All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 712

Through the parchment scroll, Zhang Cheng came to the front of the towering spire. At first glance, he saw the magic image Northen taking care of a group of young dragons who were just born.

The parents of these little guys are none other than the descendants of Black Dragon Princess Onyxia and Kulo kelba.

In just a few months, nearly one-third of the tens of thousands of dragon eggs have hatched and are flying around this place in the space. The earliest ones even grow to more than four meters. They can easily catch deer, wild pigs, cattle, sheep and other large animals.

Fortunately, considering the problem of food, he established several random call doors to continuously transmit harmless beasts from any connected world. Otherwise, the land around the tower alone could not support so many young dragons with increasing food intake.

There is no doubt that the endless dragon eggs and young dragons are the army prepared to launch a comprehensive invasion of hell in the future, an army enough to destroy the last resistance of the devil in an instant.


It\'s never a game that you can play with your head!

It is a process that needs long-term preparation and careful planning, and can not be launched until there is enough confidence.

Looking at the axis powers of the Second World War, almost none of them had completed their preparations for the war in a real sense and even dreamed of winning the war. It was just a joke.

What is more ridiculous is that after more than half a century, there are still many idiots who regret the failure of the third empire and are completely unaware of the huge mistakes made by moustache at the strategic level.

Among them, the most typical are the whimsical navy ship building Z plan and the so-called brilliant u-submarine deep-sea hunting plan.

These two alone consumed a lot of war resources of * * Germany, but did not get the corresponding strategic advantage. On the contrary, it became a heavy burden and waste.

In addition, after the surrender of France, the third empire once had the best and most perfect industrial system and military equipment production capacity in Europe, but it could not be well utilized.

It can be said that the defeat of * * Germany was almost doomed from the beginning. Even how elite and brave the German soldiers were, they could not recover the doomed results.

After the war, when the president of the United States saw some of Germany\'s plans, he couldn\'t help but sigh that his opponent was playing the war and didn\'t take the war seriously at all.

As a person who is good at learning and summarizing lessons, Zhang Cheng does not want to follow the former.

Therefore, even if there are millions of Burning Legion demons and even more than a dozen powerful demon lords stored in the command demon code, he is not in a hurry to start the plan to conquer hell, but to expand his air power in an orderly manner and strive for a wave to take away the enemy, rather than falling into a protracted war and giving other forces the opportunity to get involved.

"Master! Here you are!"

Northen struggled to break away from a group of chirping young dragons and ran over quickly. A slightly embarrassed smile appeared on his square metal face.

It has to be said that as a metal construct made by magic and unknown forces, its feelings are a little too rich.

"How are you doing recently?" Zhang Cheng looked at the big man in front of him with great interest.

"Er... Not bad, but these newborn kids are a little grumpy and always try to tear some meat off me. But you know, my body is made of the strongest magic metal, so I often knock off their fragile baby teeth. If I can, I want to make a soft protective suit for myself." Northen is like a big nanny, The tone reveals the potential of a standard warm man.

For such a small request, Zhang Cheng naturally wouldn\'t refuse and immediately nodded: "of course! I said that you can control the resources in the tower at will. In addition, is there a newly opened portal recently? I want to choose a world with relatively sufficient and safe magic energy to stay for a period of time."

Hearing this, Northen subconsciously turned and glanced at the gates standing on both sides in front of the tower, and quickly replied, "I think there was a portal just opened four days ago, which should meet your requirements."

"Oh? Can you explain it in detail?"

Following the sight of the magic image, Zhang Cheng quickly found the huge portal and the busy street on the other side of the portal.

From the perspective of architecture and people\'s dress, it is obvious that this is the earth. In the 1990s, an ancient city with historical color in Europe not only retains a large number of historical monuments, but also has many tall buildings.

However, because the picture always stays in front of a dilapidated bar, we can\'t see the whole city.

As for the bar itself, it is blessed with some mysterious magic, so that people can\'t see the name of the bar from a distance. Moreover, most passers-by seem not to notice the bar, and no one tries to go in and have a drink.

"Master, this is a place with seven or eight points similar to the earth. The city we see now is London. However, in this world, in addition to ordinary people, there are a group of guys who call themselves wizards. They can release all kinds of interesting magic through spells and wands. Although there will be fights and hatred among each other, it is not a threat to you at all Threat. Most importantly, the intensity of magic energy here can fully meet your requirements, "Northen explained bluntly.

"Another magical earth? Wizards waving wands? I seem to know where this is..." Zhang Cheng tilted up his mouth with a funny smile and walked straight towards the direction of the portal.

A young dragon seemed to notice something, swooped down from the sky and howled loudly, as if trying to attract his attention.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng ignored the young dragon and disappeared directly across the portal.

At the moment when the young dragon also wanted to rush into the portal, Northen rushed over, grabbed the thick tail and complained, "stop quickly! Naughty little thing! You can\'t leave me without the permission of your master, let alone try to escape."

"Damn it! Let go of me! You nasty iron pimple! I\'m going to take risks! I\'m going to conquer a world! Let those humble mortals kneel at the feet of the great queen and offer treasures!" the young dragon cursed loudly in a young voice.

Obviously, this is a little female dragon, so she is very grumpy and spits out fatal breath from her mouth from time to time.

"Be honest! Otherwise I promise the master will screw off your head." Northen doesn\'t care about the flames containing magical energy at all. He directly uses his weight advantage to press the little guy under his body and can\'t move with his metal body weighing several tons.

They don\'t know at all. When they fight with each other, Zhang Cheng, who has entered the new world, has been surrounded by more than a dozen unidentified people holding small sticks