All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 711

"How pure! How perfect! It\'s the most perfect creation I\'ve ever seen in my life! And... And it seems to have its own independent consciousness?"

Iger Hamilton felt the core of the essence of divine water through the outside and gave praise in an excited tone.

It was the first time he had seen such a powerful and precious magic object after living for so many years.

"Of course it\'s conscious! You know what? This liquid is actually a kind of conscious assembly born of a lake worshipped by human beings for a long time. You can understand it as an element life born from the spiritual world. If it develops according to this situation, it may eventually form a top element spirit with sound intelligence after thousands of years of evolution. Unfortunately, some people Interrupted the whole process, even usurped the faith and made it what it is now, "Zhang Cheng replied carelessly.

Although in the eyes of many people, the essence divine water can not only provide the holder with nearly 360 degrees of protection without dead corners, but also inject magical energy to create a lake spirit with good combat power. It is simply an artifact integrating attack and defense.

But the problem is that it does not have the sense of autonomy and needs the master to issue corresponding orders.

For the really strong, we can use other means to counterattack or choose strategic retreat at this time.

Take the defense against nuclear weapon explosions as an example. With only one idea, Zhang Cheng can transmit himself and the people around him to a place hundreds of kilometers away, rather than foolishly stay in place and be bombed.

Obviously, as long as this problem can not be solved in one day, the essence of Shenshui will not be called a real artifact, and its practicability and value will be greatly reduced.

This is why, when the gods of many worlds are allowed to make weapons, armor and magic items, they will have a certain subjective initiative, and even have independent thinking and will.

But Iger Hamilton obviously didn\'t understand this. Instead, he kept trying with excitement in his hand and asked, "do you mean... It originally belonged to a God?"

"God?" Zhang Cheng smiled disdainfully. "Let\'s say so. Besides, you haven\'t explained how you found out my whereabouts? Don\'t tell me it\'s a coincidence, or I\'ll think you\'re insulting my IQ."

"Of course not! In fact, this hotel happens to be the property of one of us, so when you enter the lobby and are photographed by monitoring equipment, the news will be sent to me in an hour at most. Please don\'t get me wrong. I didn\'t send someone to monitor you, and I didn\'t dare to do so." Iger said sincerely in his tone.

As a guy who makes a secret deal with the vampire family in order to escape death, he doesn\'t want to provoke those too powerful enemies.

Even against the Supreme Council, it is only for self-protection, not for strong ambition and purpose.

If the Council is willing to stand up and negotiate, he is even willing to hand over most of his rights in exchange for living freely and enjoying a colorful world.

However, it is a pity that the evaluation only talks with objects with equal strength.

As for the weak, just wave and run over them directly. After all, the dead don\'t need to negotiate, so they won\'t sit down calmly and fight for interests through words and swords like ordinary people in the world.

For the same reason, Iger was unwilling to provoke the young man with deep strength.

Due to the blood lineage of ordinary vampires, Zhang Cheng obviously can\'t use his psychic powers to read the shallow thinking of each other\'s brain. He just squints and stares at each other.

About a minute or two later, he smiled without warning and warned, "well, I\'ll trust you first. But remember, don\'t do it again."

"Yes! I swear it will never happen again," Iger promised.

Just when Zhang Cheng wanted to say something, ye Lianna suddenly ran in from the outside and whispered in her ear: "boss! I just confirmed that our people are still alive, but the back of the brain has been hit to varying degrees. If there is a slight concussion, she should be able to recover after a few hours of cultivation."

"I\'m very sorry, miss. I have to do this. Your men are so vigilant that I can\'t get in if they don\'t put them down." the half vampire\'s hearing is obviously several times that of normal people. He immediately got up and bowed gracefully to apologize.

"It doesn\'t matter! Thank you for teaching my men a lesson. I believe that the next time we meet again, the result will be different." Ye Lianna forced her anger out of a formulaic smile.

She smiled so sweetly that if she didn\'t keep repeating words such as "I want you to look good one day!" and "go to hell! Little white face!" in her heart, I\'m afraid people around her would think that there was a little misunderstanding before, rather than being almost destroyed by a sudden attack by the other party.

"No, no, no, I don\'t want to have another time. In order to express my sincerity, I happen to have a telephone number here. If you encounter any trouble or need help in the future, you can contact my men directly. He can even let planes and troops take off from American bases in any corner of the world."

With these words, Iger Hamilton owed Zhang Cheng again, then took the bodyguard waiting at the door, got into the car and drove straight to the airport.

"Who is he?" Ye Lianna glanced at the small piece of paper in her hand and frowned subconsciously.

"You don\'t need to know much, just know that this guy is a very powerful person in the ordinary world. Oh, by the way, where is hilna? Why haven\'t I seen her all afternoon?" Zhang Cheng asked, touching his chin.

"She said she was going to visit the ancient city left over by the Inca Empire. According to the time, she should be back soon. Why, you have something urgent?"

"No, nothing. I just want to make sure she\'s safe. You know, South America is not my sphere of influence. Maybe it will cause disputes."

Ye Lianna nodded vaguely: "then I\'ll send someone to pick her up now."

"Let\'s go! I have private affairs to leave for a while. If I haven\'t come back in three days, you can book a ticket to send them back to New York. Also, let Leonid go to Spain to investigate the name Camilla de Silva Velasquez and the family represented by the suffix of her last name. Check carefully. I want all her information."

After finishing the Golden City, Zhang Cheng can finally find out how the so-called power of destiny works.

But before that, he still needs to go to the tower to see if the door to the new world is open.

As more and more fog was cleared away, he felt it was time to find a place to integrate his strength, especially to exercise his creative power from scratch, at least to use it freely.