All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 723

Lord John emerrick Edward dalberger Acton, a British thought historian, once expounded a view in his book freedom and power: "power leads to corruption, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption."

Therefore, with the acceleration of the progress and development of human civilization, when building a new social system, politicians in countless countries have referred to this view to strictly restrict the rights of various government departments and prevent people in some important positions from having too much power, leading to serious corruption and abuse of power.

So is power, so is power.

Especially the wizards with great power, what do they rely on to restrict them?

The answer is simple, that is, the moral bottom line they set for themselves.

Take Albus Dumbledore for example. If he hadn\'t forced himself to abide by the law, could there be a second person in the whole British magic world to restrict it?



In the same way, Voldemort did not set a bottom line for himself, so he almost effortlessly destroyed the rule of the British Ministry of magic and almost established a new order.

Lucius, who was good at drilling camp, had never realized this before, but under the reminder of Zhang Cheng, he immediately found that the whole plan was full of loopholes, frowned and said tentatively: "How do you think we can really get rid of Dumbledore? He has been sitting in the position of president of Hogwarts for too long, which has posed a great threat to our school board members, so that many people believe that Hogwarts is Dumbledore\'s."

"Ha ha! It\'s not easy. What\'s Dumbledore\'s weakness? Or what\'s the moral bottom line he drew for himself?" Zhang Cheng asked with a laugh.

"Weakness?" Lucius could not help but frown and fell into meditation.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng immediately put down his tea cup and quietly explained: "That\'s right! Weakness! Don\'t you find out what keeps Dumbledore respected? Apart from the power itself, there are only two points. One of them is that he is the headmaster of Hogwarts. All parents are eager to let the most powerful white wizard protect their children. The other is that he is willing to abide by law and order like an ordinary person. Jane On the one hand, Dumbledore can never compete with the system now established, otherwise he will lose the support of the people and become a black wizard called everyone shouting and beating. "

"That\'s how it works!" Lucius said with an expression of enlightenment. "So I should give up doing it directly in school and shift my focus to the Ministry of magic."

"Yes! As long as you master the Ministry of magic, you will be equivalent to mastering the system and law. Coupled with the subtle influence of newspapers and public opinion, even Dumbledore will be afraid of three points. At that time, you will naturally be qualified to negotiate face to face with him and regain the rights that should belong to the board of directors." Zhang Cheng expressed his views meaningfully.

As an old hand who has experienced countless intrigues and struggles, his political IQ is already above that of most politicians. It\'s effortless to dig a few holes for an old fox like Albus Dumbledore.

"I see! Thank you for your advice! Now I\'m going to discuss with some friends and temporarily stop the original plan." Lucius stood up and planned to go away.

Just as he raised his wand and was about to show his phantom shift, Zhang Cheng suddenly reminded: "don\'t forget to deal with your domestic elf dobby. As far as I know, he often left the manor for no reason recently. I don\'t know what he was doing secretly."

"Dobby?!" Lucius was obviously stunned.

After all, in the concept of wizards, domestic elves are a symbol of loyalty and hard work, and even do anything, even give their lives, in order to win the favor of their masters.

Therefore, few wizards doubt that domestic Elves will betray themselves and the family.

"Yes! Dobby!" Zhang Cheng nodded gently. "As far as I know, Harry Potter and his friend Ron took a flying car to school because someone closed the entrance of platform 9 and 3 / 4. Dobby just left the manor during this time. I believe you should know what this means?"

"Damn it!" Lucius suddenly changed his face and shouted at the top of his voice, "dobby! You dirty little bastard! Get out of here quickly!"


With a crisp sound, an ugly little thing with a height of more than half a person appeared out of thin air in the living room.

He looked very nervous and afraid. His whole body shook up and down. He asked carefully, "Lord... Master, please call dobby for you. What can I do for you?"


Lucius suddenly raised his foot and kicked the other party out. He cursed angrily: "asshole! How dare you betray me? Betray the Malfoy family?"

"No... no... dobby didn\'t betray... Dobby just wanted to protect Harry Potter..." the house elf struggled to get up from the ground to defend himself.

But unfortunately, Lucius didn\'t think so. He swung his cane and beat it wildly. In the blink of an eye, he beat the little thing to the point of death and vomited blood.

He took a deep breath, gnashed his teeth and said, "very good! Very good! I really can\'t imagine that there is a shameful traitor in my family. Don\'t worry, I won\'t execute you right now, but let you taste more terrible than death."

Dobby, the domestic elf, was so frightened that he was smart that he crouched on the ground and didn\'t dare to make any defense or resistance.

For thousands of years of slavery, this race has completely lost its independence and can only rely on wizards to survive.

"Sir, I heard that you are conducting a series of interesting experiments. How about making dobby your experimental subject?" Lucius\'s eyes twinkled with malice.

"Thank you for your generous gift. I\'m very happy to accept it. You know, domestic elves are a very interesting magical creature. Dissecting and transforming them will be very challenging."

After that, Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and stared at dobby with an extremely abnormal eye.

No one likes betrayers!

No matter how sufficient the reasons given on the surface and how noble the motives are, betrayal is betrayal.

In most cases, the fate of the Betrayer is usually very sad, and this time is no exception.

After a while, the poor domestic elf was dragged into the underground secret laboratory. About half an hour or so, the scream of extreme pain and despair began to reverberate over the manor.

No one knew what was going on inside, but 72 hours later, when dobby appeared in front of the crowd again, half of his body was replaced by various metals and plants, and the original smart eyes in his eyes disappeared, replaced by the cold and tyranny of fear.