All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 715

Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the guidance of Zhang Cheng, poor little Malfoy quickly mastered no less than ten low-level element magic with different attributes, including ice arrow, fireball, rebound air wall, tremor electric shock, rockfall and so on.

Although the lethality is not enough to be fatal, it is definitely a dangerous element among peers.

Of course, the price is that there are many large and small scars all over the body, including not only scalds, burns, frostbite, but also cuts and bruises.

Thanks to the well-developed magic therapy in the world, there was no obvious scar after treatment, otherwise Lucius and his wife would be distressed to death.

You should know that Zhang Cheng is not a teacher who advocates sequential and good inducement and slowly guides his apprentices to learn in an orderly manner to avoid risks, but a cruel Darwinian who advocates the survival of the weak and the strong.

He has always had only one attitude towards apprentices, that is, to survive and gain his own recognition.

As for what the process was like and how many hardships and dangers he experienced, he didn\'t care at all, let alone the apprentice\'s dangerous attempts in private.

But Draco\'s situation is a little special, and he can\'t really watch the other party die, so Zhang Cheng chooses to double the training intensity while ensuring his life safety.

At the beginning, the spoiled boy couldn\'t stand the devil\'s training at all. He cried and wanted to ask his parents for help.

But he soon found that his cry for help could not reach his parents\' ears, and even the ubiquitous domestic elves could not hear it. Therefore, he had to stimulate the survival instinct in his subconscious mind and practice, practice and practice again and again as required until his magic ran out and fainted to the ground.

With cruel training day after day, little Malfoy soon found that he was more and more proficient in magic, and his control and power were also enhanced. Even several new spells were used in a similar way.

On several occasions, he even defeated the powerful phantom opponent created by magic, which was something he couldn\'t even think of before.

As a saying goes, some people are addicted to online games not because of how good the game itself is, but because they can get satisfaction from the game that they can never get in the real world.

After all, in the game, every time players kill a monster and complete a task, they can get real experience value, money and equipment rewards. Moreover, with the improvement of level, the game characters will also get more powerful power.

But in real life?

Whether it\'s study, work or emotional life, giving doesn\'t always get feedback, or the feedback is not obvious, which is out of proportion to the hard work.

Sometimes, the current payment needs to wait for several years, more than ten years, or even decades to see the return.

But now, Draco has clearly felt the feedback from his efforts in just two weeks. Naturally, he will not reject practice. Instead, he is like a bear child who is heavily addicted to games. He completes all training projects on time every day until he is out of strength and falls into a coma.

This sharp change in character not only surprised lucious and his wife, but also made Zhang Cheng look at it.

However, with the countdown of the last few days of the summer vacation, Zhang Cheng finally ordered to suspend all training subjects and stared at the boy standing not far away with his eyes full of fanatical worship.

After a full minute, he said: "Draco, I have to admit that your recent performance has indeed exceeded expectations, so that I began to have some expectations for your future. But you should remember that this expectation is not necessarily a good thing for you, because if one day you let me down, I will not hesitate to destroy you. I will never allow my apprentice to become waste, let alone its own Do nothing. "

"Please don\'t worry, teacher, I won\'t let you down." little Malfoy stroked his chest with one hand and made a standard noble salute.

"Very good! Now go and buy the supplies you need for the beginning of school. Next, I need to talk to your father." after that, Zhang Cheng gently waved his hand and signaled that the boy could leave.

Draco saluted again, turned and exchanged eyes with his father waiting outside the door, and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Seeing his son\'s firm and straight back, Lucius showed a gratifying expression on his face. He followed him into the room, closed the door behind him, smiled and sighed: "inviting you to teach Draco may be the most correct decision I have ever made in my life. Looking at him now, I can conclude that the Malfoy family will carry forward 100% in his hands."

"Nothing, this is my job originally, isn\'t it?" Zhang Cheng spread his hand disapprovingly.

"Ha ha! That\'s what I said! But I still want to express my gratitude. This is a key to the gringott vault. I have stored a large amount of gold gallon in it. You can take it at any time." Lucius took out the key from his pocket and put it on the desk.

As an ancient aristocrat with a long history, Malfoy has a huge wealth that ordinary wizards can\'t imagine, so he doesn\'t come up with a lot of money to please the mysterious young man in front of him.

"Kingaron? Do you think I will care about these boring precious metal currencies? No, dear Lucius, if I want, I can make gold that can collapse the whole world financial system at any time, like this..."

As the last word blurted out, Zhang Cheng gently clicked on the table.


After a strange tremor, the desk originally made of high-grade hardwood materials has directly become gold that reflects dazzling light in the sun.

Because the whole process happened so fast and suddenly, Lucius couldn\'t even notice the resonance when the alchemy was transformed into material.

He just touched the cold tabletop with his trembling hand, and immediately couldn\'t help exclaiming, "Merlin is on the table! It\'s really pure gold! How did you... How did you do it? As far as I know, even the most famous alchemist Nicole LeMay can\'t do this. He can use a magic stone to convert part of mercury into gold."

"Just because he can\'t do it doesn\'t mean I can\'t. don\'t forget that alchemy is a magical power, and my understanding of alchemy is much more than Nicole LeMay. So don\'t try to buy me with money. I\'m not someone who can buy me with just money. In addition, here\'s a list of materials. Please help me purchase, and I\'ll pay you enough Gold. "

After that, Zhang Cheng turned the two bookshelves next to him into glittering pure gold and patted each other on the shoulder when he passed Lucius.

Needless to ask, he is finally going to try to use the power from the creator to create life with independent consciousness