All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 713

"Sir! You are arrested on suspicion of violating and abusing transmission magic and exposing magic in public. Please cooperate with us and don\'t make any resistance." a white man who looked about 30 shouted a warning.

In his palm, he held a small stick about a foot long, and the front end kept flashing silver light. Even without feeling it, he could detect that a considerable amount of magic energy had gathered.

Not only this person, more than a dozen other men and women around also made the same move.

The expression on their faces was so serious and nervous, as if they were facing not a young man, but a terrible beast from ancient times.

Zhang Cheng looked at the other party\'s strange casting method with a smile. After a while, he asked, "what if I say no? Do you think you can hurt me by your waste?"

He never dreamed that he had just passed through the portal and was blocked by the local aborigines before he could do anything.

"Sir, I need to remind you. We are law enforcement Luo Ao under the British Ministry of magic. If we attack us, it will be equivalent to attacking the British Ministry of magic. At that time, you will face extremely serious charges and wanted." the leading man continued to play an official role and didn\'t realize how dangerous he was dealing with.

"Wanted? It sounds interesting! I really want to know if you can issue a wanted notice if you kill all the people in the British Ministry of magic?" said Zhang Cheng, with a cold chill in his pupils.

You know, he doesn\'t like to hand over the initiative to others, let alone let the ridiculous bureaucracy ride on his head.

"Damn it! He\'s a black wizard! Do it!"


"All Petrochemical!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"To pieces!"


Hearing the words "kill all the Ministry of magic", the leading man immediately issued an attack order without thinking.

For a moment, a variety of strange spells sprayed out from the top of the stick and shrouded the target from all directions.

But it\'s incredible that although all the magic hits accurately, none of them has an effect, as if they were completely swallowed up by unknown forces.

"This is your magic? You don\'t even deserve to tickle me! Maybe I should show you what real magic is."

The voice just fell!

Zhang Cheng slowly raised the artifact in his hand to the highest power, and suddenly released a deadly gray gaseous energy.

This energy is so manic that in just one second, it evaporates all the water of all living bodies within a few meters around, and turns into a shriveled and stiff body. Even the mice climbing in the sewer can\'t escape.

Abida withers!

One of the most powerful spells in the land of Fallon!

Those poor wretches had swallowed their last breath before they could scream. Even their souls were imprisoned in a beautiful gem, emitting an extremely evil dark red light.

"An idiot who can\'t measure his strength! Next, shall I go to the British Ministry of magic for a massacre? Or find a place to stay first? Forget it, I\'d better find a place to stay first. After all, I\'m here to study how to use my creative power, not to start a war."

With these words, Zhang Cheng turned and disappeared at the end of the narrow and dark alley in London.

Less than a minute after he left his front foot, a large group of people dressed almost the same on his back foot suddenly appeared in place.

The first old man looked at the bodies on the ground, his face immediately became dignified, and muttered in a slightly trembling voice: "they are all dead! They are killed by a terrible spell! And their souls are deprived! I really can\'t think of which black wizard in the world can do this in a short time."

"Hard... Is the mysterious man back?!" another slightly younger woman next to him began to tremble involuntarily.

"No! No! If it was a mysterious man, he would be very happy to leave his mark and summon those terrible death eaters." the old man shook his head without thinking.

"You mean... The new Dark Lord? God! This is the worst news in recent years! We should inform Dumbledore immediately and make him prepare accordingly."

"That\'s right! It\'s absolutely impossible for ordinary black wizards to kill 16 Luo Ao in just a few minutes. The most terrible thing is that we still don\'t know his face."

Two younger men quickly agreed, their eyes filled with awe and fear.

No one knows at all that the culprit is already sitting in Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire, England, tasting steaming black tea and having a cordial and friendly conversation with Lucius Malfoy, the owner here.

"Mr. Zhang, take the liberty to ask, what is the purpose of your sudden visit? Or what do you want from the Malfoy family and what are you willing to pay."

After testing each other for more than ten minutes, Lucius finally couldn\'t hold his breath and took the initiative to ask the other party\'s intention.

Through the brief conflict with guards and house elves at the gate of the manor, he has fully realized that the seemingly young Oriental in front of him has extremely terrible magical power, which he can\'t compete with at all.

Zhang Cheng put down his tea cup and replied with a smile, "if you don\'t mind, I want to be your son\'s tutor. At present, the British magic world is too degenerate, and Hogwarts doesn\'t want to teach any offensive magic. I\'m sure you won\'t want to see your beloved heir turn into a complete waste?"

"Are you going to teach him black magic?" Lucius stared in surprise.

"Why not? Don\'t forget that there has never been any real peace in the magical world. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to get strong enough." Zhang Cheng hinted meaningfully.

There is no doubt that his current place is the world described in the Harry Potter series, a world with abundant magical energy but not dangerous, which is very suitable for some secret research.

As for the incessant and chaotic relationship and struggle between the Dark Lord and Dumbledore, as long as they do not take the initiative to participate, it is no different from the normal earth.

Lucius hesitated obviously, but finally nodded: "well, I agree to hire you as Draco\'s private teacher and am willing to pay a considerable salary. But before that, we must sign a magic contract to ensure my son\'s personal safety."

"Of course, according to what you said, I came with goodwill. Oh, by the way, if you see the report on Luo Ao\'s death in the prophet daily tomorrow, please don\'t panic. I swear, they did it first and then I defended myself..."