All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 717

Power, wealth, fame, power

All these things are the most desired things in the human subconscious, and even the goal pursued by most people all their life.

As the most influential wizard in the British magic world, Albus Dumbledore is undoubtedly a man of the moment at the top of the times, and even has far more power and prestige than the Minister of magic.

But as a saying goes, power is like a cake. Some people eat more, and the rest will naturally eat less.

This is why, throughout the whole story, Albus Dumbledore has been constantly plotted by all kinds of conspiracies, whether from the Malfoy family represented by pure blood nobles or bureaucrats from the British Ministry of magic.

The reason is very simple. It can be said that he has blocked everyone\'s rise and has become a similar existence to the target of public criticism. If it weren\'t for his excellent strength, he would have died many times.

So Lucius wanted to get the old guy down from the position of President Hogwarts. Cheng was not surprised at all.

However, he didn\'t think that this secret little move could really shake Dumbledore\'s position. He just returned to Malfoy Manor with the attitude of watching a good play and continued to engage in his own research.

It was not until the last day of school that he called the boy to himself and asked seriously, "Draco, I heard that you had a conflict with a boy named Harry Potter at school and lost the face of the Malfoy family many times. Is it true?"

"Yes, sir. Porter and his friends always oppose me again and again, and even despise the pure blood aristocracy. I swore that one day he would regret his choice." the boy replied gnashing his teeth.

After more than half a month together, he has been full of respect and worship for the mysterious tutor, because the other party has made rapid progress in his casting level in a very short time.

In particular, a few magic elements with simple spells and little magic can be wasted. As long as they are used well, even the prefects in grade six and seven will be overwhelmed.

More importantly, in the process of fighting with illusions again and again, he has accumulated rich combat experience and knows when to dodge and when to use protective magic, which is far from comparable to his peers who have not experienced actual combat.

"So, when you get back to school, are you going to give Mr. Potter some color to see?" Zhang Cheng tapped the table gently, revealing an elusive light in his eyes.

"That\'s right! Why, don\'t you allow it?" Draco\'s pale face showed tension.

After all, half of the reason why he worked so hard was because he hated (or another form of love) a boy who survived.

Zhang Cheng shook his head with a smile: "no, of course I won\'t interfere. Intense feelings are a powerful force and a driving force and source for strengthening. But I have one requirement, that is, we must win openly and justly, win beautifully, and let the other party have nothing to say. Tell me, can you do this?"

"Of course! Of course I can!" Draco gave a firm guarantee.

He firmly believes that with his current level of spells and spells, even if Harry Potter goes with his friends, he will only taste failure in the end.

"Very good! In order to ensure that you can fulfill your promise, I will leave a small monitoring magic on you. Remember, if you fail, you will be severely punished." said Zhang Cheng, holding up the supreme power, shot a silver faint light into the boy\'s body.

"I will not fail! I will come back with honor and victory!"

Little Malfoy didn\'t know the real effect of this spell at all. He bowed confidently, turned around and took his luggage to the nine and three-quarters station, ready to take the Hogwarts Express train back to school and start living in school for the new semester.

Less than a minute after his front foot left, the supreme authority of the artifact immediately burst into a piercing Laughter: "ha ha! What a naive little thing! He really believes that you will be kind? Incredible! Are people in this world really simple?"

"Shut up! Don\'t you forget that you can\'t speak until you get my permission." Zhang Cheng scolded expressionless.

"Sorry, dear evil master, I just can\'t help it a little. If you guessed right, your plan should be to usurp the control of the child\'s body at a specific time, and then carry out some secret research and experiments?" the tone of the supreme authority was full of naked malice.

"You guessed right! I\'m very interested in the soul fragment left in Harry Potter\'s scar. But it\'s not urgent. We still have time. Before that, try to create an intelligent life with independent consciousness according to the plan."

With that, Zhang Cheng looked at the White Mink in the cage in the corner of the room.

The latter was undoubtedly very smart and sensitive. He immediately noticed the cold light in the owner\'s eyes, and immediately began to jump up and down, frantically biting the cage and trying to escape.

But before it came out of the cage, Zhang Cheng came near, opened the cage, placed it on the prepared anatomical table, and picked up a cold scalpel.

The mink was frightened and kept whimpering. His black eyes showed a sense of begging.

"Relax! Pain and death are temporary! I will give you new life and strong strength!" Zhang Cheng said, mercilessly cutting open each other\'s soft abdomen to reveal the internal organs and flesh.

"Give me roots and grass!"

He ignored the Stingray\'s painful response and gave orders directly to the supreme authority.

Without a word, this artifact disguised as an ordinary wand quickly found the corresponding material, grabbed it with a hand composed of magical energy out of thin air and handed it to its owner.

After a while, Zhang Cheng emptied almost all the internal organs and even the brain of the mink, and then replaced the original muscle, blood vessel, nerve, lymph and other systems with veins composed of some strange plants.

What\'s more terrible is that the little animal\'s body did not die from beginning to end, and kept a clear consciousness.

When everything is done, it can no longer be called a simple animal, but a semi plant and semi animal life.

The interior is completely composed of plants. Not only does it no longer need to eat, but also it can accumulate life energy through photosynthesis and release some interesting natural magic.

However, Zhang Cheng was not satisfied with his creation. He checked it several times and began to inject a lot of creativity to see if it could cause any interesting changes.

As a result, in less than five minutes, the plant veins in the ferret contracted sharply, releasing the unique green light of natural energy, as if pregnant with something