All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 725

There is no doubt that the practical teaching proposed by Zhang Cheng is not in line with Albus Dumbledore\'s concept at all.

But I don\'t know for what reason, I finally agreed to this extremely unreliable plan and officially appointed the other party as the professor of magic practice.

Looking at the old man\'s deep eyes, Zhang Cheng smiled meaningfully, stood up, walked out of the principal\'s office and disappeared at the end of the intricate corridor in Hogwarts.

Shortly after his front foot left, Snape burst in and asked seriously, "are you sure it\'s the right choice to bring this guy to school?"

"Of course, Severus. I believe you should have investigated. The time when he appeared was too coincidental. A dozen Luo Ao were killed on the streets of London, followed by the opening of the secret room. Ginny Weasley was controlled by a mysterious diary. I have good reasons to doubt him, don\'t I?" Dumbledore took off his eyes and said his reasons meaningfully.

"Damn it! I don\'t mean that! But is it too dangerous for the students, especially Harry Potter, to put him in school? If he is really under the Dark Lord, the consequences will be unimaginable." snape roared, slapping the table hard.

"Danger?" the old man shook his head gently. "No, school is the safest place. No matter what Mr. Zhang wants to do here, we will have countless pairs of eyes staring at him."

"Well, I hope you\'re right, but I\'ll monitor him in my own way."

After dropping this sentence, Snape turned and walked out of the principal\'s room. Even a fool could feel the anger in his heart.

Dumbledore turned a blind eye to this. He just stared at a picture in a newspaper and didn\'t know what he was thinking.


However, none of this has much to do with Zhang Cheng. Since he lived in Hogwarts, he has spent almost all his time in the huge library and basically lived a homestead life.

Although most of these books and materials belong to meaningless repetition, there are still a few records of precious materials and knowledge.

Due to the privilege of professors, no matter how dangerous and esoteric books are borrowed, they will not be blocked. Therefore, in just a few days, Zhang Cheng got what he wanted. He didn\'t notice that the students had arrived at the school by express train.

With them came a large group of magical creatures called Dementors.

"Professor Zhang, the opening ceremony and branch ceremony will be held in more than ten minutes. Don\'t you plan to go to the auditorium?" snape suddenly appeared next to the bookshelves in the library with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Do I have to attend?" Zhang Cheng asked without looking back, holding a heavy ancient book.

"Yes! As a new professor, you need to show up and let the whole school know." snape replied in the affirmative without hesitation.

As a suspicious person, he always felt that the young man was planning something secretly, so he was unwilling to let him out of his sight unless he had to.

"Well, I see."

There was a divine sense of Zhang Cheng and he Qimin in his body. Naturally, he was very clear that the "Half Blood Prince" was wary of himself. He glanced at each other like a smile, raised his hand and gently snapped his fingers.


With the crisp sound, his whole body suddenly began to empty, gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Snape\'s pupils suddenly contracted and the whole person was stunned.

You know, Hogwarts has a set of very powerful magic protection. Many transmission magic, including phantom shift, can\'t work here.

But just now!

Someone broke this common sense and completed a magic transfer without using a magic wand. It was easy to believe.

In a subconscious reaction, he turned around and ran towards the auditorium to tell Dumbledore the news.

At the same time, in the hall of the auditorium on the first floor, Zhang Cheng slowly condensed the positive entity in full view of the public, then sat in his own position and nodded to other professors around him with a smile.

This skill not only stunned the students below, but also surprised the professors one after another.

In particular, Albus Dumbledore, the principal, immediately leaned over and lowered his voice to test: "Dear Professor Zhang, can you tell me what method you just used to avoid Hogwarts\'s magic defense for transmission?"

"Mr. President, if you have carefully studied Hogwarts\'s magic defense system, you will find that it is not as perfect as described. In particular, the prohibition of magic transmission only prohibits long-distance positioning, so that wizards can\'t determine their transmission destination. But if the positioning target is someone, there will be no obstacle to transmission." Zhang Cheng pretended to be relaxed and replied.

"I see! You used Hagrid as the locator of the transmission, followed by a little staggered." Dumbledore\'s pupil showed an amazing light.

You know, although this technique is easy to say, it is very difficult to do. At least no more than two professors here are able to do it.

First of all, the caster should be very sensitive to magic and be able to detect the magic fluctuation of someone within hundreds of meters or even kilometers.

Secondly, it is also necessary to have very accurate control ability. Otherwise, if there is something wrong with the staggered distance, you may embed yourself in places such as walls and columns, and then hit the positioning person directly, both of them will die together.

Finally, and most importantly, the caster must have unparalleled courage and strong self-confidence. Ordinary people will never take such a big risk to save time.

"That\'s right! Your understanding and insight into magic is really admirable. If you have free time, I\'d be happy to discuss the loopholes in Hogwarts magic protection with you. But now, let\'s compare the branch ceremony first..."

Before Zhang Cheng finished his words, the closed door was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

Snape burst in breathlessly and kept patrolling around.

When he saw Zhang Cheng, he was a little relieved, walked to his seat with a gloomy face and sat down.

Dumbledore clearly knew what had happened between them, smiled and joked: "be careful, dear zhang, Severus is not a generous enemy. He will retaliate sooner or later."

"Oh, it doesn\'t matter. I like challenges and I prefer to play some interesting games to kill boring time." Zhang Cheng looked at Snape and tilted his mouth slightly to show a playful smile.

Snape glared at him, but said nothing.