All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 727

"Be quiet!"

"Everyone keep quiet!"

After shouting twice in a row, Zhang Cheng found that the students did not mean to calm down, but the scene became more and more out of control.

Especially those senior girls, there are actually two or three brave girls trying to rush over and take advantage of the chaos.

In desperation, he had to inject a trace of energy to induce the supreme power to resonate strongly with the surrounding air.



A creepy screech echoed over the lawn!

Everyone who heard the voice couldn\'t help stopping all his actions, covering his ears and showing a very painful expression on his face.

As we all know, human beings are actually very sensitive to noise, especially some special frequency sounds, which can make people lose their combat effectiveness and become lambs to be slaughtered in almost a few seconds.

Seeing the chaotic scene suppressed, Zhang Cheng immediately withdrew the noise from the supreme authority and said with an expressionless warning: "remember, this is the first time, I hope it is the last time. If anyone dares to break the classroom discipline, I guarantee that he or she will pay a painful price. Now, Draco, come up and demonstrate for everyone what is called practical training."

"My pleasure, professor."

Little Malfoy proudly stepped forward two steps, stood in front of his most familiar illusion, clenched his wand, leaned slightly, and the illusion also saluted.

When the latter got up, he immediately shouted at the fastest speed: "tremor, electric shock!"

Suddenly, a dazzling white electric light sprayed from the end of the wand.

But who would have thought that the reaction of the illusion was faster. He immediately put on a layer of magic protection and began to fight back calmly.

Compared with Draco\'s accurate, efficient and desperate offensive strategy, the illusion is undoubtedly more comprehensive. Both defense and attack can give consideration to both ends. After a while, he won the first hand. The former was embarrassed, and even some places were injured. It looks bloody and dazzling.

As for the students on the sidelines, they were stunned and couldn\'t believe that with little Malfoy\'s spell casting level, they couldn\'t even see the slightest hope of winning.

But just when everyone thought that the battle was destined to win with illusion, Draco suddenly showed a very fierce look in his eyes and rushed towards a hot fireball.

With his own flesh and blood, he carried the high temperature of hundreds of degrees Celsius, rushed forward, shot a deadly ice arrow, directly smashed the illusion and won the final victory.

The whole process happened quickly and unexpectedly, so that when he struggled to get up from the ground, everyone forgot to cheer and cheer.

When the lawn fell into a strange silence, Zhang Cheng suddenly took the lead in clapping his hands, applauding and commenting: "Mr. Malfoy did a good job. He has a very good sense of timing, understands the importance of seizing the first hand, and knows how to seize the final victory in the case of disadvantage. Fighting, especially the battle between wizards, often takes only one second to win, so I ask everyone involved to maintain a high degree of concentration."

"Professor! Draco is still bleeding! Don\'t you need to send him to treatment?" a Slytherin girl whispered with a red face.

"Hehe, with me, don\'t worry about injuries and other small things." Zhang Cheng smiled and released a dazzling golden light.

In less than a second, the wounds on Malfoy\'s body completely disappeared, and even his broken robe recovered as before.

There is no doubt that this excellent healing and recovery spell injected confidence into many students who had backed out. In the end, less than one third chose to give up this course, and the remaining two-thirds were eager to try to fight the illusion of scattered standing on the lawn.

Besides, the courage of these little wizards surprised Zhang Cheng.

He thought it would be good to have at most one-third stay.

Ron\'s twin brothers, in particular, didn\'t seem to take the injury as a matter at all. Before they were allowed, they took the initiative to find two illusions that looked difficult to deal with and launched a two-on-two scuffle.

As a result, naturally, in less than a minute, they were separated by the air blade from several deep bone wounds, and finally fell to the ground and screamed like a pig.

"God! Professor! I need treatment! I\'m bleeding!" cried George at the top of his voice.

"My leg! Damn it! It must be broken now!" Fred shouted for help.

Seeing the tragedy of the pair of funny living treasures, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help sighing and asked, "before treatment, I want to confirm one thing, that is, are you fully aware of your mistakes?"

"Yes! Professor! We swear!"

"Yes! We swear!"

The twins agreed to give a guarantee that they had suffered a lot this time.

"I hope so! Gryffindor deducted 20 points."

With these words, Zhang Chengcai healed their wounds, turned around and said to all the remaining students: "I hope you understand that this is not a game that many people think. Every attack of the illusion will cause real damage to you, so you must take it seriously and regard it as a battle of life and death to determine your own destiny. Only in this way can you have a chance to defeat the illusion. In addition, you don\'t have too many offensive spells at present, I will give them to everyone Issue a spell manual, which records some non lethal but quite effective attack and protection spells I invented. "

"You... Will you teach us a new spell?!" Harry Potter\'s eyes lit up slightly, showing his eyes of great excitement and expectation.

Although he is already a third grade student, he has few spells so far, not to mention the aggressive spells that have been strictly controlled by the Ministry of magic.

"Of course! At your age, these spells are not too powerful, but they are enough to make adults lose their mobility. They are very suitable for self-defense. Don\'t worry. I\'ve asked headmaster Dumbledore for advice. He said I can continue teaching as long as the Ministry of magic doesn\'t interfere. Here, this is your share. Don\'t forget to practice hard." With a meaningful smile, Zhang Cheng took out a booklet from the next table and handed it to the "savior".

"Thank you! By the way, did you know Draco before?" Harry took the pamphlet, looked up and asked curiously.

"That\'s right! Before accepting the principal\'s invitation, I was Malfoy\'s private tutor. He was a very talented young man, especially in terms of willpower, far better than most of his peers." Zhang Cheng admitted in front of everyone.

"I see! Then do you have a way to make me as strong as him?"

"Ha ha! Of course! But my training is very hard. Are you sure you can stick to it?"

"I can!"
