All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 710

As soon as he came to the hall on the first floor, Zhang Cheng saw a half vampire sitting on the sofa in the corner. He walked up to him and greeted him in a flat tone: "good evening, dear friend. Could you please explain how you knew I was here and why you came all the way to Peru?"

"Good evening, sir. Please give me a few minutes and I\'ll give you a reasonable explanation." Iger Hamilton stood up and leaned slightly, motioning his men around to leave first.

After all, it\'s enough to see a dozen serious men in suits in the small town of Arequipa. He doesn\'t want to attract more unnecessary attention.

"You have five minutes!" Zhang Cheng gave a very short time limit.

"Thank you very much! Before we begin, I want you to look at this information." Iger Hamilton quickly handed over a file.

He is undoubtedly very clear that if the next answer can\'t satisfy the young people in front of him, what is waiting for him will be a disaster, so he is very humble and cooperative.

Zhang Cheng took it over and turned it over. He found that this is a list of nuclear warhead maintenance and scrapping disposal in the United States from 1983 to the present.

It details the number of nuclear warheads destroyed by the United States in various ways after the two camps reached an agreement to supervise the destruction of nuclear weapons.

But interestingly, some of these hydrogen bomb warheads marked as destroyed were surrounded by red pens. There was obviously some secret behind them.

Thinking of this, he immediately raised his head and asked with a smile, "don\'t tell me that these nuclear warheads are in your hands. It\'s a full 60 hydrogen bombs with an equivalent of 8 million tons to 23 million tons."

"You guessed right! These hydrogen bombs marked as scrapped are indeed in our hands. At first, we only intended to use them as cards and as bargaining chips when the parliament begins to liquidate. However, since you need them, we are very happy to share them. Forty of them have been delivered to the warehouse of a farm in the suburbs of New York, and I have gone through the transfer procedures of the farm After all, it is your industry. Don\'t worry that it will attract the attention of the outside world... "

While talking, Iger Hamilton has been carefully observing Zhang Cheng\'s reaction, trying to read something from the face that keeps a faint smile from beginning to end.

But unfortunately, it didn\'t take long for him to give up.

The reason is very simple. Even those who know how to observe words and colors can\'t see through the expression that hasn\'t changed at all.

With this list enough to cause global panic, Zhang Cheng showed a meaningful light in his eyes. It took a full minute to say, "60? You really hide a great card. Tell me, if the Supreme Council is ready to do it, how likely do you think you can use them?"

Iger Hamilton shook his head with a bitter smile: "I don\'t know! The power of the Supreme Council is too strong. I don\'t know whether I have the power to negotiate or fight back. That\'s why we are eager to get more and more powerful supernatural power."

"That\'s right! It doesn\'t seem so stupid! Remember, don\'t try to use these nuclear warheads, otherwise you will be doomed. And I promise you, you won\'t have a chance to detonate any nuclear warheads." Zhang Cheng gave a warning with a sneer.

"Why?!" Iger\'s eyes widened in surprise.

"Have you ever heard of the joint meeting of the Supreme Council? This is an important meeting held every ten years by Regional Councils and local supernatural ruling institutions all over the world. You can understand that the United Nations in the underground world is far more authoritative than the United Nations in name only. Once the decree is established at this meeting, even the Supreme Council of North America will not be able to meet Unable to change. In the year when the atomic bomb detonated, the joint session of the Supreme Council issued a very important decree that any underground world residents who tried to manufacture, sell and use nuclear weapons would face the highest level of pursuit. Believe me, you don\'t want to know how miserable the results of the perpetrators of this crime were. "Zhang Cheng explained with a sneer.

Although he had only used one less than ten hours ago, it did not hinder his overestimation of disdain for each other.

Fortunately, the members of the North American Supreme Council were not aware of these private moves, otherwise these behind the scenes manipulators of the United States of America would have been uprooted and would not live to this day.

"Damn it! I\'ve never heard of it!"

Iger\'s whole body trembled slightly involuntarily. If half of the vampire blood did not sweat, his clothes would have been soaked with sweat.

As a person who has a deep understanding of the North American Supreme Council, he knows very well how terrible energy will be released once this ancient and mysterious organization takes action.

"Hum! Who do you think this law is used to restrain? Those idiots who can\'t even distinguish nuclear fusion from nuclear fission? No! It is used to restrain smart people like you and me who understand the power and value of nuclear weapons. Therefore, for the sake of your safety, give me all the nuclear warheads in hand immediately."

After talking nonsense for a long time, Zhang Cheng finally showed his true face at the moment.

you \'re right!

Just a few dozen nuclear warheads can\'t satisfy his ambition and appetite!

In addition, he does not believe that as the behind the scenes of the United States of America, there will be less than 100 nuclear warheads.

You know, since the Soviet Union and the United States signed the agreement on reducing nuclear weapons in the 1980s, the and arsenals of both sides have been reduced by more than half in just a few decades.

In particular, as Russia\'s economy declined rapidly after the disintegration, its nuclear warheads decreased from 40000 to about 10000.

Isn\'t such a large-scale destruction a good opportunity to be honest and greedy?

As long as several responsible persons sign, a nuclear warhead that could have been in service for ten years can be treated as scrapped and secretly sent to the designated warehouse.

Zhang Cheng felt that if he had such a chance, he would not let it go easily and would make a lot of money.

Iger was obviously frightened by the decree issued by the joint Supreme Council, and the whole person stood in place, his face uncertain.

About two or three minutes later, he sighed helplessly: "hey... OK! You won! Although I know you want to force me to hand over all my nuclear warheads, I dare not bet, and I also don\'t want to be an enemy of the whole underground world. Give me a month, and I\'ll transport the rest to the farm."

"A wise man\'s choice! I\'m not a stingy man. In return, I\'ll give you this artifact." said Zhang Cheng, throwing away the essence divine water originally belonging to bachue.

"Oh - my God!"

Iger was immediately firmly attracted by the unknown liquid emitting emerald green light, and the unique red shimmer of vampire emotion was released in his pupils.