All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 714

There is no doubt that tutoring has never been a tiring job.

Especially when the employer found that the guy he hired was a guy who could easily kill more than a dozen law enforcement Luo Ao without blinking his eyes, not only the treatment was improved by leaps and bounds, but also the bear child who had never been obedient was a lot more honest.

Looking at the trembling boy in front of him, Zhang Cheng closed the complete collection of spells borrowed from the Malfoy family library and asked directly, "tell me, Draco, what do you want to learn from me? Complex and changeable magic? Alchemy that can win wealth and respect? Or the essence of great power?"

"I don\'t know what you mean, sir," replied little Malfoy with some uncertainty.

Although Lucius hasn\'t told his son that the new tutor has been on the No. 1 arrest warrant of the British Ministry of magic, he can still feel the danger emanating from each other, even more frightening than his gloomy Godfather Severus Snape.

After all, children are much more sensitive and alert than adults.

"No, you don\'t need to understand, you just need to make a choice. In fact, I won\'t waste too much time on you, because you have neither amazing talent nor perseverance. All I have to do is impart some knowledge so that you can stand out among your peers and become a genius in the mouth of fools, that\'s all." Zhang Cheng gave an explanation carelessly.

After just a few days of observation and study, he has almost understood the overall magic level of the world, and even learned most spells and spells.

Although it seems that most of the magic in the whole Harry Porter world is very low-grade, the waving of wands is worth tapping, and it can make complaints about the world better than any other magical world.

In short, they tend to use magic to make daily life easier and more convenient, rather than keen on fighting and killing.

From the perspective of civilization, it can not be said that this evolution is wrong and backward, but it is true that most wizards are not good at fighting. Otherwise, so many law enforcement officers of the British Ministry of magic will not be killed by an abida withering technique.

In addition, the seemingly ridiculous wand waving actually replaces the complex casting action to some extent, and effectively reduces the length of the spell, making it easier and easier to cast the spell.

If he didn\'t already have the soul of magic, Zhang Cheng would definitely learn how to make a magic wand, and then transform the supreme power into a magic wand.

But now, he no longer relies on spells and casting actions to strengthen his resonance with magic energy. Just one thought can release the legendary magic that many mages need to prepare for a long time.

The huge gap from quantitative change to qualitative change can not be compared with quantity at all.

Draco obviously didn\'t like this condescending attitude. He frowned tightly and said in an unhappy tone, "I choose to learn magic!"

"Very good! Then we\'ll take the first lesson, introduction to elemental magic. As we all know, in ancient Greece, people thought that the four elements constituting the world were water, fire, air and earth, and created the earliest elemental magic. Later, with the deepening of research, some new contents gradually extended, such as lightning."

As Zhang Cheng spoke, he stood up and snapped his fingers in front of the boy.



A dazzling arc appeared out of thin air and went into little Malfoy\'s body, making his whole person twitch uncontrollably.


The power of the arc is not particularly strong. After a short period of paralysis, he will soon regain consciousness.

"Damn it! What are you doing?" he shouted in surprise and anger.

"Relax, I just want you to experience the impact of electric shock on the human body. Many wizards in the magic world mistakenly believe that the greatest function of lightning magic is to directly burn the enemy with maximum power, but in fact it has many uses. The simplest and most effective one is to use weak current to disrupt the nerve conduction system used by the brain to control various parts and organs of the body "It doesn\'t need to waste much magic, but the result can make the target lose resistance..."

Zhang Cheng completely ignored the boy\'s reaction and went into the teaching mode.

But his teacher is a little irresponsible. He doesn\'t care how much his students understand. All he thinks about is to finish the task quickly so as to carry out his own research.

At the age of twelve, Draco, who was desperately eager for strength, heard this explanation, and his eyes instantly showed excitement and expectation.

Because in his dreams, he wanted to give "old enemy" Harry Potter some color to see, so as to prove that the other party\'s original choice was wrong and that he was the best person.

It has to be said that it is a little childish and ridiculous for children to be angry with each other.

But considering that everyone has experienced the same situation more or less, and even sometimes he can\'t help feeling embarrassed when he recalls the stupid things he did in his childhood, Zhang Cheng didn\'t show too harsh.

While he was busy teaching Draco to learn some magic spells he had just invented recently, in the master bedroom on the second floor of the manor, Narcissa black was holding a Daily Prophet in her face and whispered to her husband, "honey, are you crazy? Let such a dangerous person be our son\'s tutor!"

"Relax, he\'s not as dangerous as you think. In fact, compared with the Dark Lord, his character is quite gentle, and as long as we don\'t take the initiative to provoke him, he won\'t pose any threat to us. On the contrary, he may become the protector of the family in the future." Lucius explained calmly.

"Protector?" there was a trace of doubt in Narcissa\'s eyes.

"Yes! Imagine what those hostile guys outside would think if such a powerful wizard lived in our tutor Draco?" Lucius pursed his mouth meaningfully. "They will feel fear, fear, even fear. As long as they make good use of this, the Malfoy family can get more benefits."

"I see! You want to use him to intimidate some officials of the Ministry of magic!" Narcissa Black\'s face showed a suddenly enlightened expression.

Lucius nodded gently: "yes! Those officials of the Ministry of Magic have always been bullying! Especially the massacre a few days ago, many people think that a new generation of the Dark Lord is about to rise. I believe that as long as he is willing to stand up and shout, many families will be willing to follow him to overthrow the rule of the Ministry of magic."

"What does he mean then?" pursued Narcissa black impatiently.

After all, in the magic world, no one can refuse to invest in a powerful wizard with the potential to become the Dark Lord.

"I don\'t know. I\'m not sure what he thinks. Maybe it\'s better to test it later. Anyway, Dumbledore is getting old. Now time is on our side."

After that, Lucius opened a bottle of red wine, poured two glasses, and handed one of them to his wife.

"For the future of the Malfoy family!"

"For our son Draco!"


