All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 709

Maybe just got a great new body, or maybe finally escaped from the cage

In short, tasima seems to be in a good mood today, and even took the initiative to reveal some secrets of the ancient Inca era.

Through the conversation, Zhang Cheng learned that the mythological age in the American Indian region was much later than that in other parts of the world. It can almost be said that the gods in other regions began to disappear, and the first generation of gods here began to appear suddenly.

He has enough reason to doubt that these gods come from other parts of the world and have just experienced a fierce war with heaven and hell.

But I don\'t know for what purpose, they came to this land that still remained in the primitive and wild times, changed their face and usurped the beliefs of the Indian aborigines.

In addition, the gods in the Americas are also particularly bloodthirsty. One needs believers to often offer the blood and soul of living people. It\'s like trying every means to recover from a severe injury.

Of course, all this is a sincere inference. You have to see it with your own eyes before you can draw a conclusion.

But even so, it is much better than relying on speculation before.


It has always been one of the most important factors in determining the outcome!

As long as we know the enemy\'s character, habits, weaknesses and habitual tactics in advance, we can naturally formulate targeted strategies. Even if there is a gap in strength between the two sides, we can easily defeat the strong with the weak.

Appreciating tasima, who was shown as an Indian girl, Zhang Cheng asked with a smile, "what are you going to do next?"

"Plan?" the priestess\'s face showed a trace of melancholy and soon shook her head gently. "For more than a thousand years, the world has changed so much that I need some time to adapt. Before that, I believe you don\'t mind having multiple followers around you? After all, I can\'t find a second person I can trust except you."

"Oh? Do you want to be with me? I have to say, it\'s not a good idea. Because I\'m not a safe person. I often face all kinds of hostility and trouble. Are you sure you want to put yourself in danger?" Zhang Cheng deliberately made his tone sound uncertain.

Obviously, he didn\'t want the unknown stranger to stay with him until he saw each other\'s real body.

"Don\'t worry, I\'m not afraid of danger and trouble, but also very good at solving them. Besides, don\'t you want to know more about the secrets of the Inca Empire? I can provide you with a lot of clues about the sleeping gods and their hiding places. Believe me, there are countless things you are interested in in in this vast rainforest." Tasingma leaned down and stuck it in Zhang Cheng\'s ear, whispering seduction.

The Priestess is not a fool. She can feel the vigilance and strength of the young man in front of her.

After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to break into the city of gold and kill the goddess Bachu.

So in order to win trust, she knows that she must take risks, at least through long-term observation to confirm Zhang Cheng\'s character, and then decide whether to ask the other party to help break the solid cage.

After thousands of years of imprisonment and torture, she has become vigilant and dare not give too much trust to strangers for the first time.

"What if I\'m interested in you?" Zhang Cheng suddenly stretched out his right hand without warning, grabbed tahima\'s smooth chin, and the aggressive light burst out of his pupils.

"It\'s my pleasure!" without saying a word, the priestess directly took off her thin skirt and showed the Indian girl\'s naked and slightly green body.

She acted so boldly that she felt no shame or embarrassment at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Cheng smiled involuntarily, shook his head while laughing and explained: "no, no, no, I think you misunderstood something. What I\'m interested in is not the body you occupy, but the real body you\'re imprisoned. I\'m very curious about what kind of power you have, which makes those gods reluctant to kill you."

"Ha ha! Don\'t worry... Don\'t worry, strong man. I\'ll give you the answer one day in the future, but not now. Now I just want to relive the happiness of women. Shouldn\'t you meet my little wish?" tasima hinted meaningfully.

"Sorry, madam, although I really want to meet your little wish, the problem is that time is not allowed. An uninvited guest just walked into the hotel half a minute ago. If there is no accident..."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Zhang Cheng finished his words, the door of the room was knocked.

"Boss! A guy who calls himself Iger Hamilton wants to meet you. He says he is your friend. In addition, all the men I arranged to watch around were attacked by unidentified people. According to the other party, they were knocked out." Yelena\'s hurried voice came through the crack of the door.

It was obvious that the rapid decline made her so nervous that she forgot what kind of person she was loyal to.

"Let him wait for me in the downstairs hall! Don\'t panic, this guy is not an enemy, at least not yet." Zhang Cheng ordered without thinking.

In fact, from the moment this semi vampire entered the hotel gate, he had been discovered by his more and more powerful perception.

What he couldn\'t understand, however, was that the old guy who was secretly controlling the United States came all the way to Peru to do something.

You should know that although Latin America cannot get rid of the influence and control of the United States in economic, military and political aspects, the power of the South American Supreme Council in the underground world is not weaker than that in North America, but stronger.

In particular, the Iberian Peninsula was under the control of Arabs for a long time, so the supernatural forces integrate the very ancient and mysterious contents of the Middle East and North Africa.

After Spain\'s independence, these people who mastered the mysterious forces were not expelled, but absorbed by the local supernatural forces and became the first pioneers to set foot on the American continent.

In the later wars, they seized a large number of precious manuscripts and knowledge from the Inca, Maya and Aztec civilizations again and again, and gradually formed a unique system in the South American continent.

In contrast, North America is far from so lucky. When the Supreme Council was established, there were few objects that could be plundered and integrated.

More interestingly, the South American Supreme Council has always been difficult to deal with the ancient European Parliament. Unlike the North American Council, which has a close relationship with Europe and often cooperates together.

"I smell the fallen! Are you going to see this monster who feeds on blood?" tasima wrinkled her nose and showed an expression of disapproval.

Obviously, her senses towards vampires are not good at all, and can even be described as disgust.

Zhang Cheng shrugged his shoulders and retorted: "Don\'t be so narrow! I told you that the world has long become the supremacy of interests, and race, skin color, good and evil, gender, belief, beauty and ugliness are not important. As long as a person can bring me enough interests, even if his hands are covered with the blood of innocent people, it doesn\'t matter. I will still be very happy to welcome him with open arms."