruit juice will mutate in a short time.

In order to better obtain the test data, hundreds of blood samples were even taken overnight for archiving.

Just as Zhang Cheng had just finished all this and returned to his room, there was a sharp scream in the silent castle, followed by all the students and professors.

Needless to ask, Sirius Black finally sneaked in, looking for his enemies and looking at his godson