All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 716

Diagon Alley, the most prosperous commercial street in the whole British magic world, is also a place for many wizards to buy all kinds of books, materials and daily necessities.

With the opening of Hogwarts school soon, countless parents can be seen walking through the streets with their children, and bursts of screams and laughter will break out from time to time, making the already noisy environment more noisy. No one noticed that two uninvited guests had just left the overturned lane and appeared at the door of a shop through a path.

"This is diagonally alley?" Zhang Cheng glanced at the chaotic scene around him.

"That\'s right! Generally speaking, if you want to buy anything, you can find it here. But if it involves something that is not quite legal, you need to go to the overturned Lane next door and bang your luck. Generally speaking, Bojin bock will never be disappointed, if you have to satisfy his endless greed." Lucius replied in a low voice.

"Greed is not a bad thing. At least it can arouse a person\'s self-improvement and make him unwilling to live a plain life. You know? There is nothing more sad and regrettable than the invariable mediocre life." Zhang Cheng turned and gave the other party a meaningful look.

Lucius seemed to feel something and hurriedly avoided it. He bowed his head and echoed, "I totally agree with you."

"Well, you don\'t have to follow me all the time. Go to find your son. I want to walk around by myself in the next time." Zhang Cheng waved his hand and signaled that the other party could leave.

You don\'t have to ask. What he\'s going to do next doesn\'t want anyone to find out.

"Are you sure? There are many people from the Ministry of magic here. I can help you deal with them." Lucius asked cautiously.

"Don\'t worry. Don\'t worry about whether they can find out my appearance. Even with the poor hands of the Ministry of magic, they are not my opponent."

When saying these words, Zhang Cheng made no secret of his contemptuous attitude, and then walked directly through the crowd into a pet selling place.

When a clerk saw a guest coming in, he immediately greeted him with thousands of enthusiasm and said, "Hello, sir, what do you want to buy? We have all kinds of magical animals here. We are not only a new partner for wizards, but also a rare good helper. We can ensure that you are satisfied."

"I\'m going to have a look before making a decision." Zhang Cheng touched his chin and deliberately pretended to be hesitant.

Obviously, the seemingly ordinary animals in this store are actually special variants affected by magic. They not only have high intelligence, but also master some spell like abilities.

You know, wizards are a very picky group, so they won\'t raise ordinary creatures who are too clumsy to understand orders.

What made him very puzzled was what kind of methods these wizards used to cultivate magic pets and how to ensure that they would not fall into the hands of ordinary people.

"Of course! Please take your time and call me whenever you need it." the clerk seemed to see many similar situations, smiled and nodded, and went to greet other guests.

Seeing the other party go away completely, Zhang Cheng raised his left hand, released a touch of arcane energy, shrouded the whole pet store, and tested each animal\'s reaction to his magic one by one.

Unfortunately, these little guys are too weak to notice the energy close at hand.

Just when he began to feel a little disappointed, a mink in the corner of the wall who had dozed off with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, sniffed the surrounding air and made a burst of cooing.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng immediately shouted to the clerk nearby, "I\'ll buy the sable! It\'s the white one in the corner."

"Have you chosen it so soon?" the clerk showed a surprised expression on his face and motioned to his colleagues to get a small cage and pack the white mink.

Just when Zhang Chenggang wanted to say something, he suddenly heard a cry from waiman, followed by harsh screams and shouts echoing over the whole street.

"Hit him, Dad!"

"Come on, Arthur, come on!"

"Gentlemen, please stop fighting!"


Along the direction of the sound, he soon saw a shop with a sign of "Licheng bookstore" not far away, away from a large number of people. Two adult men were waving their fists and fighting each other in the most primitive and exciting way, as if they had completely forgotten their identity as a wizard.

One of them is no one else, Lucius Malfoy, who has just separated. The other guy who is a little fat doesn\'t need to ask. He is 100% Arthur Weasley.

With the location of the fight and gidrow Lockhart\'s book signing meeting, it\'s not difficult to guess the current time when the secret room opens in the second semester.

Looking at the slightly thin boy with glasses behind the crowd, Zhang Cheng flashed a light in his eyes and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "Aha! I finally see you, the famous Harry Potter."

"Your pet, sir."

"Thank you!"

Throw two jingaron to each other. He quickly left the pet store. While everyone\'s attention was attracted by the fight, he quietly came to the boy, stretched out his hand and touched the soul fragment hidden in the lightning scar on his forehead.

Just a moment!

He understood the power and horror of this necromancer magic.

Creating or cloning another self by tearing one\'s own soul, memory and personality is simply a genius\'s creativity.

However, the corresponding cost is also very obvious, especially the instability caused by splitting the soul, which will have a series of unpredictable effects on personality, behavior and habits.

Before Zhang Cheng could figure out whether this way of pursuing immortality was similar to Faust, the semi giant Hagrid finally arrived, rushed into the crowd with his brute force and forcibly separated the two fighters.

"Damn it! It seems I have to withdraw first." Zhang Cheng sighed helplessly, hid in the crowd and watched the Weasleys leave with Harry Potter.

When the crowd gradually dispersed, he came to Lucius and asked with a smile, "why do you do this?"

"What?" Lucius tried to fool around.

"That diary! It belongs to the Dark Lord! Don\'t think I didn\'t see it. You put it in the hands of the Weasley\'s little daughter." Zhang Cheng directly exposed the other party\'s little secret.

Lucius heard the plan, his face changed several times, and finally showed a bitter smile: "it seems that nothing can be concealed from your eyes, can\'t it?"

"I\'m waiting for your explanation!"

"It\'s very simple! I want to drive Dumbledore out of the position of President Hogwarts. He has held power for too long and has been trying to suppress us pure blood aristocrats. Now, many families have expressed their dissatisfaction, and I\'m just pushing..."