All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 724

With Lucius Malfoy taking the initiative to stop the original plan, Zhang Cheng controlled Draco to recycle the book containing the Horcruxes made by Voldemort when he was young.

Of course, Tom Riddle, who has awakened, is not too willing to return to his diary honestly.

So he had to resort to a little violence, so that he was almost discovered by the curious Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore who was hiding behind the scenes.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Ginny Weasley took the initiative to take all the responsibilities, otherwise he really didn\'t end well.

But the price was that at the end of the second semester, Severus Snape accompanied Draco to the Malfoy family manor.

Looking at the potion master whose watch was as gloomy as a bat, but his heart was filled with love and guilt, Zhang Cheng couldn\'t help raising his mouth slightly, smiled and said, "good afternoon, Professor, listen to Drake that you came to visit me specially?"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang! Please forgive me for taking the liberty. You have really aroused my great interest. In particular, your teaching method has enabled little Malfoy to master magic skills far beyond his peers in a very short time." snape bowed gracefully and complimented.

Even when talking, his two eyes always secretly observe each other\'s every move.

"Oh? Are you interested in yourself or the president of the great Hogwarts?" Zhang Cheng said quietly.

Others may think that Severus Snape just had to succumb to Dumbledore, but he knows that the relationship between the two is extremely complex. The former is almost completely subject to the leadership of the latter, even if some conflicts often break out on the surface.

"We are all interested. After all, teaching students to master more knowledge and magic has been the tenet of Hogwarts since its establishment. If you can, headmaster Dumbledore would like to invite you to Hogwarts to exchange your experience and take the post of Professor of magic practice. Maybe we can\'t give the Malfoy family such a generous salary, but we can Your honor. "Snape calmly offered the invitation.

I have to say that his psychological quality is quite excellent. Even if he was exposed to the face, he didn\'t show a little tension. No wonder he could cheat Voldemort in the future.

"Dear friend, it doesn\'t seem very good for you to dig the foot of the Malfoy family in front of me?" Lucius finally couldn\'t look down and asked.

"Relax, don\'t be so nervous. I just sent an invitation on behalf of the school. As for whether to go or not, the choice is not between you and me, but between the parties." snape shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Damn it! Dumbledore usurped the power of the board of directors and wanted to go to my house to dig people? Dream! Zhang Cai won\'t go to Hogwarts. He will stay here to teach the children of the Malfoy family." Lucius roared loudly, clutching his cane and looking irritated.

"Well, well, don\'t get angry with me. You should know that I\'m just an errand messenger. In addition, Mr. Zhang, the invitation of President Dumbledore is valid until the beginning of next semester. If you are interested, you can report to Hogwarts at any time."

After that, Snape bowed again, waved his magic wand directly, performed the illusion, and disappeared in place.

Until he left for more than five minutes, Lucius calmed down quickly. There was no sign of losing control of his mood on his pale face. He sneered and said sarcastically, "as you expected, the old guy can\'t sit still. How, do you want to respond to the invitation to teach at Hogwarts? I believe as long as we cooperate internally and externally, we can drive him away in a short time."

"Why not? You know, it\'s the most complete place in the whole English magic books and materials. Maybe you can find something enlightening for my research. As for internal and external cooperation, forget it. I don\'t have much desire for power, and I won\'t waste my precious time fighting for power and profit."

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly very clear about what the other party was expecting and gave a direct negative answer.

Trying to rule only hundreds of thousands of modern wizards with low combat effectiveness?

He would only make such a stupid choice if he had a brain disease!

On the contrary, he has a bigger and more magnificent plan, that is, on the eve of his departure, he will trigger a nuclear war all over the world and eliminate more than 90% of the population.

This crazy practice can not only collect countless souls, but also deeply explore the power of death rules through a large number of deaths.

Unfortunately, so far, no one can see through the madness hidden under the calm appearance of Zhang Cheng.

To be exact, no normal person can think that a seemingly powerful, mature and stable young wizard is a more dangerous and terrible monster than Voldemort.


After making the decision, Zhang Cheng did not immediately set out to meet Dumbledore, but stayed at Malfoy Manor to continue his research. Only a few days before Hogwarts was about to start school did he bid farewell to Lucius and his wife, pretending to be alone and carrying a suitcase into this historic magic castle.

As soon as he entered the principal\'s room, Albus Dumbledore, with a gray beard, immediately stood up and laughed and said, "Aha! I finally look forward to you, Mr. Zhang, or I can call you professor in advance. You know, Oriental wizards are not often seen in the British magic world."

"Thank you! It\'s my great honor to be praised by you." Zhang Cheng stroked his chest with one hand and bowed humbly.

"No, no, no, it should be my honor." Dumbledore helped his glasses and gently waved his hand. "It is the dream of every Hogwarts headmaster to improve the quality of teaching. In particular, there were many attacks last semester, and we have not been able to find the real murderer, so it is very important to improve the students\' self-defense level. Can you tell me how you trained Mr. Malfoy to become so excellent in a short time?"

"Very simple! Practical training beyond the limit! I can create an illusion through magic, so that Draco can continuously fight with the illusion and gain more experience and proficiency. I believe you should have heard that in the East, we advocate the idea that strict teachers produce excellent disciples. Only through the most strict education can children grow into excellent talents."

"Actual combat training?" the old man subconsciously frowned. "Won\'t you get hurt?"

"Of course, I will be injured! But I will strictly control to ensure that there will be no serious injury or death. Injury often does not mean that it is a bad thing. Pain is sometimes the best teacher. He will let the students firmly remember how to avoid making the same mistake next time..."

Zhang Cheng pretended to be a demon teacher and gushed on his Spartan teaching philosophy.

Hogwarts students do not know that a disastrous new semester will come soon.